Mother Song really wanted to get drunk.

"Yao'er, is there anything else? It's getting late. Go to bed quickly. Mom will prepare something delicious for you tomorrow to replenish your appetite."

So if nothing happens, go back.

More revealing.

I really don't want to get up again.

If you come here a few more times, this old body will be unable to bear it any longer.

Song Yu stood outside the door, "Mom, there are no quilts in my room."

He would never admit that the lifeless piece of tattered cotton was for him.

How unworthy!

Mother Song's mind is groggy, quilt?What quilt?Why is there no quilt?The youngest's quilt was specially made in town from cotton she had saved for a long time. Whenever the sun was nice, she would take it out to dry in the sun. It would become fluffy and soft, and the warm smell of the sun was unique to the family -

Jump up violently.

Damn that quilt!
She completely forgot that the two quilts in the youngest's room were taken away by the boss!
She has been eating meat very well recently, and the house has been quiet and quiet for a long time. She even forgot that the youngest came back today, and how could she remember the quilt in his room.

At once.
In this case, you have to get up.

Song's mother resignedly put on her clothes and shouted, "Go back to the house first, mother will be there soon."

What's the use in the past?

She couldn't make a quilt.

The boss is really too much, why must he steal the youngest's things?

"Old man, old man"

He pushed his wife, who was already asleep.

Old Man Song opened his eyes in confusion, then closed them again the next second, and asked in a confused voice, "What's going on?"

"The boss took away the quilt from Yao'er's house. Now it's not covered. Tell me what to do."

Old Man Song was so sleepy that he woke up.


"Quilt, Yao'er's quilt!"

Song's mother emphasized it twice and told him what happened.

no way.

Really forgot.

He was so angry that he was lying in bed and feeling groggy. He couldn't think of these things.

"Then hurry up and ask the boss to return the quilt!" Old Man Song urged his wife.

Mother Song didn't move.

Dress slowly.

Old Man Song: "Hurry up, we'll be freezing soon."

Mother Song glanced at him with dead eyes and said with a dull face: "Do you think you have to come back? If it were you, would you be willing to take out the things that have been put into your pocket?"

If you were to put aside the previous boss, these things never happened.

Old Man Song was silent.

"What should we do? We don't have any extra quilts at home!"

The farmers are very poor.

Cotton is rare.

One quilt per room is already very good.

Mother Song put on her clothes and gritted her teeth, "I'll go find the boss."

This is the only way.

Song Shi: No, this is not the case.

Get a quilt?
He looked at Mrs. Song who made the request at the door and yawned, "Mom, are you kidding me? Why did my family freeze to death if you took away the quilt? No wonder, you are not my biological mother. It's not your son or granddaughter who froze to death, so how could you care?"

"But you don't care, I do!"

"I don't want to die."

"Mom, you are in charge of everything in the house. Your own son is back, so you can figure it out on your own. There is no reason to take things from the hands of your original wife's son, and you are not afraid of being poked in the back."

Mother Song held back the anger in her chest: "Boss, please don't mess around. What you took was the quilt in your little brother's room. You were allowed to use it to the limit before. Now that your little brother is back, you should return it."

"Then the money that my brother earned from studying for so many years was earned by me from hunting. If mother wants to settle the score, she should first calculate how much money he should give me back."

Song Yu listened in the room.

Hearing this, he really couldn't bear it. His pride as a scholar made him have to fight to the end.

"Brother, I really can't agree with this!" He came out of the room.

The second and third bedrooms nearby were all lying on the door, especially the third family, who had been extremely unhappy with the first bedroom during this period and could even be said to have made a feud. Their eyes were full of gloating, their fists were clenched, and they were extremely excited.

Fight up fight up!

Beat to the bone!
Better get the damn boss family out!Let them all die outside this winter without a place to live or food to eat!

He spoke solemnly and looked upright, with his hands behind his back. He was only 17 years old, and his face was still a bit immature, but he was beginning to show his majesty.

