Old Man Song hurried to pull her away, urging her while he was pulling her, "Da Ya will come back as soon as possible, and the bride price has been paid back. After so many days, the fool's family may have already found a new home."

So this matter has been settled long ago, and there is nothing more to say.

What else are you making!

Go quickly, the boss will come out and punch you until stars appear in your eyes.

During this period of time, Old Man Song felt deeply about the changes in his eldest son but was helpless. The eldest son was rebellious, selfish and domineering, unreasonable and unruly, and he would not show mercy just because the youngest was a scholar.

He is not even polite to his sister-in-law and does not care about the woman's reputation. What is he afraid of!
Let’s go!hurry up!

The old man was used to farm work, and his strength was not comparable to that of Song Yu, a weak student.

Song Yu was dissatisfied.

"Dad, why are you pulling me here! It's obvious that my eldest brother did something wrong. There is no reason in this world for a woman to be taken back after getting married. What is he going to do! Has he ever thought about the reputation of the Song family and who will be the one in the future? If you dare to get married to our family, who will trust our family? Don’t pull me away, I want to ask eldest brother, what do you mean!”

He pulled Old Man Song's hand hard.

The two of them were shouting at Song Shi's door.

Song Shizheng was distressed because it had been cold for the past two days and he couldn't go to the village to eat after eating. He was also very bored lying on the bunk. The girls were well-behaved, but sharing a room with him, a grown man, was not very convenient.

But there is no way.

There is only one room per room in the Song family's courtyard, and any more are gone.

It seems that the right thing to do is to move out as soon as possible.

Ruping's mother came outside.

He turned over and his eyes were shining.

The light frightened the big ya, [-] ya and [-] ya.


Very worried.

My uncle is back, the little emperor of the old Song family is back, it’s so scary.

Every time my uncle comes home, he has to eat clear soup and water for a long time. Then my father will go to the mountains for many days. There are bears and wolves in the mountains. At the beginning of this year, in order to collect money for my uncle, my father bought new clothes. I was chased by a bear and stayed in a tree for three days. When I got home, my clothes were torn and my legs were covered in blood. My skin was dry and cracked. I was so thin that there was only one breath left. I even scolded my father and said, Dad has no ability. If he really had the ability, he should hunt that bear back.
The last time my uncle asked for money for a relationship, my grandma married my eldest sister.

this time
Daya bit her lip, so scared.

Dad, can you resist my uncle?

So scared.

Song Shi looked back at them and said, "Close the door and go to bed."

Several girls:.
The two younger ones are fine.

They are still young and don't remember things, but their father is not fierce these days and protects them. He also prepares delicious food and all kinds of delicious food to prevent their cousins ​​from snatching it, so that they can eat well.

Children are like this, whoever gives them good food is the best.

There was a crisp response.

Climb into the quilt, lie down, and close your eyes.

Da Ya, two Ya and three Ya looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes.

How can I sleep peacefully?

Simply incomprehensible.

Dad persuaded his uncle not to argue with him, but the result was not good for them. They might have to go back to the past and be married to a fool or a widower or even an old man older than dad in exchange for money.

Dad just got up, and he couldn't help but quarrel with him arrogantly. My uncle and grandma would definitely be angry.

Very angry.


But they will not be affected. Well, being criticized and scolded by the family is not a grievance at all.

It's better than marrying randomly.

It doesn't matter if I hide under my father's wings and never get married.

Thinking about it this way, it's still... well, dad, you can do whatever you want and it's fine to express yourself freely.

Song Shi opened the door and closed it behind his back amid the complicated and helpless looks in the three girls' eyes.

"What do you want from me?"

He yawned and almost burst into tears. He looked surprised and said, "Brother, are you back?" Old Man Song's heart sank, what a surprise!
Song Yu didn't think too much, and took the opportunity to break away from her old father's iron-like hand, and walked quickly to Song Shi, her face covered with ice, "Brother, you shouldn't have brought Da Ya back!"

Song Shi lazily said, "Then I'll take them all back. I'll take them back a long time ago."

How are you doing?

