Song Shi asked Daya to put all the red potatoes in the pot and take them away.

Sister-in-law Song stood by the ear door and endured it for a long time. Seeing that no one paid attention to her, she couldn't help but taunted her, "Brother is so majestic, causing such trouble in the family!"

He got a blank face from the other party, "Did I make trouble? No, there was just a small problem between the brothers. Hasn't it been resolved?"


Sister-in-law Song even laughed angrily.

How shameless!
Is that a solution?It was obviously you who unilaterally solved the second family and two immortals!

He turned around and glared at the man standing far away, winking at him.

Song San yawned.

Obviously he doesn't want to go through this muddy water.

It has nothing to do with him, so why go and fight him.

Since Da Ya came back, the eldest brother has been in a very wrong state, as if he doesn't care about anything, he is fearless and his fighting ability is beyond the limit. Even the old man's precious grandson dares to touch him, so he should stay away.

"Don't be afraid, third brother and sister, I won't hold a grudge."

He laughed.

What to remember?

Is he crazy to occupy his brain cells for such a thankless job for that garbage?

Report any revenge on the spot.

Sister-in-law Song choked to death. She thought she was quick and eloquent, but she couldn't speak to a person who couldn't speak more than three sentences a day.

It can be seen that all the clumsy words, clumsy tongue and honest duties are all just an act.

"Brother, won't you send it to your parents?"

Daya walked by. The steaming red potatoes in the bowl exuded an alluring sweetness. The red potatoes were not yet mature and were extremely tender. They were not rough at all when you took a bite. Even the soup was filled with water. Sweet.

Sister-in-law Song's mouth was almost watering.

He snorted coldly, "I didn't expect that my eldest brother would also eat alone!"

Da Ya's feet paused.

She bit her lip and looked at her father, who didn't look at her and said slowly, "So what if you eat alone? Isn't this a fine tradition in our family? There is no need for the third brother and sister to care about such a trivial matter."

He waved his hand nonchalantly, "If you want to eat it, go dig it in the fields yourself."

As for the original scumbag parents, aren’t they angry enough?I'm sure I still have an appetite.

After that he went back to the house.

Song Sansao stamped her feet on the spot, wishing that the ground under her feet would be her eldest brother's face and trample him to death!Trample him to death!Trample him to death! ! !
It took a while to calm down a little.

Thinking of something, his eyes rolled, he walked to Song San and whispered, "Do you think we should go to the fields?" He spoke angrily towards the main house.

Song San glanced at her and said, "If you're not afraid of your parents being angry, just go."

"Big Brother"

"Can you stand up to your parents like a big brother?" Song San asked back, "If you want to go, go. I'll make it clear in advance that I won't be able to protect you when the time comes."

He shrugged.

He has no ability, he admits it, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

If any son in the village can just get ahead of his parents, he will be beaten to death with an unfilial hat.

His eldest brother... Hehe, now he feels relieved and his emotions have been vented. There will be a lot of hardships in the future, and the days of being criticized are still to come.

Song Sansao didn't dare to disturb Tai Sui.

If the eldest uncle dares to make trouble, it is because he is his son.

If his daughter-in-law dares to make trouble, she will definitely be divorced immediately. That bitch Song San will never plead for her!

The relationship between the couple is also gone.

A batch of broken pieces.

Song Sansao went back to the house angrily.

Song's big room.

The six father and daughter quickly finished cooking the red sweet potatoes in two large pots, and finally drank the water. Especially Xiaoya, who kept saying it was sweet. Song Shi left two red sweet potatoes for her to eat when she was hungry.

Xiaoya is the youngest, eats slowly and eats less.

At her age, she can only eat small meals frequently.

When Da Ya was clearing the table, Song Shi said, if anyone hits them again in the future, don't stand there, run away, run away, shout while running, wait until he comes back, don't suffer the loss stupidly, be smart. .

None of the girls spoke.

Song Shi sighed.

Forget it, take your time.

We have been oppressed for a long time, how can we change it overnight?Da Ya mustered up her courage: "I will protect my sisters from getting hurt."

Song Shi: ".Come on."


The road is long and difficult.

After filling my stomach, I felt a little sleepy.

Yuan Zhi's body was severely damaged internally and he didn't get enough rest for a long time. Song Shi's head hit the pillow and he fell asleep in a few breaths.

Snoring loudly.

Da Ya hugged Xiao Ya and whispered to Er Ya, Three Ya and Four Ya, "Dad is tired. Let's not disturb him and go to bed quickly."

if not.

Now my grandma, second uncle, and third uncle all hate their family so much that they go out to attract hatred.

Not sleeping well?

I never slept enough in the past days. I got up before dawn and worked until dark.

The sisters nodded obediently.

Lying down on the floor, your breathing soon became even.

Compared with the peaceful years in the first house, Song Er's side was miserable.

When he took off his clothes, he discovered that his entire right shoulder was bruised and swollen. He grinned in pain when he moved. His wife opened her clothes and saw the big footprint on her stomach. She immediately cried angrily and wanted to kill the culprit with a kitchen knife. I knew my anger, but was finally scolded by him. I was so aggrieved that I cursed my eldest uncle in a low voice to destroy his descendants and die without a burial place.

Song Er: Is it interesting? He had no sons to begin with, and no one to succeed him.

My wife is crying and my son is crying too.

Song Er also wanted to cry.

He still hurts.

Let the second son go to his parents to ask for money, saying that he wants to see a doctor.

Song's mother directly said that she had no money.

But can Song Er believe it?He immediately began to howl loudly, and when he thought of his eldest brother's words about selling his son and daughter for the sake of his younger brother, he almost threw the word "partiality" in his parents' faces.

My heart is extremely sour.

Song Er is indeed miserable.

Song's mother couldn't bear to see it, so she finally took out dozens of copper coins from the house and gave them to him, asking him to take good care of them.

Song Er just listens to this.

Take good care of yourself?
What to feed?

He was not as lucky as the fourth child. When he was born, he met an old Taoist priest who came to ask for water and said good things.

I didn’t expect my parents to actually have money!

Then why did they have to give one tael of silver each for the second and third bedrooms to the fool's family? They obviously didn't get a single copper coin from the bride price.

Clearly, clearly trying to use their money to subsidize the fourth child! ! !

Song Er even felt that a mouthful of old blood was blocked in his throat and could not be spurted out.


How aggrieved!
He had never thought about the value of his parents supporting his fourth son to study before, but now that he wanted to take their money, he was heartbroken.

Song Er asked his second son to ask for a doctor.

Make some medicine, take it and sleep.

On this day, I didn’t even cook dinner.

Only the hot and sweet smell coming from the kitchen in the evening knew that someone had gone to dig red potatoes in the fields again.

Mother Song was so angry that her heart ached.

If this continues, all the red potatoes in the field will be eaten before they grow up.

How can the family spend the winter?

Eat a hammer!

After Song Shi's family was full, they took a few girls out for a walk before returning home.

Wash your face and feet.

As soon as she lay down, Daya suddenly stood up and said, "I forgot to feed the chickens!"

Just get up.

Song Shi called out to her, "What are you feeding me? It can't go into your mouth." He yawned and said, "Look at which one of them fed her."

"Go to sleep and go to the mountains with me tomorrow morning."

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