Chapter 264 NO.11 Sugar Cane 36
Breakfast was very light.

Wild vegetable noodle soup.

Only a little bit of salt was sprinkled on it, and once you take a bite, your mouth is filled with that bitter and sour taste.

Song Shi's appetite turned off when he saw the green and black lump. This really couldn't be blamed on him. He was a person with taste and requirements in life, and he really couldn't make do with what he ate in his stomach.

This is too much.

There are obviously pancakes on the table
He was not polite and directly took one and stuffed it into his mouth.

The fragrance is quite fragrant.

It's just a little hard and a little salty.

But still acceptable.

He can accept it, Mother Song, no, the people at this table can't accept it.

"Boss, what are you doing!" Mother Song exclaimed.

Song Shi held the pancake in his mouth with an innocent look on his face and said, "Let's eat." Otherwise, he wouldn't look like he was singing an opera.

Eating, who the hell doesn’t know it is eating, but the most important thing——

"Didn't I give you a scoop in front of you? Why do you want to eat the cake baked for your little brother!" That was real white flour. She had been saving it for a long time, and she couldn't bear to eat it. She was just waiting for the youngest to come back and replenish his body. of.

As a result, one was blurred this morning, and now another one has been blurred.

So it’s not easy to eat cake today?

That's all the food in the fields is, and it's even less if you go to town to replace it with white flour. Is such a precious thing something you, a farmer, can eat, is it worthy of eating?

Sister-in-law Song was very happy to see her eldest brother unlucky. She gloated and said with a smile, "Brother, you don't study and you don't have to use your brain. Why do you eat white noodles?"

Song Shi didn't even raise his eyes, "At least I still have a brain. What about you? Do you have one?"

You have a hammer.

Sister-in-law Song: "."

So angry.

After bumping the man next to her with her elbow, Song San was dissatisfied and looked at Song's mother, "Mother, what did you say?"

Mother Song's face was blank.

What can I say.

With your big brother’s mouth, do you think I can talk to him?

Song San looked at Old Man Song again, "Dad!"

"I don't have a problem with giving the cake to the younger brother. He is the only scholar in our family. He has to take the whole family to heaven, so he should eat it. But why does the elder brother have the right to eat it? He has done nothing. What qualifications does he have? I don't accept it. , he is also a son, I want to eat it too."

He said that, but he didn't dare to reach out and take it.

Song Yu's face turned darker.

I just wanted to walk away.

What kind of chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!It sounds awful!As expected, they are a group of uncivilized fools, extremely stupid and vulgar, without any etiquette and rules!

Old Man Song, whose name was called, really wanted to die.

It's just breakfast. Can you live in peace? He doesn't want to deal with these trivial matters at all!

Burn your brain!
"Boss, you can't do this"

I complained to the old woman about what kind of cakes she was baking. Didn't this force the handle into the boss's hands and make the family uneasy? Anyway, the boss was going to the mountains soon, so we couldn't slow down and wait until he left before baking.

I'm so bored!
Song Shi chewed the cake in his mouth and it was a little dry, so he asked Daya to pour him a bowl of water. He looked at Song San with a puzzled look on his face, "It's not just a cake, it's not a rare item. Our family had it a few days ago." I eat meat every day. I still value this. Isn’t it just for everyone to eat? Third brother, you can eat it if you want. Why are you suing me? You don’t really think this is specially made for The little brother is alone. How could it be possible? Have you forgotten? When our family had chicken earlier, my mother scooped out a big bowl and left it for the little brother. That was my little brother’s breakfast. If you don’t believe me, ask your wife, there is absolutely nothing in that pot in the kitchen. Simmering a big bowl of chicken noodle soup or chicken gnocchi.”

Old Man Song and Mother Song:
I want to kill this thing that will die if it doesn't stir up trouble!

Song San looked at his wife.

Song Yu also turned her attention to the third sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law Song: It’s a bit flattering to be the center of attention for a moment.

She blinked, tried to remember, and subconsciously looked at her mother-in-law.