Song Yu: "If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. A woman will obey her father at home, and her husband when she gets married. Brother, you haven't read a book, but you should understand these principles. If you are really doing it for Da Ya, you will do it for the rest of the family." Hello girl, come with me to the fool's house tomorrow, apologize to them properly, talk nicely to them, for my sake, they should agree to let Daya go back."

In the room, Daya felt chills all over after hearing this.

Her teeth trembled.

She just felt that in so many winters in the past, her uncle's words had not made her cold.

Erya held her hand and said, "Sister, your father is here, don't worry."

Daya nodded heavily, "Yes, I trust you dad."

I really hate my uncle!
I really hate him!
I really wish he died right away!

Song Shi looked confused.

When Old Man Song saw his familiar expression, he knew it was going to happen early.

The next second—

"Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog? But aren't those pigs and dogs chosen by you, my parents and my little brother? My Daya is a human being and a good girl. How could she marry a pig or a dog? My brother, you are Daya's biological uncle. , you didn’t protect your niece, but pushed her to the pigs and dogs?”

"I finally brought Da Ya back, and you asked me to send her back again. I want to ask my little brother, what do you mean, don't you want to see our father and daughter? When people become uncles, they have to pull out the family members. , you are better off, wishing you could trample us to death. I have been working hard to collect money these years, and I have come up with a cold and cold enemy. How can Daya live a good life in the second half of her life if she marries such a family? When I become a high-ranking official, I will take Da Ya back and provide for her."

Song Yu was a little confused by his words, and subconsciously said, "When a woman gets married, she must obey her husband."

"Bah! In other words, even if you are rich, you won't help me Da Ya! My Da Ya should be bound to that damn idiot for the rest of her life! She should have to suffer for her brother-in-law's five taels of silver tuition all her life. You have to suffer and be tortured to death! This daughter of Labor and Capital was born for you! Little brother, little brother, you have such a good plan. You said those sweet words to coax us, saying that you will never forget us in the future. They are all lies. They are all lies. You want to trick us into working for you!" Song Shi interrupted him, rolled his eyes and said disdainfully.

Song Yu frowned.

He was speechless.

Did he make a mistake?
He's not okay!
He can't write two Song characters in one stroke, and he has a bright future. Even if he does nothing, others will fawn over his brother, sister-in-law, and nephew for his sake.

This is the current reality.

Scholars are highly respected.

"Brother, don't be so messy! If you bring Daya back, what will she do in the future? Who will she marry? Who else can she marry besides a fool! Don't be confused!"

Song Shi's face was expressionless, "That was also your fault. Who asked you to pick a fool for her?"

Song Yu: "." Isn't that a high gift from a fool's family?
Do you think your daughter is so marryable?

He got angry when he said this.

My daughter was not raised well, not to mention her young age. She was also thin, small, and black. She huddled in the corner like a rat in the gutter and shrank when people saw her. It was difficult for her to have children at first sight.

It took him a lot of effort to find a fool's home.

Brother, has your brain been bitten by a dog?
"They all worshiped heaven and earth!"

"Then Heaven and Earth didn't say anything against it when I brought her back. Otherwise, little brother, you ask God and see what he says."

Song Yu: Labor and management really don’t make sense to you.

He turned to look at Old Man Song for help, "Dad!"

Old Man Song gave him a helpless look, and there was no way he could call him daddy.

Dad still has to tolerate him.

All for survival.

Instead, he advised him, "Song Yu, you are about to enter the stage. Don't delay your studies because of these trivial matters and affect the exam."

Song Yu pursed her thin lips tightly, "Dad knows that I am the most upright and can't tolerate a grain of sand in my eyes. I will never be able to calm down and study until Da Ya's matter is resolved."

Old Man Song:.
It's so annoying!

What to solve!

Obviously, Daya's matter has been settled long ago, and everyone is happy. Both parties have already become enemies and have stopped communicating with each other, so there is nothing left to solve.

Villages on both sides have acquiesced in this solution.

If we really go to the fool's house to apologize before sending Da Ya away as you said, then wouldn't our Baishan Village be inferior to Xiashan Village?

The village chief couldn't agree either.

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