Chapter 279 NO.11 Sugar Cane 51
Song's mother didn't give up and went out to meet him several times. She didn't extort money and even got beaten.

For people in Baishan Village, saving money is difficult, even more difficult than having children. If anyone dares to take away their money, it will be more serious than robbing their children.

Revenge for taking away a son!
That can be tolerated!
Not only did she suffer, but her grandchildren also came back bruised and swollen when they went out to play. When they went to seek justice, they said there were no children who didn't play.

Anyway, it’s a bad debt that can’t be explained.

In the blink of an eye, the yamen servant informed me that the time limit for paying the money to pick up the person was up.

The Song family hasn't collected enough money yet.

Old Man Song and Song San went to the county to plead with the county magistrate.

But cheating in the imperial examination is a big deal, it is deceiving the emperor. To put it more seriously, if you commit the crime of deceiving the emperor, you will be beheaded.

I don't know who reported it. Long Yan was furious and sent another imperial envoy to investigate. No one involved in the case was allowed to let go without permission.

Now even if I have money, I can’t do anything.

Old man Song San returned without success.

in the cell.

Song Er originally wanted to bear everything. After all, the family had promised so many benefits, and he also promised that when his younger brother went out to set up a private school and took Shu Xiu in, he would immediately use his connections to stuff money to get him out, otherwise, both of them would be in prison. It's really a loss.

He thought about it for a moment before agreeing.

The to be beheaded? ! !

Quit it now!

There is no reason to persist!

If you throw away your own life in order to atone for others' sins, no matter how many benefits you get, it's better to just promise him a good pregnancy in the next life.

"It's wrong, I'm wrong!"

He grabbed the iron railing, shook it, slapped it and shouted.

The mice and cockroaches in the rotten hay were so frightened that they squeaked and crawled all over the house.

Song Yu looked over there fiercely, turned pale, and rushed to the door, "Second brother, what do you want to do!"

Don't be impulsive!

But Song Er no longer intends to take the blame. He wants to live and rein in the situation.

Otherwise, you will fall to death!
Besides, he is not the culprit at all!

What can a country boy know?The first time he entered the county town and looked at the tall city gate, he almost knelt down, okay? He has never even killed a chicken, how dare he borrow money!
"Sir! I have something to say! I have something to say!"

"Second brother!"

Song Er ignored him and refused to listen. His life was at stake.

Soon, the government officials came and took him away.

Song Er knelt down on the ground and poured it all out without asking.

The imperial envoy's face was dull.

He had long since found out the source of this scientific examination fraud case. It was a relative of the county magistrate. He was said to be a relative, but in fact he was not really a relative. He was just an elder brother who doted on his concubine in the backyard. He was gambling and owed a large sum of money. The money couldn't fill the hole, so the concubine had to sell out all her jewelry to buy some time. She couldn't ask a man for help. The adults already hated her mother-in-law and thought her mother-in-law had too many affairs and was ugly. If Knowing that, she would definitely get tired of her. The county exam was just around the corner, so she focused on the test questions.

It's a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world, and her brother is really not smart...

Who would have thought that things would become such a big deal.

What a beeping dog!

The imperial envoy was very efficient, and the verdict was handed down in less than half a month.

The concubine, her brother, and several others who made money crazily with the help of test questions were sentenced to be beheaded on the spot. The county magistrate made a big mistake because he failed to take care of the back house, and was exposed and taken to the capital to await punishment. The other criminals were all matched. A coal mine in the border area squeezes out the remaining value.

Nothing can be changed.

Song's mother was almost blinded by tears.

Sister-in-law Song remarried not long after the verdict was handed down, and none of her three children were taken away.

Old Man Song fell ill and became much older and more silent.

Mother Song scolded her in the yard every day, scolding her ancestors, her son and daughter-in-law, scolding herself for her miserable life, scolding the old man, scolding the white-eyed wolf...

But scolding is scolding.

Life still has to go on.

Nowadays, there is no hard-working old scalper and cowboys in the family. Both Mr. Song and Mr. Song are old, and the family's livelihood falls on the shoulders of Mr. and Mrs. Song.

As the saying goes, everyone has only so much blessing. If you finish it in advance, you will be miserable for the rest of your life.

What's more, there are three idiots in the second family.

Sister-in-law Song worked hard every day, and when she opened her eyes, it was work.

She has a good temper.

At worst, remarry!

Who is willing to serve this family without any regrets?

Mother Song was really afraid that she would leave. There were only those who could work in the family. If she left, wouldn't there be no one to work for?
She retreated once, then retreated again...

Sister-in-law Song has also tasted the benefits, and she has a clear understanding of their thoughts, and she is even more confident.

The throne of the Song family's mistress was replaced by someone else.

There was a lot of noise and shouting at home, but there was no life or hope at all, as if all hope was rotten in the mud.

On this day, Song Sansao was criticizing Sang and Huai again.

