However, the aroma of food cannot be covered up, and Song Shi didn't cover it up at all.

Especially for people who have been vegetarians for many years, they can pinpoint someone nearby who has fried some pork and made a few dumplings, not to mention such fragrant big pot chicken. When the northwest wind blows, half the village can smell it.

I am so hungry that I salivate.

Sister-in-law Song screamed and went all over the village looking for the child. When asked, she said with a bitter face, "It's the eldest brother. I can't persuade him no matter what. The chicken must be kept for laying eggs. How can we kill it for meat?" The New Year is not a festival, and no one has such a way to eat during the New Year! Even if he eats, he also needs to replenish his body. He studies hard and has to take the exam to be a scholar. He is the hope of our family. He deserves to eat well. Yes, it’s the same for us farmers, eating some wild vegetables. I don’t know what my eldest brother thinks, but he kills two at a time. If my mother finds out about this."

She shook her head.

He looked like he was suffering from great hatred and anxious.

As he spoke, both Song Shi and Song Yu were embarrassed.

A salty and spicy fragrance wafted in the air, and she sniffed hard.

"Oh, I have to go back. Let's talk when we are free." He shouted to the child and left quickly.

Can you please hurry up?
Who knows what happened to the chicken.

She had to quickly go to the kitchen and keep an eye on it, so that her eldest brother wouldn't let his dead girls eat.

The figure hurriedly disappeared around the corner.

If Song Shi knew what she was thinking, he would definitely laugh, eating secretly?Hey, what can you do if labor and capital eat it openly? If this chicken is killed by labor and capital, you should kill it if you have the ability!
At this time, the old Song family was already in trouble.

A large group of people formed outside the courtyard.

Everyone said with joy.

The Song family sang on the stage all day long, enriching the boring spare time life of the villagers.


Today there is something new to talk about after dinner.

It was evening, and many people were squatting outside the yard with bowls in their hands.

Is the chicken too fragrant to eat?

How powerful!

It’s time to eat with the aroma!
So delicious!It feels like this tasteless brown rice has a soul!
Someone who is close goes in to break up the fight.

By the way, I took a detour to the kitchen and took a look. I was speechless and scared to death.

Tsk tsk, be a good boy!
Is this a chicken?Is this it?

It turns out that two chickens stewed together can make such a big pot!

Long insight!

After living for most of my life, the loess has been buried up to my chest. I really saw it!

Big deal!A big deal indeed!

No wonder Song's mother was angry. They couldn't, couldn't think, couldn't imagine how to beat the unfilial son to death in order to avenge the chicken. Oh, wrong, it was a pain in Yi Jie's heart.

Prodigal son!

Someone else advised Song's mother, "Kill them all, stew them all, and the chickens won't come back to life no matter what. It's a foregone conclusion. You just have to accept it. You might as well eat a few more pieces of meat later."

This is true.

But Mother Song was unwilling to accept it.

How could she be so willing?

When I first smelled the fragrance, I murmured to the old man whether it was sick to kill chickens and eat them because of their agelessness. As it turned out, it was her eldest son who was sick.

Can you imagine how she felt when she ran out to watch the excitement only to find out that the excitement was her own?

all stupid.

The boss raised the knife and dropped it, and the chicken's head fell off, with his eyes half-opened. How like she was at that time, helpless and pitiful and unable to change.

"Two of them, two big ones! Kill them all!" She sat on the ground, beating her chest and mourning. Unknowingly, she thought her son was dead.


Even after her death, her son was not so painful and sad.

Sometimes people really can't compare to animals.

Song Shi held a spatula in his hand and looked at Yuanzha's mother in bewilderment as she kicked her legs and acted wildly, "It's not a hen, and it can't lay eggs. It wastes food when feeding it. It's good to kill it and eat meat. Don't you still think about it, mother?" Do you want to care for them until they die?"

Song Mu:.
other people:

I don’t know who couldn’t hold back laughter.

Then there were subtle squeaking sounds, and then the sound of trying to endure it.

Even the aunt who pulled Song's mother to persuade her to relax turned her face to the side and showed a bright smile. She quickly adjusted her expression and glared at Song Shi, "You kid, you are going to be a grandfather in a few years. Why?" What you say is so out of tune!" What kind of old age care is this?

Haven't you seen your mother's face turning blue with anger?

Song Shi opened his mouth wide.

An expression that looked struck by lightning.

When, when the grandfather.
Damn, he's still a baby, what kind of grandfather is he?

Song Ganzhe, who had never suffered a loss at the hands of the Song family, was speechless in the hands of an aunt she didn't even know.

When the man saw this, he thought he had heard it.

He went to persuade Song's mother again.

Song's mother refused to obey and kept making troubles. She also knew that making trouble was useless and the chickens would die, but if she was asked to just let the boss go, she wouldn't do it!

The boss has done something wrong and must be punished!

He must be blamed!
Song Shi spread his hands, "Look, I can't help it, and I didn't mean it. Every day at home, one or the other said that I have no son and no one to take care of me until I die. These four words are in my mind every day, and I don't know why. Yes, it suddenly jumped out.”

The aunt was also speechless.

To put it simply, the Song family was already full of bad debts.

I have exploited the boss so much that I am not happy about it now.

The cows are required to work, beaten, scolded, and not fed. Over time, the cows will either die of exhaustion or run away, but it is usually the former.

Song's mother cried and howled, insisting on keeping the chicken to replenish her youngest son's health.

He said it was hard for him to study.

Song Shi was even more confused, "Aren't there chickens in the backyard? Mom can just kill them when the time comes."

Hanhan smiled and said, "Chicken is still delicious when eaten fresh."

Mother Song almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Who doesn’t know this!
What do I care about is whether the chicken is fresh or not? It’s the meat that you don’t deserve to eat!

Are you worthy?

What have you done to this family? You deserve to eat meat!
Eat grass!

The eldest son worked hard in the fields, harvesting food for the whole family to eat and drink, and selling prey for the younger brother to study. In the end, in Song's mother's heart, he had done nothing.

What they eat is food grown in the fields, and their younger son's education is money saved by the family's hard work, and has nothing to do with Song Da.

And raising his five losers.

The eldest son is really a drag, preventing the family from living a good life.

The meat has been cooked.

The firewood burned vigorously.

After a while, the soup started to boil, bubbling and fragrant.

He added some more vegetables to it.

Close the lid.

Standing in front of the stove, she said to the angry Mother Song, "Mom, you only have your little brother in your heart. Think about dad. Do you think I am just doing it for myself? I am doing it for dad! You made dad so angry, I was so angry that I vomited blood, my father’s body, my father’s body.”

His eyes were genuine and sincere, "Just let dad have a good meal."

"You have a second brother, a third brother and a fourth brother. Without father, you still have a son, but I am only a relative like father. I can't just watch him. Look at him."

He turned around and said, "You didn't even eat a good meal."

I choked up.

Theatergoer: "."

So, what kind of magic melon is this?
According to Boss Song, Old Man Song is about to die?
Haven't heard of it.
No, no, Doctor Fu has been to the Song family several times in the past few days.

Maybe this person is old, I can't tell.

Also, what does it mean to have only one relative?Is it possible?
When Old Man Song was helped out by his third child, he heard the old man crying loudly and saying that he wanted to eat well.

He would love to eat something good.

But, isn’t your tone a bit wrong?

He said it as if he was about to die.

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