Mother Song got up before dawn.

I am really hungry!

It felt like there was a cat scratching in her stomach, scratching her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys without feeling uncomfortable.

Had to get up.

The yard was quiet.

The moon was still hanging in the sky. She took out the food for breakfast from the cabinet, locked it with the key, and then stood outside cursing.

"What a lazy boy! It's already dawn and I still can't get up! It took me eight lifetimes of bad luck to end up with you unscrupulous descendants! Didn't you see what time it was? Did you insist that I cook it and feed it to your mouths? That’s it!”

"If you marry well and don't marry, do you have to gnaw all of my old bones clean before you are willing to accept it?"

After scolding for a while, there was no movement.

Mother Song was so angry that she immediately broke down the door.

"Open the door! Damn girl, get out and cook!"

Song Shi stood up, kicked the door, and shouted with red eyes, "Why are you making such a fuss! I can't even sleep well. I keep biting people everywhere like a mad dog every day!" He scolded. Opening the door, without even looking at Mother Song who was stunned by the yelling, she rushed towards Yuan Zha's parents' room like the wind.

Old Man Song was still squinting.

Old people feel less.

He woke up early and was hungry, but he didn't want to remember that it was cold again today, so he wrapped himself in the quilt.

Naturally, he also heard his old wife's nagging voice when she got up early in the morning.

Been used to it for decades.

As I get older, I always dislike silence and feel it is unlucky, so the boss really needs to be beaten.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud noise that scared him so much that his heart almost stopped. Before he could lift the quilt, he saw the door panel of his room falling down.

There was a bang.

Dust kicked up.

Outside was the face of the boss, who was breathing heavily and his eyes were red.

Like trying to kill someone.

"You, what are you doing?!"

"what are you doing!"

"Song Da, are you crazy! What are you doing!!"

Old Man Song was so angry that he stuttered.

his door.
His fingers trembled, his lips trembled, his whole body trembled.

He wanted to scold the boss for being unfilial, scolding the boss for being a son of a man, scolding the boss for being sick, scolding the boss
But those things, which he had already scolded yesterday, were completely useless!Useless!That guy who suffered a thousand cuts couldn't understand the human language at all, and he was full of lies!
I can't beat it!
He also refused to accept punishment at all!

He really had never felt so helpless in all these years and after being separated for so many years. He really had no choice at all.


It is sad that the son is strong and the father is declining.

"What are you making a fuss about? Do you still want to make this family better? Can't you just let me live a peaceful life for two years? Do you want me to die to be satisfied!"

Old Man Song beat his chest and stamped his feet and burst into tears.

What a pity.

Song Shiquan didn't feel any guilt at all. The anger on his face was still there, and his loud voice completely suppressed the other party's accusations, "Dad! Why on earth are you doing! Are you blind! Marrying such a shrew to our family! It's unreasonable!" There are no rules! Make a fuss early in the morning! Do you have to make all the ancestors riot?"

"What if our ancestors are disturbed and Qing Meng gets angry and doesn't protect the family!"

"What if it affects my younger brother's exam to become a scholar!"

"I'm really convinced!"

"The family is noisy every day, and the feng shui is ruined! No matter how good the fortune is, it's been disturbed. What else can we do? The whole family is waiting for death!"

"Isn't this person really someone who wants to harm you on purpose?"

Old Man Song was really confused now.

This this.
Song's mother rushed over and heard what her eldest son had said, which could be described as treasonous. She sat down on the ground and cried loudly, "God is so blind that I gave birth to such a debt collector. In my previous life, I was a child." What kind of evil is this? Oh my God, why didn’t you take me back? Why didn’t you strike that unfilial thing to death with a thunderbolt!”

Song Shi said with a cold face, "My Song family is the one who is unlucky. Maybe it's because you broke the feng shui that your little brother got favored by the Taoist priest. Obviously the second brother and the third brother were not bad when they were young. They were very smart. Maybe our family It’s just three talents in one discipline.”

Now, not even a shit.

empty.When Song Er and Song San heard this in the room, they were stunned for a moment.

Especially the third child.

