Song's mother came back with a bag of medicine.

She was persuaded by the third child just now, and when she entered the house, she was ordered by the old man to pay the medical fee and get medicine. He also asked her to go out for some air.

The result.

As soon as I entered the yard, I noticed something was wrong.

Quiet, so quiet!
The constant arguments and quarrels for days made her ears buzz and her head hurt. But when she suddenly calmed down, her first reaction was that something had happened.

It was so eerily quiet that it made her scalp tingle.

"Where are the people? Where have all the people gone to me? The yard is so dirty and there is no cleaning! Have you fed the chickens? If my chickens starve to death, look carefully at your skins! They are all chickens If you can’t get the goods in, I’ll be in trouble with you debt collectors for eight lifetimes!”

She completely forgot the old man's repeated warnings and cursed at the top of her voice before speaking.

Song Shi came out of the house and saw Mother Song about to speak when his expression suddenly changed and he became extremely respectful and serious. He nodded behind her and waved his hand, "Yes, my mother is too vulgar and she talks so much." Shit, you won’t come again, right? OK, okay, then you can go, don’t go to the wrong door, you won’t be there!”

It looks serious.

With him like this, Mother Song subconsciously looked back, but there was no one behind her.

The eldest son was still smiling, as if he was saying goodbye and watching the man go away.

The hairs all over Mother Song's body stood up.

My heart is scratching.

Very empty.

He opened his mouth and cursed, "Damn you bitch! Pretending to be a ghost!"

Song Shi raised his eyebrows, "Just because you can't see it doesn't mean others can't see it."

"Then what did you see?" Mother Song was very scared. Could it be those two dead old men and ghosts? They had always loved the boss, and before they left, they even talked about getting a good match for the boss.

I have really treated my boss badly over the years, could it be that
Mother Song's face turned pale.

Yes. Isn’t it?
Song Shi was very happy to see her frightened and smiled so much that he showed his white teeth, "It's the God of Wealth. He is wearing a bright red robe and a red official hat on his head. There is a bright yellow gold ingot engraved in the middle. There is something like this Big, as big as the statues in the temple. He was following you and was about to come in. But when he heard you swearing, his expression changed. He turned around and left, and will never come back again."

Mother Song: "."

"I grass you"

A curse was about to come out but he was holding it in again, not to mention how pretty his expression was.

She quickly turned towards the courtyard gate, clasped her hands, bent down and bowed with a pious posture, and muttered in her mouth, "Don't blame the God of Wealth, don't blame the God of Wealth, the believer didn't do it on purpose."

He also made a promise to offer incense.

Just breathed a sigh of relief.

This deity in the sky was invisible and yet seemed to be right beside her. She was also afraid that if she really offended the God of Wealth, wouldn't her family be doomed?

Damn boss!

play her!

But she couldn't help but believe it!I can’t believe it!

There is nothing to say, except that I regret that I didn’t strangle this heartless man to death with a thousand cuts!

"Just do it every day!"

She didn't dare to curse anymore, spat and walked to the kitchen.

Song Shi shouted behind her, "Mom, my father fainted again. Before he fainted, he said that he was my biological father and I was his biological son." After saying that, he patted his head again, "Why are I telling you this?" Well, you are not my biological mother."

Mother Song is now very calm when she hears that the old man is dizzy.

if not?
She doesn't know how to be a doctor or save people.

It's the serious business to quickly take the herbs in your hand and boil them. There is no point in arguing with the unfilial son here.

Hearing his words, his expression didn't change, "Oh, no, no."

Song Shi: "."

This time he was surprised.

How come this is a failure to recognize the facts and accept the reality?

He shook his head with sympathy, "Then you're so pitiful." Becoming someone's stepmother.

Mother Song walked into the kitchen as if she didn't listen.

Soon there was a bitter smell of Chinese medicine in the yard.

Old Man Song didn't faint for long, and he woke up after taking the medicine. When he opened his eyes, his eldest son's worried face appeared, "Dad, Mom made the God of Wealth angry."


Old Man Song was confused.


Why did you run away so angry?

Song's mother came in after washing the dishes. As soon as she sat down on the edge of the bed, a sharp palm blow hit her. She didn't react at all, and her face was in severe pain.


It took him a while to realize that he had been beaten.

Tears streamed down.

"Old man, what are you doing!"

"What did I do! Why don't you tell me what you did!"

"What did I do? What did I do! I did nothing!"

"You still said! You still said! What kind of bad luck did I have to marry a stupid woman like you? The matchmaker clearly said that you were a prosperous husband. I should have known it."

"Had I known God! I knew there was someone in your heart!"

