For a time, rumors spread throughout the village that the eldest son of the Song family was not his biological son.

Most people don't believe it.

But those who spread the gossip are reasonable and sound.

The fact that "Song's mother did not deny it" is enough to explain.

"I'm not just saying this. Someone else was there at the time. They saw it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears."

Everyone: ?
Ah this
If it is not denied, it is probably true.

I didn’t expect that the Song family actually hid such a big secret!What a shock!

Rumors spread faster than the flu.

The Song family didn't notice anything.

They are busy fighting.

The laundry incident that was interrupted because Old Man Song vomited blood was somehow brought up again.

That’s a lot of property!
To put it bluntly, no one in the village has the ability to buy so many in one go.

In the Song Dynasty, it was still the same sentence, no.

And, "I originally prepared clothes for my third brother, my family of six, but who knew that Dabao'er fell into the river and disappeared. What can I do? I can only transfer this debt to my second brother's family. Third brother, if you want some clothes, go to Dabaoer."

He was a rogue.

Song San was angry and vomiting.

Who the hell wants some rags from you? Your employer must compensate you.

With a cold face, he said, "I don't care. Brother, if you can't pay for my clothes, you can go hunting in the mountains and pay for my things."

Song Shi shrugged, "You have to discuss this with Mom. Even if I go hunting, the money will still have to be handed over to Mom for my little brother to hand over for repair."

What's the matter with you.

What's more, when it comes to hunting, do you deserve labor to lift a finger for you?
Labor and management can reward you.

Song San: "."

Sister-in-law Song sneered, "Everyone says that eldest brother is honest, but everyone knows that some people are full of bad ideas when they look at Honest Industry!"

Song Shi waved his hand to express that he was well-deserved for the compliment, "I'm surrounded by a group of people who don't spit out their bones. If I continue to be honest, I should collect Da Ya's body, followed closely by Er Ya, San Ya and others." Compared to you, my bad qualities are nothing, not worth mentioning!"

Sister-in-law Song: "You!"

She cheered, "Anyway, you have to pay."

Song Shi did not flinch: "If you say that, then I have to settle it with you. I have killed so many prey over the years, and you have eaten a lot. Now, spit it out and give it back to me." .”

It's a bit disgusting.

But you cannot use polite methods to deal with disgusting people.

Sister-in-law Song didn't expect that he would even settle old scores. She choked for a long time, her lips trembled, and she couldn't think of a way to deal with it.

Song San pursed her lips, "Brother, the family has not yet been separated. Except for the woman's dowry, everything else belongs to the public house. Our family's food and supplies belong to the public house. There is no such thing as your belongings."

Song Shi clapped his hands and laughed, "I'm full of bad things, so what if you are full of poisonous things? In that case, why are you asking me to compensate? Could it be that the game I hunted was male, and your clothes were like that?" Isn’t that right? A double-standard dog is indeed a dog at all times!”

Song San's eyes widened, "The clothes belong to private individuals."

"Oh, it's your turn and it's private. I've seen it before." He said calmly.

Old Man Song was so noisy that he had a headache.

Doctor Fu asked him to rest, how could he rest like this!

"Stop arguing! It's so annoying!"

He is still very prestigious in this family.

Song San stopped.

Song Shi yawned lazily, his eyes a little sleepy.

Sister-in-law Song made no secret of her dissatisfaction and grievances.

Old Man Song felt stuffy in his heart.

What a useless son!

He was still here, but those who broke up the family in front of him, did they want him to die?

Parents are here, no separation at home!
This is an old saying!

The cause of this incident all started because of the boss, so naturally it was the boss's turn to make up for it.

"I'll ask my family to prepare dry food for you in a while. You can go hunting in the mountains tomorrow. While it's not too cold yet, the animals are still storing food. If you stay a little longer and sell the money, your family will be better off."

Song Shi sneered, his family was richer?Is it related to him?
"You are not my biological father, so I won't listen."

One sentence directly made Old Man Song feel dizzy with anger.

"you you."

His fingers trembled as he pointed at Song.

Song Shi looked at him, "Is that you? I'm the only male in the family? Why don't you ask the second and third brothers to go hunting? Are they more comfortable? What are they comfortable for? I have been hunting for more than ten years, and my eldest son is thirteen. Now, for such a big girl, I haven’t made any new clothes since she was born. All the hunting I did went into the dog’s belly. Anyway, I won’t go, and whoever wants to go can go. This life is not easy for me. What can I do? My life has never been easy anyway. Stay a little longer. Dad, you are really funny. Why don't you go into the mountains and stay for a few days to feel the temperature in the mountains before you say this? Why don't you let me? Your own son should go and stay in the mountains for a few more days."

He said with a sneer, "I'm afraid if I go, there will be no girls in my family when I come back."

"Although it is a girl that I dislike, I still have a few bloodlines. I don't have a son. I am happy to see you at the moment. I am not alone. But if they are gone, what's the point of living alone?"

"Father, don't say that my brothers' sons will raise me. Do you really think so? I think they will send me away early."