He looks like the future head of the family.

But Song Shi opened his mouth in surprise, "I agree? Little brother, why do you say such things? You are not a dog. What are you like?"

Song Yu was so angry that her face turned red.

"Brother! It's not that dog! It's the dog who wants to be rich but never forgets each other!"

Song Shi was still at a loss, "Aren't they all dogs? Do dogs have different breeds? I have only seen one kind of dog in all my years, which is the native dog in the village." He frowned in disgust, "What kind of dog is rich? Don’t forget, dogs can still be rich? So what if a dog is rich? Doesn’t it still have to eat shit? Why should a dog get rich and invite a whole village of dogs to eat shit with it?”

Song Yu's face turned dark.

When I was partial to Song Dynasty, I asked Song's mother if she was.

When Song's mother thought about that situation, she quickly shook her head in disgust, which was so irritating to her eyes.

Advised my precious Yao'er, "Don't worry about whether the dog is rich or not, that's the dog's business. Ayu, you go back to the house first, and Mom will bring you the quilt in a moment."

Song Yu's eyes bulged, and he was so angry that he was speechless.

Fluttering his sleeves, he said angrily, "It's true that you are playing the harp to an ox, but rotten wood cannot be carved!"

Song Dynasty: "Where is the cow?"

Song Yu: "."

It kills me with anger and it kills me with anger!

Could it be that the legendary scholar encounters a soldier and is unreasonable?

Got it!
Song's mother pushed him towards the house.

Song Yu refused, brushed her hand away, and looked at Song Shi, "Brother, don't be so messy. I don't recognize what you just said. My parents sent me to study, and they also gave me the wedding gift. Money, what does it have to do with you? You have no land and no land. Now you are still living in your parents' house and eating the food grown in your parents' fields. What money do you have to give to your parents? You said I spent your money on studying. It’s nonsense! I won’t admit it!”

The eldest brother said he was the eldest son.

But nothing!

He knows how to farm, but it is his parents' land. There is no such thing in this world as the food he gets from planting other people's land is his own.

Everything in the house belongs to the parents.

He doesn't owe his eldest brother a penny.

Song Shi was also shocked by his shameless words, but since he was usually quite shameless, he accepted it calmly.

"The fields don't need to be taken care of? You don't need to harvest the grain and you can run to the warehouse by yourself? Without me, you go hunting in the mountains to exchange for money. You have the money to hand over to Xiu. Can you have meat to eat every time you come back?"

"Brother, what you mean is that my parents, second brother, second sister-in-law, third brother and third sister-in-law didn't do anything. Do you think all the credit for the family is yours? Oh, do you think I will believe this?" He sneered, obviously not believing it.

Song Shi shrugged, "In that case, there's nothing more to say."

Raw slag is as important to this home as air.

Reflected in all aspects.

But can't see it.

But once it is missing and there is no air, people will know the importance.

He slammed the door shut.

Mother Song was stunned.

Quickly knock on the door, "Boss! Boss!"

However, there was no more sound coming from the house.

She was so angry that she even felt a trace of resentment towards her youngest son, "What do you mean you are arguing with him? He is a rough man, what does he know?"

it's good now.

It's quite a tear in the face.

What if the boss really doesn’t go out to make money anymore because of his donkey temper?

Song Yu smiled and said, "Mom, some people just can't be indulged. They will take advantage of them. Once they find signs of it, they must be cut off immediately."

Mother Song nodded perfunctorily.

Can she still not understand this?
But the boss's symptoms appeared too suddenly and developed too fiercely. They had discovered and suppressed them immediately. Unexpectedly, the symptoms were poisonous and highly poisonous. They were stung. Anyway, it was very sour.

Don't dare to mess with it!
Seeing her mother nodding, Song Yu thought she had listened and was very satisfied.

But, now the problem is.
The problem has not been solved.

Where is the quilt!

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