Mother Song: Why do I have to endure unspeakable pressure?Song Shi was still gesticulating, "It's such a big bowl. I took a look and found that there are chicken legs and chicken wings. They are all very good."

He said to Song Yu with envy: "Brother, look how kind my mother is to you. It's a pity that my mother died long ago and no one has ever left food for me."

Song Yu frowned when he heard this, "Brother, I know you are resentful of your mother because she treats me well, but there are all parents in the world. No matter what they do, as a son of a human being, you should accept it and be filial. , don’t say anything like this again.”

What mother is dead.

Who is this curse?

Song Shi curled his lips and rolled his eyes, "As a person with vested interests, of course you can be aloof and righteous. Let's switch places. You work hard every day and sell your children so that I can study. If I can speak better than you, I won't allow it. There are empty words like 'I will never forget you', but it is clearly stated in black and white that my brother at home will support me in studying, and as long as I am admitted as a scholar, he will give me as much money as a token of gratitude. We farmers can't get those empty words. The money is the safest, right? Second brother and third brother. Besides, you are only 17 years old, how can you still know what happened more than thirty years ago? My mother has admitted this."

Song [-] and Song [-] families lowered their heads.

Obviously he agrees with what he said to Yinzi.

That’s silver!

Who doesn’t like the real benefits?

You won't forget a word of it, and what you won't forget is not just a word of yours. When you become successful, if you don't remember a word of it, what else can I do to you?

Song Yu's face turned red with anger.

"Okay! What's the fuss about? It's so early in the morning! Get out of here if you don't want to eat!"

Old Man Song patted his chopsticks.

Song Dynasty: Whoever likes this wild vegetable soup will eat it!
He immediately grabbed a few more pancakes and said, "I won't eat them!" He also shouted to the cheap daughters, "What are you still doing at the table! Didn't you hear what your father said? Let's get out of here and don't delay your uncle's eating of chicken noodle soup. , we don’t have the money for those precious things, so we can just take a few bites of pancakes. There’s no way, why do you think your father is incompetent? He was born so many years ago, and he hasn’t met any leprosy monk or Taoist priest. I’ll change tomorrow’s father. Also go find a nun and ask her to give you orders, saying that you are all destined to be empresses and nobles, and then your grandparents will treat you like ancestors."

He hugged Xiaoya.

The remaining four girls put down their bowls and followed him without any hesitation.

Nothing to miss.

The wild vegetable soup smelled bitter even before I drank it. In the past few days, I either cooked barbecue with honey or stewed pheasant and fish. It would not be wrong to say that my appetite was spoiled, but I definitely frowned while eating it.

Song Yu clenched her fists.

His brows furrowed.

What do you mean, brother?
It was clearly a slap in the face and extremely dissatisfaction with him!
When he was born, the whole village knew that a Taoist priest came to give orders, and because of this, his parents were convinced that they would send him to study.

Today, brother actually
Obviously everything was fine when he came back last time, but what happened in the meantime?
Song Shi gnawed one piece himself and gave the rest to several cheap girls.

Da Ya Er Ya San Ya:.
Quite at a loss.

I don't know where to put my hands and feet.

Is this a piece of bread?This is obviously a soldering iron, it's so hot that I can chop my hands off.

The two little ones were already nibbling happily.

Really fragrant!

He slammed the door shut.

Does it ring?This is an expression of the attitude of labor and management!

It also isolated Mother Song's curses.

It would be strange if she didn't scold the boss after he finished eating those few pancakes.

Angry to tears.

Several children heard that there was chicken noodle soup to eat, but when they saw that the pancakes were gone, they shouted and wanted to eat.

Even adults Song [-], Song [-] and [-] looked at her without blinking.

It was precisely because of this that they didn't care about the elder brother's gathering of pancakes.

Mother Song: It feels like being surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves that glow green.

Song Yu had been hungry for a long time.

After being scolded again, I felt very irritable and lost patience with Mrs. Song. She said, "Mom, go get it quickly. I will go back to the room to read in a while."

Song Mu:.
What should I serve?
Get a hammer!
Damn boss!You know how to cause trouble for me!
(End of this chapter)

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