Chapter 235 NO.11 Sugar Cane 7
When Song Dachuan arrived in a hurry with the villagers, Xiashan Village had already reached the entrance of the village.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

He frowned as he looked at the dark crowd behind him.

Although the two villages have a good relationship, they brought so many villagers over without even saying hello. This attitude is not very friendly at first glance.

The other party cupped his hand and said, "It's so sudden. I'm sorry, Brother Song. It's really an urgent matter. Alas!"

He looked like he was speechless.

The villagers behind him all rolled up their sleeves in anger.

"Uncle Zhang, tell them more, rush in and snatch them out!"

"That's right, I have never heard of my father-in-law coming to take the bride away just after we got married, and dare to hurt others. Do you think that the men in our mountain village are all kinds of cowards!"

"Don't agree if you don't want to get married! You took the money and then regretted it, why don't you pay the money back!"

"If your Baishan Village doesn't give you an explanation for this matter today, we in Xiashan Village will never give up!"

"Compensate! You must pay! Make an apology!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person in my decades of life!"

Everyone in Xiashan Village was angry.

The fool's family, with bruises and noses, took the opportunity to complain, "... barge in and take away my daughter-in-law who just walked in without any explanation. Can I agree? You are all mothers-in-law. How can you agree? He will do it." Beating people, pity my son, he is a fool, what can he know, and he was beaten like this."

Everyone saw that the fool's face, which was originally white and fat, was now even more swollen, with different colors of green and purple, like a big white steamed bun that had been left out for many days and had clusters of mildew spots.

Spicy eyes.

And a little gross.

It was already dark when Song Shi went to the fool's house to cause trouble, and only the people in the village who knew about Daya's return were nearby. Hearing the other party's condemnation, Song Dachuan and the villagers behind him felt their faces get hot.

is shy.

If what the people in Xiashan Village said was true, then it was natural for them to come here early in the morning.

After all, the Song family is indeed in the wrong.

The villagers finished singing and blushed. Uncle Zhang looked at Song Dachuan and said, "We are here to resolve this matter. It would be best if we can resolve it peacefully. Our two villages are adjacent to each other and we have always had a good relationship with each other. It’s really inappropriate to have a falling out because of the slightest conflict.”

If you have anything to do, just sit down and talk slowly.

There is always a way to satisfy both parties.

Besides, the fault of this matter is not their Xiashan Village side.

They are well-founded and fear nothing.

Song Dachuan secretly cursed 'old fox' in his heart, but smiled modestly on his face, "That's how it should be."

no way.

Who told the Song family to be in trouble?

You're so good, you're running to rob someone!
So what if you're a fool? It's not like you didn't know beforehand. If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. This is a last-minute kick, dragging both villages into it.

The two parties walked toward the Song family in a mighty manner.

The Song family is also making trouble.

Yes, there was a commotion early in the morning.

Except for the eldest son and the children, no one in the family slept well. When they woke up in the morning, their eyes were black and blue.

Song's mother was already so angry that her eldest son took away a lot of good things in the dark last night. When she got up in the morning, she stepped on a chicken bone in the yard, and the anger that had been building up all night exploded.

"Damn it! Steal my wife's chicken to eat! Unfilial son! The one who will be beaten will have a short life! The one who will be stabbed a thousand times."

All kinds of cruel words were outputted one after another.

Song Shi couldn't stop it even by covering his ears. He felt it and finally confirmed that Yuan Zha was indeed the biological son of Old Man Song and Mother Song.

Can't sleep.

Just get up.

Several girls had woken up early, but no one made a sound.

Da Ya hugged her youngest sister and patted her gently. Xiao Ya nestled in her arms and sucked her fingers. Her face was sallow and skinny. When she saw him looking over, she quickly buried her head.

"Get up."

After receiving the order, several girls hurriedly got up from the floor.

Sanya pulled the two little ones and stood aside obediently, while the older Ya and Erya quickly put away the floor mats.

Song Shi took out the remaining food from the cabinet last night and said, "Eat before going out."

This time, no one hesitated.Eat it generously and cherish it, giving you a sense of grandeur as the last delicious meal.

