After Song Shi came back, he went to the village chief's house.

It was also at this time that I realized that Yuan Zha was not from the Song family at all.

His name had long been removed from the old Song family's account.

Where did you move to?

Now, this one.

Zhou Orion's house.

Of course, this is another nonsense.

in short.

At the beginning, Old Man Song and Mother Song wanted Yuan Zha to learn skills from Zhou Orion Hu to help the family, but Zhou Orion Hu was not stupid. He could preach, but he had to adopt the child to him, and he would have nothing to do with the original family from now on.

To be honest, it doesn’t matter who hears this.

Children trained in this way cannot support the family, and a son is given away for nothing.

The Song family doesn't have it.

They thought about it for a few days and then agreed.

The reason is that the youngest son of Song Dynasty, the youngest son who was approved by the Taoist priest to have a good destiny, is going to school for enlightenment.

At this time, there was no compulsory education, and education cost a lot of money. Most families could not afford it.

The same goes for the Song family.

They are all digging for food in the crop fields, and they can never make a few bucks in their lifetime.

You can ask for my son, and I am willing to give it to you, but how much silver will you give in exchange?

Later, the two parties bargained and settled on five taels.

Five taels of silver.

Song Da's name was removed from the Song family, and he became Zhou Orion's adopted son and lived in this courtyard that was not so deserted at that time.

He is actually very clear.

But I couldn't accept it in my heart.

I lived in pain for a long time and hated Orion Zhou.

While learning skills from others, he hates others and crazily wants to return to his parents.

Later, Zhou Orion died.

It rained a few days ago. He went into the mountains to chase a rabbit. He accidentally slipped and fell down the hillside. His head was covered with blood. He was found by people from the village who went to the mountains to pick mushrooms. His body was cold and hard.

Song Da finished the funeral.

Falling into a basin and dying.

After seventy-seven.

Then he returned to the Song family.

No one in the village could say anything, Zhou Orion was gone, and no one cared what Song Da wanted to do.

This time, it’s more than ten years of being a cow and a horse.

From Song Da's mental journey, Song Shi could probably guess the reason why he was willing to give.

Nothing more than guilt.

I want to fit into this family.

So he worked hard, without expecting anything in return, and brought back more money, so that his parents could see his importance and sincerely accept him.


So strictly speaking, today is not a separation.


We are not even one family, so why separate the family? Isn’t it already broken?

Just to make it clear.

It has nothing to do with him whether the Song family will be like this in the future.

It has nothing to do with the Song family whether he lives or dies, whether he ends up alone and has no one to take him to, and has no descendants.

Song Shi's original words were "Even if I beg for food, I will never go to the house of your youngest son who is an official"!
Next comes the issue of property.

The two sides were torn for a long time.

In the Song Dynasty, people wanted money, food and land.

He also said that he had earned so much money by farming for the Song family and hunting for Song Yu to study for so many years, and he wanted to get it back.

"After all, I was sold by you for five taels of silver. The blood and family ties were sold with money."

The village chief also has a black and white paper.

Song's mother insisted that she didn't.

He also said that he was the one who brought an old snack to the Song family, drank with the Song family, and stayed with the Song family, so he should be given living expenses.

Noisy on both sides.

Each has its own reason.

Neither of them took a step back.

The noise made Song Dachuan's head buzz and hurt.

The key is, this matter is really unclear.

Just make a decision and forget it.


If Song Shi doesn't take anything from the Song family, the Song family can't ask Song Shi for anything. From today on, there will be two families.

Well water does not make river water.

The two parties originally refused to do anything, but Song Dachuan got angry, so the two families signed the contract unwillingly and suppressed their anger.

Song Shi was very angry.

The name was changed immediately.

Even his surname was changed to Zhou.

Not only that, he also gave several girls the surname Zhou.

It's embarrassing to say that Si Ya and Xiaoya are still young, but Da Ya almost got married and didn't even have a name.

Song Shi directly gave them the surname Zhou.

The order is spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It's simple, easy to remember, and doesn't look boring.

