After that, the Song family came several times, Song's mother even knelt down, and Song Shi hurriedly hid aside.

He spread his hands helplessly and said, "If you can get money by kneeling down, I would be willing to do so, but the key is, I really don't have that much money."

I can't get it out!

"Song Er also went in. Should I exchange 50 taels for one person or two people?"

Of course, Song's mother would not tell him that the family planned to let the second child take all the blame, and only get the youngest out. There was no other way, this was the most cost-effective way.

What good can the dick be used for?

At most, if you plant a few pieces of land, you won't be able to make two silver coins a year.

The youngest is different.

He has been studying for so many years, and he can read and write in pieces. He can make a lot of money just by working as a bookkeeper in the town. If that doesn't work, he can open a private school in the village. The fees are cheaper, and he can make money easily.

You can't just draw water from a bamboo basket and get nothing.

It took a lot of effort and money to make this gold-inlaid bamboo basket!

Song's mother saw that his heart was as hard as iron.

She probably also guessed that the eldest son was completely divorced from the Song family and would never be able to lend her money, so he immediately got up from the ground, pointed at his nose and cursed.

The youngest son she loved the most had encountered a disaster and had almost no future. She had nothing to worry about anymore. She had been anxious and frightened in her heart for the past few days, and all her negative emotions were directed towards the eldest son with a hateful face in front of her.

What ugly scolding.

Those fragrances seemed to have been arranged long ago, just waiting for her to release them.

Song Shi was speechless.

Complaining to those watching the excitement, "What can I do? It's not my son who got into trouble, and I didn't teach him to be like that! Besides, how can I have the qualifications? It sounds nice to say that the eldest brother is a father, but in reality Who in the village doesn’t know that I used to be an old scalper of the Song family, and my role was to earn money by working. Later, when the family was separated, they didn’t give me anything!”

"Why do you come to me now when something happens and you need money?"

"Yes, I can hunt. There are a lot of wild rabbits and pheasants in the mountains. It sounds like they are easy to get. But those things are not dead. Is it possible that when they see me coming, they can still stand still and let me Arrest him? If that were the case, I wouldn’t have become a big boss long ago.”

"What's the use of scolding me!"

"Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other!"

"I think you can't find anyone to shirk your responsibility. It's obvious that you, your parents, failed to take good care of your precious little boy. Now something went wrong and you got into a big trouble. You don't want to admit your mistakes, so you just want to find someone to blame." I am the one who takes the blame, I am so miserable, sitting at home, the blame comes from the sky."

"I've never seen anyone like this."

"Those who knew were here to borrow money, but those who didn't know thought they were here to avenge the murder of their father." After saying this, he paused and then smiled, "Isn't that right? I can't save your son, you... 24My filial piety mother hates me."

Mother Song scolded.

He was interacting with the lively audience.

Originally, there was nothing to say to someone who had lost his mind.

Even if you say it, people won’t listen.

It will only make him more angry.

Might as well stay cold.

She turned around and gained support from gossip fans, leaving her side in the dark.

Let’s see how energetic she is.

Song’s mother: “…”

It's very annoying.

The most important parties were marginalized.

The one over there was talking enthusiastically.

She was so angry that she yelled, "Song Da, I'm going to fight you!" and rushed over.

Song Shi kept paying attention to her out of the corner of his eye, and quickly hid aside when he saw this.

Song's mother couldn't hold back her strength and fell to the ground crying.

She rolled her eyes and immediately held her waist and howled, "It hurts me to death! It hurts me to death! I can't get up!"

Watching the fun:…

All dumbfounded.

Song Shi's eyes widened, he didn't expect to see such an advanced scene in ancient times.

Song's mother pointed at him and shouted, "You pushed me! Pay my medical bills!"

Can Song Dynasty pay compensation?

Probably not.

He sneered, "So many pairs of eyes are watching, but you rushed over and threw yourself. What does it have to do with me? Why can't I hide and can only stand still and let you hit me? It seems that there is no such truth in this world, right?" .”

But Song's mother refused.

Just shout it hurts.

And cried out about her tragic fate.

Song Shi: "I am not the cause of your misfortune. Shouldn't it be your man's inability to blame?"

Married to her husband Oke?

Soon the Song family also arrived.They directly concluded that it was him who had done it without seeing it with their own eyes, and finally alerted the village chief, and the villagers advised him to step back.

After all, the old Song family really seems to be in trouble this year.

But after all, you are their biological son, with their blood flowing in your veins.

Give some if you can.

It can also calm your conscience.

Song Shi had no expression on his face. Isn't that conscience thing a two-way street?

He finally gave it.

One or two.

Mother Song is still making trouble.

This was not what she expected.

What can one tael of silver be enough for?A drop in the bucket.

But that was enough for the people of the village.

"You just accept it when it's good, just drop it, no one knows what happened, that is, everyone will help you because your family is in trouble."

Mother Song put the money away.

He turned around and glanced at Song Shi proudly.

He was helped away by his son and daughter-in-law.

Song Shi's face was gloomy. Song's mother had found a way to make a fortune and would not give up.

And the village chief…

He doesn't let others bully him without fighting back.

A few days later, Song Shi had an argument with the village chief's son on the road and was pushed to the ground. He held his stomach in pain and couldn't get up.

Everyone knows he's pretending.

But he cried out in pain.

Just can't afford it.

The village chief was so angry that he had no choice but to sue the officials.

Song Shi lay on the ground leisurely, "Go ahead, I didn't lie. With so many people seeing your son pushing me, it's best to call the adults to judge who is responsible."

Even if the knife doesn't fall on your instep, you can be a virgin without any pressure.

If you have the ability, please give me money if you are honest and upright now.

"What are you going to do!"

Song Dachuan said with a cold face.

Song Shi snorted coldly, "It is natural to pay back debts. Your son injured me, do you just want to forget it? Since you are the village chief, your family doesn't have to pay for medical expenses?"

"After all, don't you just want to extort money?"

"Don't say it so harshly. What's wrong? This is the responsibility that your son should bear for hurting me! After all, someone tried to hit me before and I just hid and you made me pay the money. You still did it now. Is it possible?" If you don’t succeed, you don’t have to do anything? Then I’ll go to the county and ask the adults what we should do if we have a local emperor and a village overlord in Baishan Village!”

"You!" Song Dachuan's face turned white and red with anger, "You are taking revenge!"

"Whatever you think, your son hurt me anyway. If you don't pay compensation, I will go find an adult to judge."

So what if Song Dachuan was aggrieved.

You still have to obediently pay for it.

Two taels.

His hands trembling as he held the silver coin.

Remembering the previous question.

The Song family elder laughed with a mocking look on his face, "One tael is the price of not touching it. You have already touched me, how can it be the same as not touching it?"


Spend money with hatred.

When he got home, he beat his favored youngest son severely, locked up a dark room, and refused to allow food to be sent from home.

There was another family meeting.

"Then Song Da is a scoundrel, no one is allowed to provoke him in the future!"

That person will retaliate, and if he touches it, a piece of flesh will be torn off no matter what.

Song Dachuan himself suffered a loss.

The village is ordered not to engage in these evil practices. Once discovered, they will be driven out of the village!

Very serious!

The Song family has just discovered a way to get rich:…

Song's mother scolded her at home for a few more days.

All she could do was scold.

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