Song Yu stood at the door, pursed her thin lips tightly, and shouted, "Mother."

Mother Song pulled him to look up and down, feeling heartbroken, "My son has lost weight again. Is he studying too hard? He must be tired from the walk. Go to the house to rest quickly. We will have dinner soon."

"Well, I'm going to see dad."

"Go ahead, it's just that your father's son is ill and has only recovered in the past two days. In such a hurry, he actually forgot that you have a rest today." She felt very guilty.

What kind of brain is this!

It has been unshakable for more than ten years!

After eating meat for a few days and living a life full of fishy meat and oil, I completely forgot about my sweetheart!
The key is, my son is still hungry.

But she didn't remember to leave any meat for Yao'er.

"Da Ya!" she shouted, then paused, and went to call her second son's daughter, Chun Yu, "Come out and light the fire! If you go to bed so early, you have to see if you are lucky enough!" She looked at the third son's family tightly closed. The door of the room was even more furious, "You are a house full of lazy people. I was blind before I let you in. You eat nothing, push back everything you do, and take advantage of you all the time." , a proper white-eyed wolf!"

She just finished speaking.

There were crackling sounds of beatings in the house, followed by the sound of women scolding men, men and women scolding each other, and soon, the sound of children crying.

It was very lively, as if I was competing with Mother Song in the ring.

Song's mother was so angry that she fell down.

She greeted the third daughter-in-law's parents at the door with her waist in her arms, threatening to send her back to her parents to teach her again. Only when there was silence inside did she leave with her head held high and satisfied with her victory.

You little boy, fight with me for the rest of your life!

In Old Man Song's house.

Song Yu moved a stool and sat beside the bed, with his back straight. He lowered his eyes, covering the disgust in his eyes, and answered his old father's questions in a soft voice.

He has listened to those words for more than ten years.

It’s nothing more than how well you’re studying, whether you can keep up, how you’re eating, how many days to eat a meal of meat, how many steamed buns are there, whether the porridge is thick or not, etc.

He said it all.

This room has no ventilation.

In addition to the unpleasant sour smell of old people, there is also the smell of urine.

no way.

Getting up late in the winter is a big problem.

In rural areas, a toilet is usually placed in the house and cleaned every few days.

Over time, it will come naturally.
Old Man Song didn't hear the perfunctory tone in his tone, nor saw the alienation in his posture and movements. He just thought that his younger son had developed a bookish attitude, etiquette, rules and filial piety along with his master.

Compare it again to those big guys in the village who pick their feet, tsk, what a difference!
No matter how you look at it, he is outstanding.

"Xiao Shun, how sure are you about your fate, Master?"

he asked.

Song Yu frowned when he heard the nickname.

Seeing this, Old Man Song had an annoyed look on his face, "Dad said it quickly, said it quickly. Fortunately, there are no outsiders at home. Don't worry, Dad will remember it. I will definitely not call you wrong again next time."

Sigh inwardly.

Xiao Shun sounds so nice.

The moral is also good.

Xiao Shun has been successful since childhood and everything goes well.

It sounds the same as 'filial piety'.

This is also his selfish intention. Every time he shouts, it is like reminding his younger son to be filial.

But Yao'er didn't like it, saying it was too vulgar. If his classmates heard it, they would definitely laugh at him. He also said that any word a scholar should choose should be found in ancient books. It should be beautiful, have a good meaning, and be elegant. It cannot be vulgar.

Doesn't this mean that the name he chose is vulgar?

no way!
I can’t beat the kids!
If you don’t shout, don’t shout!

When the younger son becomes a parent official, having such a nickname is indeed quite derogatory to his dignity.

He reassured her again and again, and Song Yu's face became better, and she replied, "Master said that I have always worked hard and read the classics well, so it won't be a problem for me to play. However, I am weak and I'm afraid I won't be able to survive those two days." He sighed, " Every year, many people fall ill on the court, and even some die from illness. My parents can't support me enough to study, and I also hope that I can succeed so that my parents can enjoy all the honors."

As he said that, he smiled again, "That's just the worst case scenario. Maybe I can get through it smoothly. Don't worry, Dad."

How could you not be worried.

The situation at home cannot withstand the devastation of the 'worst case scenario'.If you fail the exam, it means you have to study for another three years and come back three years later.

Not to mention that the younger son was already in his twenties and had to face the big event of getting married. The grandchildren were getting older and had to get married. The house at home was not enough to live in and had to be expanded. Just those three years of self-cultivation were for the wife. Boxing Day, these are not small sums.

There is no problem in using the whole family's efforts to provide for the younger son.

But what to do with the rest!
If the grandson doesn’t get married, the house won’t be built?

This definitely won't work.

What's more, now the boss is rebellious and unhappy.
The darkness before dawn is so damn dark!
"At that time, I will think of a way to ask your mother to make you a thick cotton-padded jacket, and prepare a pot of cold-repelling soup for you. It will only take two days, and it will be over after a while." With a serious look on his face, he said, "Sir Now, after more than ten years of hard work, I am finally coming out, so nothing can happen to you, the hope of our family for generations depends on you."

Song Yu: I want to scold my mother!
You haven't given anything to me yet!
Just say it with your mouth, who can't say it?

He said a few words casually, and just as he was about to propose going back to the house, he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked, "Dad, isn't Daya married? Why is she at home?"

And it doesn't look like returning to her parents' home.

Not to mention that the fool's family would not let her back easily. Even the old Song family and the village had no reason for a married girl to spend the night at her parents' house.

How is this going?

During this time, Song Shi was going crazy at home, and the whole family was tortured to death by him.

Thinking of Da Ya's incident again, Old Man Song felt as if he was in another world.


Daya oh, daya ah.

He was sick and was dissatisfied with Daya, a loser, except for the day he came back, and he never cared about it again.

When her younger son mentioned it, he said lightly, "On the wedding day, your eldest brother took her back."

Song Yu:! ! !

"Brother picked it up?"

Old Man Song nodded. It had been a long time since the incident, and the bride price had been paid back and the money had been paid. The matter was over, and he didn't want to say anything more.

Nothing to say, boring.

But Song Yu didn't think so.

His face turned red with anger, which was particularly conspicuous on his already fair skin.

"Brother, how could you do this?"

"The orders of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, and the good marriage between two surnames are all made by the heaven and the earth. Breaking the contract for no reason is not the behavior of a gentleman! If Da Ya's reputation is ruined like this, how can she marry in the future? "

"No! I have to go find brother to reason!"

"Da Ya must be sent back!"

"Da Ya must not stay at home!"

As he spoke, he stood up angrily and strode towards the main house.

Old Man Song realized what he was doing and hurriedly stepped on his shoes to chase him out, not even bothering to put on his clothes.

While chasing, he shouted, "Yao'er! Yao'er! Don't be impulsive!"

Impulse is the devil.
No, impulse will throw a handful of devils at you!

He shuddered as he remembered the pain of being dominated by his boss's spiky mouth.

Faster on feet.

The youngest must be stopped.

If he really gets sick due to the boss's anger, no, depending on the boss's urine, it is very likely that he will start fighting directly. Oh, well, there is no need to worry about playing or anything, just book it three years later.

However, the goose was still a step too slow after all.

Song Yu stood in front of the door of the big room, her face turned green with anger, and she banged the door hard.

"Brother! Come out! You have the guts to do that and the ability to come out! My parents can tolerate you! I can't! Let me put it down, you must send Daya away today! Our Song family will never let this happen A divorced woman who returns home!"


For example, when Ping's mother came to find trouble, she was even more aggressive and slapped.

(End of this chapter)

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