"I will not go to this mountain. At worst, my whole family will starve to death and freeze to death." His attitude was nonchalant but very determined.

Sister-in-law Song screamed, "You just threw away my clothes? !!"

"I have no money. As the saying goes, a son pays his debt to his father. If you really want to care about it, then you go to dad. All my things are with dad." He then looked at Old Man Song, "Dad, you can't say I haven’t brought anything to my family these years, so I’m just freeloading.”

Old Man Song's brows were tightened tighter than screws.

"Boss, I just went into the mountains once."

"I" He originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Song San next to him, who looked like he was from two generations ago with a body of fine skin and tender meat, a malicious smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I can go into the mountain."

Old Man Song, who originally thought that he would have to waste a lot of words, had his prepared words stuck in his throat, and even his face and expression froze for a moment.

".You agreed?"

Song San and his wife were stunned for a moment and then became ecstatic.

The smile on his face was warm. "Brother, I wish you could figure it out." He sighed softly, "There is really nothing we can do. We don't have any clothes at home to change."

She reassured him and said that Da Ya and the others would be fine at home.

Song Sansao squinted her eyes and looked to one side, are you okay?Of course it will be fine. How could she, as an aunt, make things bad for them?
It is normal for children to be beaten and punished for disobedience.

Old man Song also made a guarantee.

Song Shi smiled, "However, I have a condition."

"I want my second and third brothers to go hunting in the mountains with me."

Old Man Song:.?

Song San, Song Sansao:? ! !
"Me? I want to go?" Song San pointed at his nose, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"I don't know how to hunt!"

Song Shi smiled half-heartedly, "When it comes to eating rabbits, even if you have the guts, you can't do it."

Song San: That’s not the case.

"Brother, I have never hunted before. I really don't know how." Besides, he has never been into the mountains. Of course, digging wild vegetables and collecting firewood on the slopes when he was a child does not count.

Song Shi: "You couldn't speak when you were born, so why don't you be mute for the rest of your life. You didn't know how to give birth to a son in the first place. Is it possible that your two sons are not yours?"

Don't use your inability as an excuse, as soon as you get there you will be able to do it.

Neither will raw dregs.

Sister-in-law Song was so angry that her face turned red and her neck thickened, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Shy and angry.

Song Shi shrugged, "I'll leave my words here. If we go, we'll go together, or we won't go at all." Then he looked at Old Man Song, "Dad, you can't blame me. This family doesn't belong to me alone. You can kiss it yourself." My son is not willing to work hard for this family. As an adopted son, why should I worry so much? If I don't live well, I won't live well. Anyway, our big house just survives every winter. At worst, the whole family will die together."

"It is better to die than live and suffer."

Song San also looked at Old Man Song, pitifully, "Dad, I really don't know how. You know, what if something happens to me in the mountains?"

Old Man Song hesitated.

He was hesitant.

Then I heard the worried eldest son say coolly, "Oh, dad is soft-hearted and feels sorry for himself. He is his own son. Unlike me, an adopted son who has no father or mother, he is just a poor little cabbage. I also went hunting in the mountains. No one ever cared about whether I had food and drink in the mountains, whether I encountered wolves, black bears, and tigers, and whether I would come back alive. What if I didn’t catch enough prey? It was just a scolding, not to mention how much of the money was spent on our eldest son, but the meat on the table, no, the broth. If the girls took one more sip, it would be as if they had committed a heinous crime. Oh, and it really is. It's not as good as my own, so what's the point of hunting? I'd better go back to the house and lie down, it's so comfortable."

He yawned.

Old Man Song felt like he couldn't breathe in his chest, what an unfilial son!
Unfilial son!
"What an adopted son! What nonsense! You are the eldest son of our old Song family, the biological son of me and your mother!"

After yelling, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that he had treated the boss and his family so badly before that he had such an idea?
But the boss has no son!

The old Song family cannot leave the family business to a descendant who doesn't even have a son!

Doesn’t that mean the roots are broken!

no!Absolutely not!
The Song family is left to the youngest.

Song Shi curled his lips and said, "Father, don't try to trick me into working for this family anymore. I can make my own judgment in my heart about whether you are yours or not."

Old Man Song fell down in anger.

You really got into trouble with this, didn’t you?

You really take it seriously, don’t you?

God, he really thought the boss just complained and complained!

How do you know.
"You are really my biological son!"

Song Shi: "Then I won't go into the mountains and work as a cow or horse for you."

They are both biological sons, why don’t your other sons go!

Treat everyone equally!

"Dad, since you said that I am your biological child, the third brother and sister insisted on asking me for clothes. Dad, you are my biological father, so you can help me return it. This way, no one will have to go to the mountains, and the third brother will not have to die in the mountains. , how wonderful, you can achieve several things with one stone."

His face was filled with joy.

Song San felt a chill running through his body.

Damn it, you really plan to give away your labor and wages!
Sister-in-law Song was also trembling with shock.

Old Man Song:.
I have
Debt collector!

Evil,,, Gusuo, life!

It's a debt!

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