The next day, the incident between Song Shi and the Song family spread all over the village.This highlights the benefits of living on the edge.

Plus it’s cold and windy.

After standing outside for a while and saying a few words, I felt so cold that even the hot and fragrant melon couldn't stop the cold.

To be honest, it is not good to eat melons when you have a cold.

Song Shi told Da Ya to be active in the yard and not to go out if nothing happened. He also gave things to the village chief and neighbors, so they didn't want them to stare at her, and they could only come over occasionally to take a look.

Winter is here.

He had to hunt to earn money.

There is basically nothing left on the outside of the mountain. If you want to get a big harvest, you have to go inward.

Of course, it’s not like Yuanzha has never walked through it.

He had encountered both wolves and bears. He was lucky enough to survive until he was finally sent away early by the Song family.

All I can say is that life should not be cut off in the hands of wild beasts.

Song Shi spent the afternoon sharpening his knife in the yard and checking his bow and arrow ropes. The next morning, he went out before dawn.

This trip lasted three days.

I was exhausted when I came back.

The girls were happy and distressed at the same time. They boiled water and cooked. Song Shi ate and drank enough before falling asleep.

A few days later, I went out again.

Until it snows.

Mountains are dangerous, and it's even more dangerous when there's heavy snow.

Fortunately, he prepared charcoal early and bought a lot of durable grain from the town. He also cut meat and hung it on the beam to dry. On a snowy day, the family sat in the main room with the door closed. Bake something to eat.

The sweet and soft sweet potato melts in your mouth.

From eldest daughter to little ya, everyone loves to eat it.

It is sad to say.

Red potatoes are very common in Baishan Village. They are not rare or valuable at all. Even if they are such a thing, Mother Song will not allow them to eat them, saying that it is a waste of food.

Song Shi asked the blacksmith in the town to make a stove, which could bake pancakes and roast sweet potatoes on the inside and boil water and fry eggs on the outside.

The blacksmith also gave him two taels of silver to buy out the style.

He took it.

After changing hands, I went to the market to buy flour and egg white candy candies and went back.

Winter is going on, how can we endure it if we don't prepare some food?

He has everything ready for the winter here, but the Song family is in dire straits.

The wind was blowing very hard, mixed with snow particles, hitting people's faces desperately, and they wanted to close the door as soon as it opened.

But can't.

Song Er spat, resigned to his fate and walked out against the snowy wind. Today was the day for the youngest to take a bath. It rained all night last night, and it started to snow this morning. It was extremely cold. The two old men insisted on He went to pick him up at the entrance of the village. He said he was worried that the youngest would fall because of his weakness, and asked him to get a thick cotton coat...

Thinking of this, Song Er wanted to curse again.

He had been wearing this shabby cotton coat for several years. It was dead cotton and no longer warm at all.

But my mother wouldn't do anything for him.

He also advised him to be generous, saying that when the youngest became successful, it would no longer be a problem to wear a cotton coat or even wear gold and silver.

Humph, that goes without saying!

If it weren't for this, the youngest would want to study and dream!

A gust of wind blew in his face, and Song Er shivered, quickly wrapped up his cotton clothes and walked quickly to the entrance of the village.

This damn day, do you dare to get any colder?
Soon we arrived at the entrance of the village.

Along the way, I didn't see anyone.

Also normal.

It's freezing cold today, so I'm staying at home hiding from the fire.

He was the only one who ran outside to blow the cold wind like an idiot.

"Ache! Ache!"

Song Er sneezed twice, stamped his feet quickly, and found a place to hide away from the wind. He felt weak in his heart, hey, he won't get wind and cold anymore. He will have to drink a bowl of ginger soup to go away the cold when he goes back soon.

He waited for a full quarter of an hour before he saw a figure in the distance.

"Little brother! Little brother!"

When he saw the face clearly, he shouted loudly.

Song Yu came over quickly, "Second brother."

His face turned pale, he took the cotton coat and put it on quickly, "Let's go quickly."

Of course Song Er knew to leave quickly.

