Seeing that they only talked about the youngest and not her man, Sister-in-law Song immediately burst into heart-wrenching tears: "What about the second brother? He went to the county town with his younger brother. The younger brother went to prison, what about him? He doesn't have to. Taking part in the imperial examination and buying and selling test papers has nothing to do with him, but what about others, why didn't you bring him back!"

"Don't mention that evil thing to me!" Old Man Song roared angrily. His eyes protruded and were bloodshot, and his fingers trembled with anger.

Sister-in-law Song was stunned by the yelling.

Mother Song was also stunned, and only then did she realize why even the second child didn't come back.

"Old man."

Old Man Song clenched his fists, "That traitor, that traitor"

Obviously very angry.

"Lao San, tell me quickly!" Song's mother was so anxious that she turned to Song San.

Song San said bitterly, "We went to see the younger brother in the prison. The younger brother said that he originally planned to buy one copy. When he is admitted as a scholar, he will naturally have the money to pay back the borrowed money. It was the second brother who said that it would be better to sell the questions. Give it to others, so that you can not only pay off the debt but also make a lot of money, but I didn't expect that the government would target it, and that's why it would be taken away from you!"

Mother Song: "."

Sister-in-law Song was also shocked.

"No! I don't believe it! My man is too timid to do such a thing!"

"Second sister-in-law, money is very attractive. One copper plate and two copper plates are placed in front of you. You may hesitate, but one, two, two, two, 20, 100 taels. No one can resist such a big temptation!" He said with a wooden face. "Can you? Anyway, I can't. But if you take a risk, you can eat and drink for the rest of your life. If you are lucky enough not to be discovered."

Unfortunately this time it was no fluke.

Stepped on mine.

Sister-in-law Song moved her lips. Yes, anyone in the village would be tempted.

Mother Song was already scolding.

"That damn thing, the second brother! Don't hold on to my Yao'er if you want! If it weren't for him, my Yao'er would have been admitted as a scholar and come back! He's a pest! He's harmed my Yao'er! He's harmed the whole family! "

After scolding, he scolded Old Man Song again, "It's all your fault! What did you do to make him follow! It's not like you can't move, it's you who should go! They are young and have never seen the world, and they faint when they see good things. Boss, if you are here, I can give you some advice! It’s great now, both of them have gone in! What should I do! My little boy!”

Sister-in-law Song's face was numb.

Old Man Song held his head and deeply regretted it.

He regrets it!
Exhausted from traveling for days and mentally stressed, Old Man Song fell into a deep sleep, but his sleep was not stable at all.

Song's mother cried for half the night and couldn't fall asleep. She lay on the bed with her eyes wide open and stared blankly at the mosquito net.

Sister-in-law Song wiped away her tears for a long time, looked at the three children beside her, and planned to go back to her parents' home at dawn.

Another room.

Song San was fighting with his eyes, but his wife pushed him awake, "What on earth are you thinking!"

Sister-in-law Song was very angry.

After talking on the phone for a long time, I turned around and saw that the dog man was asleep.

"The third one!"

She growled under her breath.

Song San rubbed his eyes, "What are you doing! I'm exhausted, let me take a rest!"

"Still sleeping? You're still sleeping! The whole family is like this! My parents want to spend 50 taels to rescue my little brother! So what if I rescue him? My little brother is also useless!" She was very anxious.

Song San yawned, "We can't take care of this matter, and we don't have the ability to take care of it. Besides, that's not my son. How can I take care of so much. Don't worry, there are parents in everything."

We can't let him sell his son or daughter.

I can't sell it for less than 50 taels.

Sister-in-law Song was surprised, "You really don't care about me?"

"I really can't control it." He was so sleepy that he told his wife what he had learned.

After hearing this, Mrs. Song's face went numb.

It's hard to say.

So, this is the legendary, do it or die?

She was still wondering how Song Yu had the money to buy the questions. That thing costs a lot of money, but it turned out that the loan was worth interest!
This is profitable.
No wonder they are trying to find ways to make money.

"Fortunately, after they make money, they quickly pay back the interest, otherwise"

There is no way this house can be saved.

But he no longer dared to live under the same roof as his brother who dared to borrow money at interest.

That guy is too brave.If his parents really try to get him out of here, and something bad happens, he will really want to die. He still has a family to live for.

Sister-in-law Song was not so relaxed, she poked the man, "How much money do you think my parents still have?"

Song San opened his eyes and said, "This time I went to the county. Not to mention the traveling expenses, I just asked for a dozen taels and went out. We will beg for food all the way back. I guess there won't be much left at my mother's place."

Sister-in-law Song covered her chest: "Oh my goodness! My parents have so much money." She suddenly thought of something, "What do you think of asking your parents to go find the eldest brother? In the winter, the eldest brother's family eats meat every day, so I'm sure I also saved a lot of money!”

Song San's eyelids trembled.

Press down again.

"Don't stir up trouble, we have already established a clear relationship with that side."

"How can the blood relationship be clearly defined? In my opinion, if the eldest brother has the ability, he should help us." Sister-in-law Song didn't care.

"up to you."

After Song San finished speaking, he turned over and closed his eyes.

After a while there was a purring sound.

He was very tired.

The next day, Old Man Song and Mother Song headed towards the end of the village.

Song Shi happened to be at home.

Well, he was at home specially waiting for someone from the Song family to come to his door.

Hearing Mrs. Song's crying with tears streaming down her face, and looking at Old Man Song's red eyes, he spread his hands helplessly, "I can't help it. It's 50 taels. Who in the village can afford it?" You didn't even give me a cent when we got home. You can't let me sell five girls and myself in exchange for your son. Let's not talk about whether we can get so much money by selling them. No one can do this. If you can’t do it, it’s not like you’re mentally ill.”

"That's your biological brother!" Mother Song cried.

"That's your own son! Isn't it funny that you, the mother-in-law, are not willing to pay for it, so you are counting on me, the brother who is separated from you!"

"The family has no money anymore." Old Man Song lowered his head sadly.

Song Shi: "Isn't there still a house and a field?"

Old Man Song: "."

Mother Song cried loudly: "You are forcing us two old people to die!"

Song Shi's eyes widened: "Can you be reasonable? What does it have to do with me? It's not me who cheated in the imperial examination. It's your little son who will force you to die next year. All bad debts will be blamed on me. I look so long." You look like a scapegoat!"

Mother Song is still crying.

Anyway, she pinned the blame firmly on Song Shi.

What's wrong with her little son!

I also want to bring honor and wealth to my family!

I just didn’t expect it to overturn!

His heart is good, unlike the boss, who is a black-hearted and white-eyed wolf!

Song Shi was speechless.

No matter how Mother Song cried or how pitiful Old Man Song was, he would always say, "No money."

The village is also trying to persuade them.

50 taels, no one has it.

So I understand Song Shi's helplessness very well.

In the end, the village chief Song Dachuan came over and scolded them and had them pulled away.

He turned to Song Shi and sighed, "If you have spare money, lend some to them. After all, he is your biological brother from the same mother."

Song Shi smiled, "I can do that, but 50 taels is too much. Why don't you go to the village chief and negotiate the price with the county government and ask them to calculate less? Otherwise, even if I give it, you still won't be able to make money."

Song Dachuan frowned: "This is your family's business." It has something to do with him.

"Yes, it's my family's business." So please, please have some boundaries and tell me that every time you open your mouth, it will be the Holy Mother's output.

Song Dachuan:
Cheeks burned red.

"I think I care about your family's affairs, so you can do it yourself!"

Song Shi smiled, "Let's go slowly without seeing you off."

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