Brain supplement is poisonous!

Old Man Song was so angry that his face turned blue.

"Unfilial son! You are going to make me mad!" He held Song San's hand tightly, his thick nails digging into the flesh, causing Song San to gasp in pain.

"Dad! Dad! Don't get excited! Don't get excited!" It hurts me to death.

Old Man Song pointed his crutch at Song Shi, "Listen to what he said!"

Song Shi looked at him blankly, "What did I say? Was it wrong for me to say that I would give Dad a good meal? I was being filial. Do you want me to say that Dad, you are a country bumpkin who has never made any contribution to Zhao Guo in your life? Zhao Guoduo you No more, no less, you still eat chicken, do you want a hammer? Or, dad, you really don’t want to eat it. If you don’t want to eat it, I’ll kill all the chickens and stew them all.” He curled his lips, “Then you go back to the house and rest. It just so happened that Da Ya and the others came back from digging wild vegetables, and I will cook them for you in a while."

"It's true, Dad, you can't get enough of wild vegetables in your whole life, and you don't know how to enjoy good things even if you have them."

After speaking, he whispered in a low voice: "Dad, you said you don't eat chicken, why are you raising chickens? Could it be that you really plan to raise a nest of chickens for them to take care of until they die? The point is, all the chicken food and everything comes from my girls. I'm doing it, and it looks like the big girls are waiting on me. I'm still here, and if they want to be filial, they must also be filial to me. What's the point of being filial to the chicken? It's better to eat it."

Old Man Song fell down in anger.

My head feels dizzy again.

Take a deep breath.

Doctor Fu said to rest, rest. Huh, don't be angry. Don't be angry.
The faces of everyone watching the excitement turned dark.

So this is the real reason why you kill the chicken, right?

Sentence by sentence.
I have never seen the boss of the Song family talk incessantly before.

Song's mother jumped up and refused to let go.

No matter what, I don't agree with eating chicken tonight.

If she wants to eat, she has to wait until her precious little son comes back.

Song Shi's face was expressionless, "Mom, you are really a good and filial mother to my little brother. I think of him everywhere. He is your son, the second and third brothers, right? Bao'er and Hao'er are not your grandsons, right? You Do you still want to support your little brother until he is old?"

Everyone: .
Anyway, you can’t get rid of that four-character meme today, right?

Return 24 filial piety.
Song Da, you must have said the opposite.

"Shut up!" Old Man Song yelled, covering his chest. His cold gaze swept across Mother Song. Mother Song was about to act up, but she had to hold it back.

His eyes finally fell on Song Shi.

His eyes were complicated, and after a while he lowered his eyes and said, "We don't usually have much meat to eat at home, and we have almost raised these chickens. If we continue to raise them, we will starve and lose weight. It's good to eat, and the whole family can take advantage of it."

Mother Song couldn't believe it: "Old man."

Frightened by his sharp look, I didn't dare to have any objections.

The villagers watching the excitement smacked their lips.

Both envious and distressed.

Two whole chickens, what a delicious meal it must be, it would be worth dying for.

But asking them to kill two chickens and eat them is absolutely unreasonable and they would be reluctant to do so.

To be honest, who doesn’t have a few chickens?

I wonder if I can bear to part with it.

"It will be ready in a while. Scoop out a separate bowl for your little brother to keep."

After Old Man Song finished speaking, he returned to the house.

Just like the boss said, things are already like this, what else can be done.

Just go with the flow.

Besides, it was indeed too fragrant, and he wouldn't be stupid not to eat it without leaving the cooked chicken.

Allowing the eldest son to continue talking will only make the villagers laugh. His mouth won't let him get what he wants, and there's no telling what else he will say to ruin the younger son's reputation and ruin the family's reputation.

Even 24 filial piety was mentioned.
If word spreads, others will mistakenly think that the fourth child is unfilial to his parents and disrespectful to his elder brother. Instead, he wants his parents to respect him and his elder brother will suffer a lot. Haha, with such a reputation, he will not need to take the scientific examination.

Forget it.

Hey, let the old lady watch it more closely, and then watch it more closely.

Song Shi ignored it.

You scooped out a bowl alone, thinking of something good, but I never heard you say that Song Yu got something good to share with the brothers.

Still eat meat?

It's no longer busy, but the people outside the yard haven't dispersed yet. It's so fragrant that if you take another sip, it's worth it.

Song Shi waited for the time to find Song's mother to get rice for cooking.

Mother Song stared at him with red eyes, the hatred inside almost turned into substance.

Song Shi blinked.

这 是
It's just two chickens, why does it feel like it's driving people crazy?