"Father, you eat too."

Song Shi looked at the small piece of snack in Da Ya's hand with disgust.

The gap between the teeth is not enough.

He waved his hand and said, "When dad goes out in a moment, close the door and bolt it securely. Don't open it for anyone to come. It has nothing to do with you. Take good care of the sisters."

Daya bit her lip, her eyes filled with tears, "Dad, if. If it really doesn't work, I'd better go back."

"What are you going back for? You only have one life. It's a big loss to be tied to a fool. The key point is that all the benefits go to your uncle. What do you get? You get the sentence 'Uncle will never forget you in the future.' What kind of nonsense is this? It is completely empty talk. It seems to have said everything, but when I think about it carefully, I have said nothing and promised nothing." When he said this, he looked annoyed, "Scholars love to use these conspiracies. I love to play these tricks, your father and I are stupid and have never turned around. Your brother-in-law said that, and your grandma scolded me again, and sang along with me with a red face. The singing made my head buzz, so I was fooled by them. When I arrived, I thought I could really enjoy the blessings with your uncle in the future."

"I was thinking about you the day before you got married, and I felt something was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong."

"I feel very uncomfortable."

"You got married the next day, and my head hurt so much. When I went to return the tables and benches, I heard someone talking, saying that if your uncle really gets the exam, he will never have a niece who marries a fool. .”

"It affects your reputation too much."

"It also affects the marriage."

"Your father and I gave birth to you girls, and even your mother has remarried. I am really of no use to your grandparents."

"Oh, except for work."

"If your brother-in-law needs it, our family can be driven away at any time."

"I have put in so much effort to get a daughter, but in the end I ended up with a miserable end. What am I trying to do? Isn't my life miserable enough?"

"I thought about your brother-in-law's words carefully again, and the more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt. Da Ya Er Ya, do you still remember what your brother-in-law said?"

Da Ya nodded.

Erya blinked and said, "My uncle said that when he is admitted as a scholar, he will definitely not forget the efforts of my eldest sister."

Sanya also said: "Grandma said that my uncle is the hope of our family, so I asked my eldest sister not to forget our roots."

Si Ya bit the candy cake and said, "My eldest sister got married and my uncle hasn't come back yet."

Wuya: "Ah, Baba, Baba." It's so delicious!

Song Shi concluded: "This is the art of talking. You won't forget. What do you mean you won't forget? What will happen next? What will you do after you don't forget? Is you going to be beaten to seek justice? Give Duoduo money as compensation or put you in jail?" Da Ya came back to find a good family and remarried, but your brother-in-law didn't say a word." He said with a sneer, "I won't forget one sentence, who cares so much that you won't forget it, I hired a daughter just for you. Don’t you forget this sentence? I won’t do it because I won’t get any real benefits. Besides, I never cared about it, so how can I forget it? I don’t think your brother-in-law regards you as his biological niece. "

"I used to treat your father and me like an old scalper. That's because your father and I have no ability and no son. I can't bear it. I just have a lot of strength. Labor and management have plenty of strength. Don't be afraid! Now they are eyeing labor and management's daughter. , the five girls of Labor and Capital, starting with Da Ya, will the next four be sold for money? This is the blood of Labor and Capital, no matter how disgusted by Labor and Capital, they are not beasts."

"Just sold it like a beast."

"Is the blood of labor and capital so cheap? Is labor and capital so cheap?"

"Labour and management won't do it."

Da Ya was thoughtful.

Erya seems to understand but not understand.

Three Ya, four Ya and Xiao Ya all looked confused.

Song Shi: "Did the roast chicken last night taste good? Did it smell good?"

Several girls said in unison: "It's delicious!"

Song Shi: "Do you still remember the smell?"

A few girls: "Remember."

Erya Sanya added, "I will never forget it in my life."

Song Shi: "What happens next? You won't forget, I know. What happens next?"

A few girls: "."

Confused, then?What else then?I've finished eating.

Just, I will never forget the taste.

What else can they do.

Song Shi: "Hey, you are like that roast chicken."

A few girls: "."

Understand in seconds.

Really understand it instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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