This made Old Man Song and Mother Song very angry.Walking out of the courtyard of the village chief's house, Song's mother sneered and mocked, "Just wait for those dead girls to die without anyone."

Song Shi immediately replied, "It won't matter whether I send it to you or not. Don't worry about it, aunt. I must be walking behind you. You should worry more about yourself and save more money. I can buy a baby for you when the time comes." Make a straw mat."

Mother Song didn't react at first.

straw mat?

What straw mat?
When he figured it out, his face turned pale with anger, and he pointed at Song Shi and cursed.

But could Song Shi wait to be scolded?He's not stupid, he's already gone.

"What are you talking to him about? If you ever get a good deal, why don't you go back quickly!" After saying this, Old Man Song left angrily.

This eldest son is really here to collect debts.

What happened at the door was naturally heard by the village chief's family.

The village chief's wife shook her head and said speechlessly, "Song Da's mouth is so's so..."

These are his biological parents after all.

No mercy.

"What does it have to do with us? Now that the two families are completely separated, I am finally at peace."

The village chief exhaled.

I remembered that some time ago, the old Song family sang operas day after day. Not only was the village very lively, but even the neighboring village was watching the fun.

He was so angry...

He yawned and said, "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to sleep."

Song Shi walked home through the night.

Daya has already cooked the food in the pot.

Seeing him coming back, he hurriedly ran out and said, "Dad!"

very worried.

But I can’t say exactly what I’m worried about.

Song Shi strode inside, "Have you eaten?"

Da Ya shook her head.

Grandma is here today. She is so fierce and her father is not here. How can she eat it?

"Bring out the food quickly, I'm starving!"


Da Ya responded and went to work in the kitchen.

Today's dinner is a pot of fragrant stewed rabbit meat, with the stems of a local plant added. It is simmered for a long time, and the fragrant soup is soaked in the stems, making it soft and delicious.

Very delicious.

Song Shi prepared two large bowls of dry rice.

Drank another bowl of water.

I just told you what happened today.

But without going into details, he just told them the result.

"Now we have completely severed ties with them. From now on, we can just treat them as strangers."

A few girls: "...???"

Just bewildered.

Break off, break off the relationship?
Can this be broken?

Before they could think about it, Song Shi threw out another bomb, "I gave you all a name."

Several girls were stunned for a moment.

"Name, name?"

"Don't we have names?"

Song Shi covered his forehead.

Poor baby, he doesn't even know if he has a name.

From Daya, he pointed in turn, "Zhou Chun, Zhou Xia, Zhou Qiu, Zhou Dong, Zhou Min."

Daya blinked and said, "...Dad, are you wrong? Our surname should be Song." There is no way our surname is Zhou.

"That's right. Your grandma gave me five taels of silver to Orion Zhou more than ten years ago in order to study for Song Yu. So strictly speaking, my surname is Zhou. You are my daughters, so naturally you should also be surnamed Zhou."

He had just changed the original surname, so there was no reason why he should not change it to his daughter's.


I was speechless.

That's how it goes.

Do women inherit their father's inheritance?

Both father and daughter were sold for the same reason. They were really miserable.

She was better, but in the end it didn't work out.

Dad was really sold.

Dad is so pitiful.

"Don't think about it anymore, remember my words, stay here for a while, and when dad saves enough money, he can take you to move to the town."

He completely broke up with the old Song family and became a enemy. Although he was confident that he could fight back, he was still very annoyed.

Like a mosquito.

A buzzing noise in my ears.

Out of sight out of mind.

He doesn't have the ability to change the characters of several girls from weak to strong in one second.

It has to be done step by step.

Da Ya, Er Ya and San Ya were stunned for a moment, in the town?

Da Ya hurriedly said, "Dad, it's nice here. We don't have to go to town."

"If you don't go, I'll go. I'm going to live in this shabby house, but don't think about me spending money to rebuild the house. With that money, I might as well go to the town and buy one with a smaller location. At least that's the town. Come on."

Convenient for anything.

Unlike here, just the mosquitoes are annoying to death. (End of chapter)

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