He froze for a long time.

Yes, everyone in the village said he was smart and good-looking when he was a child. Even now, he is the smart one among his friends.

But his parents never thought of sending him to study.

If he went to study.
Song San gritted his teeth, feeling that his future had really been delayed.

Mother Song was stunned by his scolding.

"I am your mother!" she said sadly.

"Then you can't cause the Song family to fail to honor our ancestors." Song Shi said righteously and sternly.

Old Man Song originally hated his son for causing unrest in the family, but as soon as the words "Guangzong Yaozu" came out, he had nothing to say.

As the old saying goes, a good wife will bring prosperity to the family for three generations, and vice versa.
He glanced at his eldest son, whose face was red and angry, and who had given birth to five daughters in a row, and then thought of his second and third sons, who had accomplished nothing in their late years and could only do nothing but hang out, and he shuddered deeply.

Song's mother was so focused on fighting with her son that she didn't notice his expression.

The curses in his mouth became more and more unpleasant.

Song Shi clenched his fists, but thought in his heart: scold me, scold me more fiercely, how can I just scold me? My surname is Song, and my ancestors are still waiting.

This country woman has no scruples about swearing.

It's yours, your ancestors, etc., you have to cut off your descendants and so on. There's nothing like having a son.
This is all routine.

Song's mother scolded her happily. When she saw her eldest son's face was silent and looked like he was dumbfounded by her scolding, she felt extremely proud and relieved.

You little boy, fight with me for the rest of your life!

But before she could laugh out loud, she saw the dead boy turning to look at the old man sadly, his voice sad and sad, "Dad! You heard it all! Listen to what mother is saying! She is so How could she curse me, the descendants of the Song family, and the ancestors of the Song family? What should the descendants of the ancestors and ancestors think when they are listening to others scolding them underground! There is no peace even after death! Can they have peace? ? Descendants were scolded by a woman every day, until they were so bloody that they couldn't even lift their heads. They were pressed down by a woman, and no matter how good their luck was, they were crushed! Do they have any resentment in their hearts, or have they reincarnated? , listening to my mother scolding them and their descendants every day, do they still have the heart to reincarnate? Our family is full of chaos, do you think the ancestors have long been dissatisfied with our family and have been unwilling to bless us. "

"It's okay if we don't bless you. If so, if our ancestors hate us, then"

People in this era still believe in certain things.

Old Man Song felt cold all over after hearing this.

"Shut up! Shut up!"

He stared at Song's mother, and then his eyes fell on Song Shi.

These two people, these two people he has been fighting against in this life, are trying to kill him!

Old Man Song couldn't take a breath and fainted out of anger.

Mother Song: "Old man!"

Crying on him.

Song Shi retired after his success and said, "I'll go ask the doctor."

just ran.

The Song family was very noisy early in the morning. Someone couldn't help but get up to watch the excitement. He saw Song Da running out and grabbed him, "What's going on at your house? It's so noisy."

Song Shi sighed, "My mother couldn't stand me. She got up before dawn and scolded me. My father was so angry when he heard her scolding me, the eighteenth generation of ancestors of the old Song family, that my Song family's feng shui and luck were ruined. She stopped scolding her, cried and confessed to her ancestors, and finally fainted from anger. Oh, why do you think my mother is like this? If she is not happy with me, she can just scold me. How can she scold my ancestors? My ancestors He is also innocent, he is peacefully resting underground and yet he is scolded, is he unjust or not?"

Some neighbors did hear Mrs. Song curse.

Some people heard him roaring and asked.

"I was so angry and impulsive. I regret it very much."

That person: "."


Song Shi sighed, "My father also regretted it. He beat his chest and said that he should have visited more houses when he got married. It would be great to marry someone who is gentle and polite."

"Oh, no more, I'm going to see the doctor."

After speaking, he ran away.

Eyes exposed to the light of gossip.

What does this mean?
Does Old Man Song regret it?
However, Mrs. Song's mother is indeed shrewd, and her scolding is indeed unpleasant.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if it will have any influence on the future scholar to have such a vulgar woman who speaks dirty words.

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