No way.

What about the pattern?
Mom, you are the mother-in-law of a future scholar. What is your plan?Is this all you have?Your pattern is not good.In the future, if the scholar's mother cannot open up the situation, will it affect my younger brother's exam? Hahaha~~

"Rice and local chicken soup are a match made in heaven. They can't be split even with an axe. Chicken soup without rice has lost its soul. Mom, everything is gone. Do you still care about that bit of rice? How boring. Think about it, the fragrant and thick chicken soup is poured on the tightly cooked rice with distinct grains, stir it with chopsticks, and every grain of white rice is covered with chicken soup and soaked in the chicken soup. , the aroma permeates, and after one sip, your mouth is filled with the delicious aroma of chicken soup, and the pieces of rice seem to be dancing in your mouth with joy, cheering, and jumping for joy. After eating the hot chicken soup and rice, you feel the satisfaction that comes from the inside out. .”

"Give it to him! Give it to him!"

Before Song Shi could finish speaking, Old Man Song banged his cane and shouted.

He didn't want to yell.He had to yell.

If he continues to talk about that unfilial son, he will be salivating!

Mother Song did not refute this time.

He opened the cabinet with the key and scooped out two large gourds of white rice. When Song Shi saw her digging for it, he grabbed the gourd gourd and scooped out two full gourds before leaving with the basin.

No matter how many people there are in this family, the little rice is enough to eat a hammer.

Mother Song's face turned green.

But he didn't curse again.

In Song Dynasty, when he put the rice into the pot and put it into the steamer to steam, he thought it was almost done, but he just wasn't sure if the taste was good enough.

I scooped out a chicken drumstick and tasted its saltiness.

Very hot to the mouth.

But I have to say it’s really delicious and fragrant!
Da Ya Er Ya's eyes were straightened.

One chicken has two legs and two chickens have four legs.

As a rule, the best things in the family are left to my brother-in-law and grandma, followed by my two uncles, then my cousins, then my second and third aunts, and finally.
However, they were only surprised for a moment and then looked away.

it's nothing.

Even if they say it, dad will not change it.

Grandma and grandma can't even talk to Dad, so what else can they do?

It was finished in Song Dynasty.

He took out a big bowl and put vegetables into it according to Old Man Song's instructions.

It's all meat.

He stuffed a piece into each of Da Ya and Ya's hands, "Eat quickly."

Two people: "."

Food is only safe and yours if you keep it in your stomach.

Don't care about being hot.

Da Ya covered her mouth and watched her father put chicken legs into the bowl one by one. She also heard what he said just now and thought that he left them for her uncle.

I was relieved.

It seems that dad still thinks about his uncle.

Then grandma should stop scolding dad.

Soon, a big bowl of chicken was ready, which was solid and delicious.

Song Shi left with the bowl in hand.

When I came back, I was empty-handed.

Seeing his two daughters looking at him without blinking, he said, "Put it away."

Da Yaer Ya: "." That's good. That's good.

The rice is steamed and the chicken soup is cooked.

Song Shi had just poured water and was about to wash the pot when Song Sansao rushed in and said, "Stop!"

She is extremely fast.

After squeezing Song Shi out of the way, he asked Daya to light the fire quickly, and when the water in the pot boiled, he carefully took out a bowl and filled it out, blaming Song Shi for being too wasteful.

"This still tastes like chicken soup. It's drinkable." You loser!
She originally wanted to take the bowl directly to her room.

Gritting his teeth, he took out a small bowl and stuffed it into Daya's hand, "Don't say I'm a solitary eater, there's only so much."

Da Ya was stunned.

He looked up at Song Shi.

Song Shi had a headache. Hey, this is pot water. How can I drink it?

".There will be chicken soup for you later."

"Dad, this is delicious, it tastes like meat."

Song Shi covered his forehead and nodded in confusion.

So the two sisters happily drank it one sip at a time.

Da Ya actually wanted to call in three Ya, four, and Xiao Ya to share it together, but wouldn't it tell everyone that their family was running a small stove in the kitchen.

Anyway, he had reserved a large bowl, so even if the three little ones didn't eat it now, there would still be something to eat in a while.

Clean the pot, pour oil, heat it up, add onions, ginger, garlic, sour sea pepper and sour ginger, then pour in the chopped chicken giblets and stir-fry, the fire will explode, and the aroma will be overwhelming.

Load it up!

Not that he wanted to cook.

It's been a few days since I came to this world. Really, today's meal is not easy. If I let others do it, I'm afraid I won't even be able to chew the chicken bones.


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