Chapter 240 NO.11 Sugar Cane 12
Mother Song was so angry that she felt dizzy.

"Boss, do you really want to make me mad? Do you really want this family to break up?"

The person being talked about had a confused look on his face: "Mom, why are you angry again? What's the reason?" He then said, "Why did our family break up? Not everyone in our family is dead."

They will only disperse when they are all dead.

Isn't that what it means when a family is broken up, a man is killed, and a wife is separated from one another?

Obviously everyone is at home now, okay, mother, what do you mean by that.

Mother is very bad.

You cursed everyone.

Mother Song: "."

"Boss!" Old Man Song stood up suddenly, "Why are you talking!"

"Do you even know what you are talking about?"

In case those superstitious things hear it
He hurriedly pouted at the ground, "Don't be surprised, don't be surprised. If something bad doesn't work, it's a good spirit. If something bad doesn't work, it's a good spirit!"

After chanting a few words, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he looked up at Song Shi, he saw him lowering his head and asking Da Ya something.

Da Ya's cheeks were red and swollen and she shook her head.

The eldest brother's lips tightened into a straight line, he glanced at the second eldest brother expressionlessly, and strode into the house without even a glance as he passed by.

Old Man Song's anger surged, but he suppressed it again.

Very annoying.

The boss is completely out of control now, but he is too old to control or beat him.

It doesn’t make sense!
Look, let’s just say one thing, he’s waiting with a bunch of nonsense, and it’s so annoying that people don’t even know what to say!
I'm so bored!
How could this be?
Could it be that Da Ya really went too far and made him feel resentful?
However, before he could think clearly, a very loud and miserable cry suddenly came from the room. The sound pierced his heart like an arrow, making him jump unconsciously. He was still unconscious. When he realized it, his body was already running towards the place where the cry came from.

In Song Er's room.

Song Jiabao covered his face and cried at the top of his lungs. He looked at his uncle, who had always been silent and weak, with horror in his eyes. He never thought that one day such a person would dare to hit him.

"You, you, my parents will never let you go! I want grandpa to beat you to death! Beat you to death!"

he growled.

The young man's voice was full of harshness.

Song Shi slapped him again with his backhand.

Song Jiabao:
Now I don’t even dare to cry anymore.

It hurts. It hurts like hell!
Old Man Song came over and saw this heartbreaking scene, "Boss!"

It was really tearing out his heart!
His eldest grandson!
Both sides of the face were so swollen!

When Song Jiabao saw him, he felt that he had a backer. He rushed over and cried, "Grandpa, he hit me, he hit me! Beat him to death! Beat him to death!"

Old Man Song hugged his eldest grandson and felt extremely heartbroken. At this moment, he just agreed, "Okay, grandpa will kill him to avenge you! Let me vent your anger!"

"Grandpa wants to be beaten hard!"


"I want him to die and be eaten by wild dogs!"


Song Shi was speechless.

Forget it.

If you are happy to talk to yourself, then feel free to do so and not accompany me.

When Song's mother and Song Er's sister-in-law heard Song Jiabao's cries in the yard, they didn't care about Song Er. They ran out quickly and were shocked by the two big slaps.

"Song Da, how dare you!"

Song Er's sister-in-law's eyes were red, and she rushed over with her teeth and claws open.

Song Shi dodged sideways.

She didn't give up and was a strong mother. When her son was beaten like this, she wanted to kill the culprit.

Song Shi: It’s not over yet, right?

The red potato in the pot should be almost cooked.

He impatiently kicked the woman who was rushing towards her in the stomach.

Sister-in-law Song fell to the ground with a cry.

His face turned pale with pain.

All the second bedrooms fell down.

Song Jiabao didn't dare to cry anymore.

Song Shi looked back at them and said, "Whoever beats my daughter, I will beat his son."

Song's mother shouted angrily, "Jiabao is your nephew. He will provide for you in your old age. How could you do it?"

Song Shi: "Then Da Ya is still the biological niece of the second brother and sister. How could she do it! As for what mother said about sending her to the end, forget it. I don't dare. I'm afraid. The second brother's son has no regard for me, an uncle." I have no respect for Da Ya and the others. He beats and scolds at every turn, beats me to death even if I open my mouth or shuts up, and even wants me to be dragged away by wild dogs after death. I am not blessed to have such a nephew. I am afraid that I will be beaten to death before I die that day. Packed with rat poison and sent away."

Song's mother: "." "It's better for the second brother's family to keep these poisonous snakes. I'm afraid of death."

Mother Song screamed, "Boss, Jiabao is just a child. How could you tarnish his reputation like this? If word gets out, what do you want him to do in the future!"

"Mom, please teach him well. If he doesn't speak well, can he blame me? He's fine at home now. If he really offends noble people by opening his mouth outside, our family's lives won't be enough." Song Shi retorted. .

Mother Song: Sooner or later, labor and management will be pissed to death by this damn idiot!
Old Man Song hugged Song Jiabao and felt exhausted both mentally and physically.

Song Jiabao bit his lip, "Who told you to hit me!"

Labor and management will scold you!

