Blind date?

Please, I have just arrived, am I about to face the forced marriage that all older men have to suffer?

The key is, the original dregs are only twenty.

"Mom, don't you think your son is still young? Isn't it a little early to get married? Besides, young people nowadays advocate freedom of love. If you do this, I will be laughed at by the pigs and the pigs."

He frowned in disgust.

Song's mother disliked him even more.

He slapped her away, "Freedom of love? I see you just want freedom!"

"They were also ridiculed and waited to see if others would laugh when they couldn't find a partner to be single!"

"Anyway, this matter is settled. Since you and that Zhang Zhi..., Qing have no results, just go on a blind date with me!"

Song Shi still wanted to fight to the death: "Mom, look at your son like this. He doesn't even have serious things to do. He is lazy and greedy and only wants to play every day. If he gets married, how can he afford to raise a family? Wouldn’t that harm the girl? Mom, you and my father are both kind-hearted and honest people, and you will definitely not do such an unethical thing."

His words made Song Mu laugh angrily.

This brat is so ruthless. In order not to date or get married, he even resorted to self-destructive tactics.


You can even trick them!

But, no need to talk!

He opened his mouth and showed a business smile aimed at his stupid son, "I don't see that you still have a very clear understanding of yourself. It's just that the man is getting married and the daughter is getting married. When the children grow up, they will start a family and start a career. Maybe you have a lot of problems now, and maybe it will be better after you get married and have more pressure. Could it be that you still want me to control you for the rest of your life?"

She glared, "If it doesn't work, it can only be said that your wife is unlucky to find someone like you. Marriage is a woman's second reincarnation. Who can be blamed if the marriage is not good? It's her fault that she was blind in the first place."

Song Dynasty:…

Are you stunned?
Mother, mother, do you know what you are talking about?

He pointed at himself, "Why would you let your own son go out to harm girls like this?"

There is no reason!
Where is the conscience!
Mother Song's eyes widened even more, and she retorted without thinking: "What's this or that! What's wrong with my son? My son is tall, tall, and quick at work, and he's an educated junior high school student! What's wrong! Look at it. Is there a more outstanding young man than my son in this village?"

Don't accept any questions.

I can talk and scold my son, but others can’t!
Song Shi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Your son is so good but you still act like you're afraid that he won't find a wife."

It's like a reminder.

Still not giving up, "Mom, if you have a good meal, don't be afraid of being late."

"I'm afraid you'll be late and won't even be able to grab an empty bowl!" Mother Song said angrily.

He sighed again, "Tell me, you are already twenty, why don't you want to get married? Your eldest brother's son Jianhua is already fourteen, and they are planning to get married in a few years. Why do you still want your nephew?" Even if I run ahead of you, I won’t be afraid of being laughed at.”

Song Shi's face was stupefied: "Then you can't just find someone for me just for him."

"How can you just find it! Jianhua is my eldest grandson, and I love him. You are the youngest son that my mother worked hard to give birth to. Don't you love me? Don't worry, your daughter-in-law will definitely pick her out carefully. , pick the best one for me Yao'er."

Afterwards, he looked back at the past while having a good time, "Back then, I was eight months pregnant..."

She even shed tears when she got to the emotional point.

Song Shi wanted to cover his forehead.

"Mom, I remembered that I still have something to do, so I'll leave first. You can continue..."

As he spoke, he ran away in a hurry.

Mother Song was bursting into tears as she said this: "...What a stinky boy!" Even though everyone was running away, she still said, "What a hammer!"He is indeed a brat, not considerate at all!
In the yard, Mrs. Song was cutting grass to feed the chickens. When she saw her coming out, she hurriedly came over and said, "Mom is going to give me a blind date for my little brother. There happen to be a few suitable ones in my natal family. They are about seventeen or eighteen years old. They look like flowers and are diligent. He’s quick and can do all the work in the fields at home, why don’t I go back and help out?”

"... "

Song's mother wanted to refuse.

I'm really a little annoyed and disgusted. What's going on with you? I just finished saying that and you're like staring at a fishy cat. You want to drive my little one out!
But she was disgusted, and she just wanted to give her younger son more choices.

She is so good.

Of course only the best ones deserve it.

"We two elders will discuss this beforehand."

Sister-in-law Song immediately agreed with a smile.

After Song's mother left, she changed her face, curled her lips, and discussed what to discuss. In the final analysis, it was not a choice.

They are all from the village, so how can we pick out a flower?
If you have the ability to marry an intellectual woman, come back to a young man!

Turned around and went to the backyard.

"Sister-in-law, we are pulling weeds." She shouted, walked over and squatted down.

Sister-in-law Song looked back at her and continued: "The grass grew again not long after it was pulled out. It would be great if the vegetables could grow so fast."

I don't understand!
I really don't understand!
Obviously they all come from the same field, and the vegetables are watered and fertilized from time to time, but they grow like nothing but grass!
"How can grass be compared with vegetables?" Sister-in-law Song didn't want to waste time on these boring words. It was the autumn harvest now and she was extremely busy. The radio was about to ring soon. She whispered, "Sister-in-law, you don't know yet. Well, our family will have a happy event soon."

Sister-in-law Song paused in her movements and turned to look at her, "A happy event?"

"Here, that one." She pursed her lips, "I just heard what my mother said."

"Really? Did you hear that right?"

"Then I can still hear it wrong. I asked my mother."

Sister-in-law Song smiled and said, "That's great. If I get married, my parents won't have to worry about it."

"Isn't that right? It's just..." Sister-in-law Song turned around and looked behind her before whispering, "Sister-in-law, you said that since my younger brother got married, our family should be separated, right?"

"Don't say this in front of your parents!" Sister Song reminded her in a low voice.

"What's the matter! This tree has big branches! The house is so big, and now it's overcrowded. My younger brother has married a wife and has several children, and there's no place to live. I'm doing this for the sake of my family. Is it possible? Are we no longer a family if we no longer live together?" Sister-in-law Song raised her voice.

"Keep your voice down!" What are you yelling at?Walls have ears!
"That's not what I meant. It's just that our wives are all outsiders. Let men talk about these things. People who are mother and son, even if they have unpleasant quarrels, there is no overnight feud, but we are different." Something is really going to happen. , that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Sister-in-law Song snorted coldly, how could she know this?


Song's father and Song's mother were silent.

After a long while, Song's father sighed, "Yo'er's marriage should be done quickly."

They knew that the two daughters-in-law had objections.

After all, the home is really not spacious.

To put it bluntly, it's their elders' fault for this. They were older when they gave birth to their younger son, and there was a big difference between him and the older one, so...

But they have nothing to do with the matter of giving birth to a child.

If a child comes, it means that the child is destined to them.

The eldest grandson is already fourteen, and the eldest will be a grandfather in a few years. Living together is indeed...

Just divide it.

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