The two had one of the most heated arguments ever.

Old Man Song spurted out a mouthful of blood, all over Mother Song's head and face. She let out a rapid, high-pitched scream, her vision went black, and she fainted.Both elders of the Song family fainted.

This is really weird, it can only be explained by a bad year.

I don’t know if the scholars of the Song family will be successful in taking the scholar exam this year.

No doctor was asked.

I cooked a bowl of the old man's medicine for Mrs. Song and drank it.

The fifth sister, Daya, came back from digging wild vegetables and put the vegetable basket into the kitchen timidly. Sanya ran over and whispered, "Sister, you... go and see dad."

His expression was indescribable but also revealed a bit of excitement.

Just speechless.

I am speechless at this bad premonition.

Dad, dad, what good things have you done again!

My heart is stimulated by my biological father every day.

"Erya, wash the vegetables and I'll go take a look." After saying that, he dropped what he was doing and ran away.

Pull your legs and run.

When I ran to the backyard and took a look, I almost fainted.

What an old swan!

Dad, are you really sure you know what you are doing?

She covered her forehead.

Look at the chicken feathers on the ground. It's really chicken feathers on the ground. There are faint traces of blood in it. It's so bloody,..., violent.
Are these chickens clucking to offend you? You will kill them!

Dad, grandma will hate you if you do this!
However, all the slanders turned into only one word, "Dad"

Do you hear the complicated tangle in my heart?

Song Shi was plucking hair and raised his head, "Where are Erya and Sanya? Hurry up and get them over here. Come over here and clean these things up!"

He pointed to a pile of intestines, Zijun liver and other things at his feet.

This is all chicken offal. Clean it and fry it with garlic sprouts and sour sea pepper. Not to mention how fragrant it is.

Da Ya turned around with a wooden face and called someone.

Soon, the three girls were squatting by the basin and working quickly.

Two of the few chickens in the house had died. Naturally, she couldn't hide such a big thing. Song Sansao subconsciously wanted to file a complaint and ask her parents-in-law to deal with her eldest uncle.

Song Shi called out to her, "Tell me, are you stupid? You are so stupid!"

Sister-in-law Song: Why did I offend you again?

This lawsuit must be filed. With such a good opportunity, if you don't file a lawsuit, I will be the one crawling underground.

Song Shi looked at her back and shook his head in disgust, "If I were you, I would just wait a moment. This chicken has been killed and must be eaten, but it depends on whose stomach it ends up. I'll wait for two days, little brother." I'm back now, do you think Mom will let us eat it, or keep it for my little brother to make soup to replenish his brain?"

Sister-in-law Song:
The foot that stepped out suddenly stopped.

This, this is true.

The little brother ate two chickens for several days, and a few pieces still fell into their mouths.

The chicken was plucking its feathers, and there was a smell of chicken feces and chicken feathers, but she could smell the fragrance of chicken soup and the tenderness of the chicken from the unpleasant smell.

My stomach is as loud as a drum.

Even during the Chinese New Year, I can only kill one chicken and only stew a few pieces at a time.

Seeing how my eldest brother looks like, we have to finish the stew together today.

Sister-in-law Song returned to the house briskly.

Seeing that she was a little happy, Song San asked in surprise.

Sister-in-law Song sang a tuneless tune: "I found that the eldest brother is quite a good person."

His mouth is a bit poisonous.

He quite enjoys life.

Song San:? ?

Moxi Moxi, did you say it wrong or did I hear it wrong?
Are you exaggerating?Are you exaggerating?
Our two families have been quarreling for an hour. Just before you went out, you were cursing your eldest brother for being struck by lightning!

Why? This is so sudden!
"Daughter-in-law, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Sister-in-law Song gave her a sideways look and sneered, "You'll find out tonight."

at night?

Song San's eyes widened, "If you're not my wife, what are you going to do at night?"
He quickly touched his head

You won't change your color, will you?
"Look at how useless you are." Sister-in-law Song laughed at him, but she really wanted to find someone to share her secret with, so she leaned into his ear and whispered a few words.

Song San couldn't believe it, "Really? Are you sure?"

"This can be fake, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Then I'm going to take a look." He said, getting out of bed, putting on his shoes and running to the backyard.

When he came back after a while, he sighed like a wife, "Brother is such a good person."

Good people should try their best to absorb all the anger from their parents when the time comes.

Those who can work hard.

"My mother will be so angry."

"If you don't scold others, what you eat in your stomach belongs to you. No, I have to call the two boys back quickly. If we miss the meal, it will be a big loss for our family."

Sister-in-law Song ran out of the house.

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