Is it wrong to scold you?
Song Shi shrugged, "Who told your mother to beat Daya? If your mother doesn't beat Daya, I won't beat you."

"How can a girl like Da Ya compare with me? I am the eldest grandson of the Song family!"

Song Shi curled his lips, "I'm still the eldest son of the Song family. Isn't it appropriate for the eldest son to beat his eldest grandson?"

Song Jiabao: "You don't even have a son!"

"Then I am still the eldest son of the Song family." The status of the eldest son cannot be shaken.

The labor and capital are two years older than your old man, and your old man's second son will be the second best for ten thousand years.

Song Jiabao: "You will die without a son!"

In the Song Dynasty: "Lao Zi's five daughters all came to the house as brides. Lao Zi has no sons, but Lao Zi will have a lot of grandchildren."

Labor and capital are not afraid!
Then he glanced at his unfilial nephew with contempt, "Are you sure you can have a son? Maybe you won't even be able to marry your mother-in-law."

Song Jiabao: "."

The more the two talked, the more outrageous they became.

The boss is nothing!
Jiabao's mouth really should be taken care of.


Old Man Song interrupted them, his majestic gaze fell on Song Shi, "Boss, you have gone too far today!"

Song Shi opened his eyes wide, "Where did I go? Dad, don't talk nonsense, I was forced to do this!"

Old Man Song was so angry that his liver ached. He only regretted that he didn't have a cane in his hand.

"Forced? Who forced you! You were the one causing trouble from the beginning to the end!"

From picking up Daya back, falling out with Xiashan Village, then going to dig red sweet potatoes in the fields, and finally...
These are all your fault!
Song Shi was even more innocent, "Who told me not to give me food! I'm hungry. This is not a time of famine. I have nothing to eat, so I can't go find it on my own? Dad, do you think I'm your son? Are you satisfied if you starve to death? It's just two handfuls of red sweet potatoes. I grew them all, so why can't I eat them?"

As he spoke, he felt aggrieved, "For two handfuls of red sweet potatoes, you beat me up. Then can I push my second brother away? Can I beat him back?"

"Which one of these was my fault?"

"Obviously I didn't do anything, I just fought back."

"Speaking of which, if you and my mother hadn't insisted on marrying Da Ya to a fool, these things wouldn't have happened. I would still be the good son who worked hard and expected my nephew to feed the rat poison. Going forward, in fact, I What kind of book should I go to study? What's the situation of our family? How can we afford him? Study for him and see how much trouble the family has made. He's good. As soon as he comes back, he reaches out for money and takes it and leaves. How can he do it? It’s up to the family to decide whether to sell the niece or not, whether the niece is dead or not. I think the Taoist priest who came to the house to ask for water must have had bad intentions. Maybe someone was unhappy with our family and deliberately sought him out to deceive our parents. "

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Old Man Song was so angry that he grabbed something and threw it at Song Shi.

Song Shi hurriedly hid.

Can't be bothered.

Quickly ran out.

While running, he yelled at the top of his lungs, "Dad, you are so angry. You are angry. It is obviously not my fault. If you insist on blaming me, you have never thought about your own reasons. You should find someone to blame." Look for your own reasons. Look at whether you have worked hard these years, whether you have taken good care of the crops, whether you have grown enough food for the whole family, and whether you have given it to your younger brother. It is obviously you who wants to give birth to a younger brother, but you let him I raise you. I don’t have a son and I can’t let my little brother call me daddy! I have to sell my eldest daughter for your youngest son. Dad, I’m not being the eldest brother, I’m being taken advantage of!”

Old Man Song chased after him for a few steps. He was so dizzy that he blocked the wall and threw out the things he caught.

It's better to smash that unfilial thing to death!

Song Dynasty: Already gone.

He was pulling at the skin until his saliva was dry. If he continued to pull at it, the red potato would become cold.

"Da Ya Er Ya, go pack up the sweet potatoes, let's eat."

Old Man Song and Mother Song's blood surged as they listened to Song Shi's cheerful shouts outside.

Sister-in-law Song was filled with grief and anger, "Father, mother, are you just going to watch your eldest brother bully our second wife?!"

Old Man Song: Don’t ask me, labor and management are very tired of being criticized.

I don't want to talk, I just want to be quiet.

Song's mother glared at her fiercely, "Who told you to provoke him and make my eldest son injured!" She hugged Song Jiabao tightly, feeling extremely distressed, "My dear grandson has been wronged, and it's all your mother's fault." No, she caused trouble and it affected my eldest grandson. She is not a good mother or a good person, and we hate her!"

Hearing this, Song Jiabao also glared at his mother angrily, "Mom, why did you hit Daya! It's fine now. Uncle hit me, and you're happy!"

Second Sister-in-law Song was heartbroken.

This nail came from her most beloved son, and it hurt her to death.

Subconsciously: "It's not like I haven't been beaten before."

No, that's okay.

Who knew it would turn over this time.

Did their second wife commit a crime of Tai Sui?

Song Da has completely changed since Daya got married. Could it be that he has been possessed by an evil spirit?
(End of this chapter)

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