Old Man Song felt annoyed and walked out of the yard on crutches. He didn't know where to go. After the incident with the youngest, he didn't want to go out, nor did he want to gather and chat with people in the village.

When I got tired and took a rest, I realized that I had reached the end of the village.

"Hey! Isn't this Old Man Song? Come find your boss!"

Someone saw that he looked familiar and came over to ask.

Old Man Song unconsciously grasped the crutch with his fingers.

The man started talking loudly without waiting for his answer, "You don't know, right? Your eldest son has moved away a long time ago. I heard he moved to the county, but no one has seen him. Maybe it's a lie." But, if it is true, then it would be a pity for you. You have picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon." Then he sighed, "It can be seen that the rules of our ancestors are reasonable. Since ancient times, the eldest son has inherited the family business and provided support. Parents, I also want to be nicer to my eldest son, as I will have to rely on him to provide for him in the future."

Old Man Song looked confused, and it took him a while to understand: " said my son...he moved away?"

"Yeah, it's been a while since we moved away." The man said loudly.

Old Man Song's eyes widened, "It's impossible, how could he leave? Where does he have money?" Doesn't he need money to move?

Where to move?
Where did you move to?
If you had money, why didn't you lend it to your family to save people?

Mr. Song's mind was in a mess.

"You don't believe it? Don't believe it. Look at this yard, how much grass has grown, and there is nothing in it. It rained some time ago and the wall collapsed again, so no one can live in it..."

Old Man Song looked in the direction.

Walk in hastily.

After a while, he stumbled out and ran outside.

He is in a hurry!
He wants an answer!
Who can give him an answer!
He arrived at the home of village chief Song Dachuan, and Song Dachuan gave him the same answer.

Even the household registration has been moved.

"I did go to the county."

Old Man Song was completely confused when he came out of the village chief's house.

When he got home, Song Sansao was still scolding, and he yelled, "Shut up!"

Sister-in-law Song: "..."

Uh, I was so scared that I lost my words!

"Where's the third child? The third child! The third child! Old woman!"

he yelled from home.

Song San was very tired during this period. He was lying on the bed to rest. He had to go hoeing tomorrow. The blood blisters on his palms were not healed yet.

It hurts a lot.

"What are you doing!"

Days of hard work made him lose his temper.

Old Man Song didn't pay attention and ran in quickly, with an excited and regretful surprise on his face...

It's complicated anyway.

"Lao San, you, your eldest brother has moved to the county seat! He has moved to the county seat!"

Song San jumped up from the bed in shock: "Dad, what are you talking about? My eldest brother?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Then he told him what happened when he walked to the end of the village just now.

"I even went to the village chief and found out that this is true!"

Sister-in-law Song stood at the door, hating and angry, "My parents are also my eldest brother's parents. How could he move away without saying hello? This is so unfilial. Dad, we can't just let this matter go. We must find our eldest brother. Now The second brother and the younger brother have been exiled. As the eldest son, how could he not support the old man and support the family!"

"My daughter-in-law is right. Whoever raises a son but doesn't support his parents, this is the responsibility of the boss!" Mother Song also said.

The whole family voted unanimously.

Life in the county is really... like a dream.

If they could move to the county...


But the journey to the county is too long and costs countless money. Now the family is impoverished.

In the end, they unanimously decided to move the family to the city to join the boss.

All the houses and land in the village were sold to pay for travel expenses, and the whole road was cut off.

They are destined to draw water from a bamboo basket and come up empty-handed.

The county seat is very big.

It is divided into inner city and outer city, and each is divided into southeast, northwest, so...

the other side.

Song Shi took his cheap daughters to the town, and happened to meet the owner of the restaurant where he used to sell wild game and was going to the next county, so he got a ride.

I bought a house and a shop, and stuffed some money with me to confirm my family's identity.

He didn't care too much about his daughters.

If you want to marry, you can marry, if you want to marry, you can marry. Anyway, the dowry is the same.

One yard and one shop.

After Xiaoya got married, he left. As for what will happen to Yuanzha when he comes back, it has been more than ten years and his children have grown up. If he has to live a good life and become a monster, then, he can only let him Not having a good time myself.

After all, I don’t have a son.

The daughters have their own lives.

As it turns out, he was right.

Yuanzha came back and found that he was over 50 years old and was scared to death.

Looking at his life now... This is a life he could never dream of living!

But after all, he couldn't let go of the old Song family, so he went back to take a look. It turned out that someone else had already lived in the Song family's yard. I heard from the villagers that they had gone to the county to look for him.

Song Da: “…”

What can I say?Could it be that I am not who I used to be?
Went to the county seat to look for him again.

But after so many years, the old Song family has become nothing more than ordinary people, like ants. Who cares if there are more or less.

There was nowhere to be found.

He looked for it twice and then gave up.

My own physical strength cannot keep up.

Maybe my parents, brothers and nephews are all doing well.

He comforted himself like this.

Feel free to enjoy your grandson at home with peace of mind.

Until his death, he never saw anyone from the old Song family again.

(End of this chapter)

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