Isn't this waiting for you?The two of them were silent all the way, and when they walked outside the yard, they smelled the aroma of meat.

Song Er sniffed hard and looked at the little brother next to him again. At least when he came back, his mother would cook meat for him.

For dinner, I cut a small piece of bacon and stewed a pot of vegetables. I also fried a plate of fried bacon with chili peppers. There was plenty of salt in it, and I ate a large pot of red potato and multigrain rice.

After eating a full meal, the chill has dissipated a lot.

Song Er looked in a certain direction and raised the corners of his mouth, "I wonder if brother has eaten?"

He got a slap in the face from Mother Song.

He quickly apologized with a smile, "Bah! I made a mistake. Then we are no longer from the Song family!"

Song's mother snorted coldly, "Don't think about those unrelated people. He wanted to leave on his own in the first place. He should have to deal with whatever happens."

Old Man Song didn't say anything. He turned to Song Yu and asked, "How did you read the book? How confident are you?"

The table fell silent and everyone pricked up their ears to listen.

Song Yu took a sip of hot water and smiled confidently, "Not to mention [-] points, but also [-] or [-] points."

Old Man Song was overjoyed.

"That's fine, that's fine."

He also asked about other students in the school.

When he learned that none of them could compare to his son, and that his son was more valued by his master, he was so happy that his face wrinkled into a flower with a smile.

Mother Song looked at her second and third sons, then glanced at her two daughters-in-law, and snorted coldly, "I know you are dissatisfied with me for favoring the youngest. Just looking at my youngest's future achievements, he is worth it. If you If you have the ability to honor your ancestors, I will treat them equally."

None of the four dared to fart.

She still had to lick her face and smile, "Yes, yes, what mother said is true. If my younger brother has a future, we, as elder brothers and sisters-in-law, will also benefit from it."

Seeing her son and daughter-in-law expressing their opinions, Mother Song nodded and said, "I hope you know each other, otherwise, like some blind-eyed wolves, you will regret it when the time comes."

"Yes Yes."

Song Yu stayed at home for two days and then returned to the academy.


Mother Song held the wooden box with a sad look on her face.

"Why are you so stunned? What are you doing in the house if you don't carry water for washing your feet?" Old Man Song walked in and frowned.

"Old man."

Mother Song sighed, "I only have this little money left."

Old Man Song leaned over and took a look. He had an idea in his mind instantly and frowned deeper. "That's all?" He looked at her suspiciously, "Are you subsidizing your mother's family again?"

Mother Song:…

I was so angry that I almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

What do you mean!
Is this who I am in your heart?

"Old man! I'm not a person who doesn't care about the important or the important. Now is the time for you to spend money. How could I spend the money at home indiscriminately!"

Subsidy or something...

Well, I haven't given money to my eldest brother and sister-in-law for a long time, and I don't know if my mother-in-law's family will be able to eat meat this winter.

Old Man Song snorted coldly, "Then why are you talking about the lack of silver? I don't have the money to spend it. In the past, the copper plates in this box were only half a box, and I could add a silver dime every once in a while. "

"That's not the money the boss earned from hunting. Now at home..."

When Mother Song said this, she paused.

Her eyes widened, "Old man..."

Old Man Song was also confused.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head, "No, boss, just hunt. How much can you sell for pheasants, rabbits, etc."

He denies it.

In fact, I don’t know much about my family’s financial resources.

But now, it is irreversible.

"What should we do? My son will have to take the imperial examination in the future. The family's little money can't support it at all, and the second and third sons are unreliable!"

Song's mother was extremely anxious.

Old Man Song pondered for a moment, "I heard that bookstores in town can copy books, but that's not possible, so I have to let Yao'er copy books in exchange for some money."

Mother Song: "Copy the book?"

Her voice was raised, unbelievable.

"Yao'er wants to be a high official, how can he do such a low,..., despicable job!"

"If he had no money, let alone becoming an official, he wouldn't even be able to read!" Old Man Song sighed after finishing speaking, "Who allowed him to be born into a family like ours?"

However, if it were not in your home, you would not be able to dream of glory and wealth. (End of chapter)

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