Song Shi also refused, "Dad, my little brother said that my Daya and your granddaughter were a grain of sand in his eyes. He still spent the money from selling my Daya. Even a white-eyed wolf is like this. He really surrendered him." Can he really remember my kindness as a big brother? I don’t believe it, I don’t want to support him anymore.”

"If I turn out to be a wolf, you won't be able to bite me to death!"

I don't do it!
"Boss!" Old Man Song scolded, then regretted it. He subconsciously looked at his eldest son's face, took a deep breath, slowed down his voice, and tried to be as gentle and loving as possible, "That's not what your little brother meant. Forget it, it's getting late. You go first." Go in and rest, I told him.”

After saying that, he directly dragged Song Yu away regardless of his dissatisfaction.

Song Shi shrugged.


I hope you, old man, can explain this stupid, corrupt and self-respecting scholar. Oh, I'm sorry, he's not a scholar yet.

It's just sour.

Into the house, to sleep.

Old Man Song's hand was so strong that it hurt Song Yu's wrist.

"Father, what are you doing!"

He threw away his hands and rubbed them vigorously, "How dare brother talk to you like that? If he still cares about you as a father, you don't care, father!"

Old Man Song's face was blank.

Do you think labor and management have not taken care of it?
No one in the family wanted to get that traitor back, but in the end
Can't afford to be hurt.

Continue to advise, "You are a person who wants to do big things. Don't let such trivial matters at home hold you back. It's not worth it. And don't conflict with your eldest brother again. He is a country man who doesn't know a word about big things. He will never do it in this life." The only option is to stay in this mountain, but you are different. You can study and have a bright future. You are the golden phoenix in this mountain. When you fly out, you will be honored in the hall."

How great.

Song Yu was not happy, "Big brother's move is really against the rules."

Old Man Song waved his hand, "Boss can't even write his name so he doesn't know the rules."

He opened his mouth and shot back.

Song Yu: "."

I was stunned for a while.


father!Are you still the dad who loves me the most?You actually spoke to Big Brother!
Old Man Song didn't pay attention, and continued, "Da Ya is just a girl. She is not worth worrying about. If you can't get married, it's your elder brother's business. Listen to dad, study hard, concentrate on exams, don't worry about her. No more minding family matters."

You can't control it.

What do you care about?

I am his father, occupying the top position of filial piety and public opinion, but I can't even get the slightest favor. You are the younger brother, and now you have to rely on your elder brother to earn money and take the imperial examination. What qualifications do you have to take care of it.

As for the boss's unforgiving mouth, he is really afraid that you will be so angry that you will vomit blood.

He was so cruel that he even scolded himself.

Song's mother came in with soup noodles and also persuaded, "Yeah Yao'er, you didn't know it in the academy. Your eldest brother is no longer the dull and honest man who couldn't beat a fart with eight sticks. He is very powerful." Now, your father is so angry with him. I don’t know him yet. He just hates us for being partial, hating us for being so devoted to your education. He also told the village that he is not our biological child. Who in the village doesn’t laugh at our family’s jokes now? Don't laugh at our family behind our backs." The more she spoke, the sadder she became. She wiped her tears and said, "I made a mistake in giving birth to him and raising him. Why did he not have that fate? He can't study. If he could, I would provide for him!"


How could he have such a big family fortune!

"What! My eldest brother did this to my parents? No! I'm going to ask eldest brother, I want to reason with eldest brother!"

Saying that, he was about to rush out.

Really angry.

Then, isn’t that treasonous!

Treason!You are a son of man in vain!

"Stop!" Old Man Song also had a headache. He finally persuaded his younger son to stop temporarily.


"Don't listen to your mother! How your elder brother treats us is our business and has nothing to do with you. Your mother and I will naturally know how to deal with it." Then he glared at Song's mother, "Why are you telling me this when you have nothing to do? He can point out Did you make the boss?"

Song’s mother: That’s true.

"I, I just complain and complain."

"What's there to complain about?" He lowered his voice, "The boss just blames us now. If he also blames the youngest and stops hunting for money, what can you do?"

Mother Song stared, "I dare you!"

"See if he dares! If he doesn't want to go into the mountains, who can force him to go? Even if he is forced into the mountains, if he doesn't go hunting and says he can't hunt, who can do anything to him."

Song Mu:.
I really can't take this breath.

Old Man Song turned to look at his younger son, "You're tired too. Come eat and rest."

Song Yu pursed her lips.

"Dad, are you just going to let me do whatever you want?"

"Don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself." Old Man Song didn't want to talk about his troubled eldest son anymore. He felt exhausted when he talked about it.

Song Yu saw this and stopped continuing.

Dad is right.No matter what happens to the eldest brother, he and the eldest brother will be people from two different worlds from now on.

Today's humiliation and hardship are just for the sake of soaring into the sky in the future.

He took over.

His eyes glanced inside.

There was a large bowl of white noodles, with stars of oil shining in the soup. A fried golden egg lay on top, and a few green vegetables could be vaguely seen.

He picked up the chopsticks and picked at it.

There is solid white flour underneath.

As usual.

Mu Xiu did not provide dinner in the academy that day. He had been hungry for a long time after walking all the way, and the smell of noodles and eggs rushed to his nose.

He ate.

There is no need to be shy about devouring food.

Therefore, there was no rest to see the guilt in the eyes of Old Man Song and Mother Song.

They had been eating meat for the past few days, but they had forgotten to leave it for Yao'er.

Song Yu finished her meal quickly and even drank the soup. She handed the bowl to Song's mother and said, "Sorry, mother."

Song's mother felt even more guilty: "What's the trouble? I'm your mother, and I should take care of you."

"I don't know how many years of cultivation I have been blessed with in my previous life to be able to be the son of my parents." He opened his mouth.

It made Mrs. Song's eyes widen and her smile became more kind.

Even Old Man Song really laughed.

To be honest, it's not like this for them. It took them several lifetimes to get such a filial and well-educated son from their youngest son.

A father is kind and a son is filial.

Mother Song's face was as bright as the spring breeze, "You go back to the house and rest for a while. I'll ask Chunyu to bring you some water. You can wash yourself well."

"Thank you ma'am."

Song Yu bowed his hands.

Mother Song accepted it with a smile.

Song Yu opened the door to her room and put her book bag on the desk.

He flicked his fingers.

He frowned when he saw a thin layer of dust on his fingertips.

Chunyu came in with water and whispered, "Uncle."

Song Yu looked back.

He raised his chin and nodded slightly as a greeting.

no way.

He was studying in his youth and lived at his wife's house for almost a year. When he came back, he only talked to his parents. He was really not familiar with these nephews and nieces.

Chunyu put down the basin and went out.

He washed his face.

Soaked my feet again.

Only then did the whole person feel alive.

"Spring rain! Spring rain!"

He originally wanted to call her Daya, but he had always been called Daya, but he felt that his unmarried niece was too unlucky, and he was afraid that the bad luck would affect him.

Chunyu ran in furiously, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

Song Yu: "Make my bed."

Chunyu: "Okay."

She opened the closet and took out a piece of ragged cotton wool to spread on the bed.

"Wait!" Song Yu hurriedly called to her, her eyes full of surprise, "Is this paved for me?"

Chunyu was a little confused and looked at the bed. It was indeed very shabby.

Not worthy of being a brother-in-law.

But, this was indeed taken out of the cabinet in this room.

Song Yu's face was tense and she walked out quickly, "Mom!"

Mother Song, who had just moved to the upper bunk, was still not relieved:.
(End of this chapter)

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