In the Song Dynasty, they didn't care about quilts or anything like that. If they had them, they would cover them; if they didn't, they would leave them bare.

Anyway, it's not me who is anxious.

Some people are like this. They have their own reasons, are very selfish and stubborn, and refuse to accept any input that is not good for them.

But the world is objective.

It doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist if he doesn’t admit it.

Since the old Song family's treasured lump feels that it depends on the Song family and completely denies the credit of Yuan Zha, the old scalper's eldest brother, then what else is he going to do?

Of course he lay flat.

It seems that Yuan Zha didn't know that his little brother, who had high hopes and sacrificed everything, had such thoughts in his mind. If he had known, he didn't know if he would have stopped his losses in time.

In Song Yu's heart, the main force who did the most to earn money to support his family was the same as the other divers who were bad, no, not as good as them.

At once.
Gee, what qualifications does a person who has been supported by someone who has done nothing but enjoyed everything have the right to give lofty advice and comment on the merits.

It's better to get down and take a beating from reality.

He wrapped himself in a thick quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep means waking up naturally.

Naturally, I don’t know how much suffering the baby of the Song family had to endure, separated by several walls.

Song Yu stayed up almost all night.

Can't sleep!

Although his mother had padded his bed with dry straw, which was very soft, the straw would rustle when he moved it slightly, not to mention that the padding under him was uneven, and the quilt he covered with it was cold, hard, and had an indescribable sour smell. taste.


Excruciating torture!

He had never found staying at home so difficult as this time.

He got up when the rooster crowed.

Waiting to eat.

Waiting to have a good chat with big brother.

The eldest brother did something wrong, and it is his responsibility and obligation as a brother to point it out and urge him to correct it.

Ran goose-

He looked up at the sky and then into the room with the closed doors.
Just, do you usually get up this late at home?

My mother is the most diligent, and she taught her nieces to be very capable. Before dawn, she would have to get up before dawn to cut the grass, feed the chickens, clean the yard, and cook breakfast.
Song Yu waited for more than an hour before he heard the sound of the door opening at dawn.

Mother Song walked out while cursing.


The young man's voice, as clear as the wind, interrupted the curses in her mouth.

She quickly shut her mouth and said with a smile, "Yao'er is up, why don't you sleep more?" Then she scolded the two daughters-in-law, and said to her precious Yao'er with sincerity, "You can't choose between you when you marry a wife in the future. Like a sister-in-law, I need to be careful, open my eyes, and choose slowly. I must choose the best one for you, one who is virtuous and virtuous, worthy of my son's talent status."

Song Yu straightened her face when she heard this, "Mother, don't make a marriage decision for your son easily. This matter is related to his future. He has his own plans."

Mother Song: "."

Eyes widened.

No, what do you mean?
Have your own plans?What do you have planned?

In which family, the marriage of children is not decided by the parents and arranged by a matchmaker? Do you mean that we, as parents, do not need to take care of it?
This is against the rules!
Song Yu was not stupid and explained patiently in her ear.

Song's mother suddenly realized that she had misunderstood her son. She felt very guilty and said, "Mother knows, but you are smart, son. Mother thought you didn't recognize me as your mother."

If a son doesn't want his mother to take care of his marriage, isn't that just because he has opinions about the family?

"Where did mother go? You are my biological mother, how could I deny you?" Song Yu said with a smile.

"Whatever my son wants to eat, my mother will do it."

"Mom makes it as she sees fit. My son doesn't choose. As long as it's made by my mother, I like to eat it."

"Then I'll go have a rest, or go for a walk in the village. I'll have dinner in a while. I'll have someone call you."

Song Yuben didn't want to go.

But I always feel uncomfortable all over, and an indescribable smell lingers.

It’s also a good idea to go for a walk outside to get rid of the weird smell.Song Yu went out.

In this way, Mother Song no longer had to worry about her face in front of Yao'er and started scolding her daughter-in-law at the top of her voice.

The doors to the second and third bedrooms opened quickly.

It's cold in winter.

The cold wind mixed with frosty air hit people's faces. Suddenly, if they breathed it in, the cold air rushed directly into their throats, making them shiver from the cold.

I wish I could sleep on the bed till eternity.

Seeing that the door to the big room was still closed, Sister-in-law Song couldn't help but sneer, "It's my eldest brother's family that enjoys the most happiness. Unlike us, we have to get up early in the morning."

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened.

Song Shi had already put on his clothes.

Without thinking, he replied, "Then what can you do? Who told you to curse me to have no son and let my wife run away? If you have the ability, go tell your mother. If your mother marries me a wife, I will let her get up early and work." .”

Sister-in-law Song: "Some people are really shameless. They want a wife but don't have the money to marry them, so they trick their own siblings into getting her."

"Say it as if you can succeed. If I find someone like you who can't do anything and is the No. 1 troublemaker, I would rather be a bachelor for the rest of my life. What are you doing here? Isn't it delicious to eat meat by yourself? It’s not like my little brother wants to be rich and powerful, so don’t forget us.” Song Shi sneered, with obvious disdain.

"You" Sister-in-law Song was so angry that she pointed at him and scolded him, "You deserve to be unable to give birth to a son!"

Song Shi shrugged, "That's all I can let you attack."

The original dregs would mind, but he wouldn't. It was none of his business. !
No one is perfect.

Sure enough, even though he is perfect, he still has some shortcomings.


It is a fact that he has no son.

You can't just turn into a son on the spot.

Sister-in-law Song thought she had the upper hand in this war of words and smiled proudly.

She has a son, two sons, and she is proud of her.

Song Shi couldn't stand her arrogance.

Rolling his eyes, "So what if you have a son? If you have a son, can he eat meat? In other words, if I dig a hole for you, can I still give you a piece of meat?"

It would be nice not to pick food from your mouth.

Seeing that the other party's face turned visibly gloomy and resentful, he was in a good mood and walked to the yard humming a song, "It's been a long time since I ate a rabbit. I'm going to catch one today."

Sister-in-law Song cried angrily.

Greedy, angry and jealous.

He knocked loudly in the kitchen, and as expected, he was scolded by Song's mother again.

"Why don't you talk about eldest brother! Is he acting like an eldest uncle? Even for the sake of my husband, you shouldn't say that to me!" She covered her face and cried.

Second Sister-in-law Song turned her head to the side and let out a trace of ridicule.

Mother Song was unmoved, "Who told you to provoke the boss? You go and provoke him yourself first. If you want to scold him, why should I stop you? If I stop you, you may still feel that I favor the boss." .”

Of course, I didn't stop you, you weird old lady.

It’s not easy to be a mother-in-law these days.

Therefore, all you need to understand is prestige.

Sister-in-law Song was crying.

He added firewood to the stove as if he was angry, making the pot extremely hot.

The pancake becomes burnt as soon as it is removed.

Song's mother was so angry that she picked up a piece of firewood and hit her.

While beating and scolding, "Damn you, my heart is broken and my lungs are rotten!" He also felt sorry for her overturned pancakes, "My flour is mine."

Sister-in-law Song was beaten several times.

Let’s not talk about the grievances.

He hated Song Shi even more deeply in his heart.

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