Chapter 283 NO.12 Sugar Cane 4
But this can be said in one sentence, but it is difficult to implement.

As soon as the farm work was over, Song's mother went to Matchmaker Cai's house with a few eggs and a bag of sugar. The two talked in the house for a long time. Matchmaker Cai patted her chest and promised that she would find a satisfactory daughter-in-law for her.

She is fast.

He had information on several unmarried young men and women from nearby villages and even girls and boys in the town, including not only themselves, but also their original families.

It came to my door within a few days.

Song Shi listened in the room and couldn't help but said, "Mom, I am getting married and looking for a partner. Can you listen to my opinion?"

Mother Song glanced at him, "Are you still afraid that I will harm you?"

"That's not the case, it's just that I am a good young man, and I am not short of arms and legs. I also have my own requirements for my future partner. I can't marry just anyone who is a woman. Then I am too It’s not fussy anymore.”

Mother Song still wanted to scold her.

After being stopped by Matchmaker Cai, she persuaded with a smile, "Sister, what the child said makes sense. The person you choose is going to live with the child for the rest of his life. Naturally, you have to choose the one he likes. Otherwise, you won't be able to fight and quarrel every day after you get married. ,right."

Mother Song naturally knew this.

She was unhappy because her son was contradicting her in front of outsiders.

Too shameless.

"You are the only one who has a lot to do! Why don't you tell me quickly!"

Song Shi thought for a moment, "Be good-looking! People live with a face, and trees live with a bark. What does this mean? It shows that the face is very important. You have to live a lifetime. It's not as good as facing an ugly face every day. Let me die."

Mother Song: I didn’t see you showing any reluctance to the dogs and pigs every day.

Moreover, a person has a face and a tree has a skin...

Is this how it is used?
Believe it or not, I will whip you!

Matchmaker Cai chuckled and agreed: "Yes, everyone loves beauty. Who doesn't love beauty, young men and big women?"

She didn't mean anything else, she just wanted to chat.

But Song Shi nodded in agreement, "It turns out that my aunt is also interested in looks like me. Then there is something I'm curious about. Everyone likes to look at it. Isn't it difficult to find something that doesn't look good? When you encounter this kind of How did Auntie sell them out? It must have taken a lot of effort."

Matchmaker Cai was speechless by what he said.

Young man, you are still young, just eat more, why are you talking so much?
The others looked at her curiously, as if they wanted an answer.

To ...

Mother Song only felt her face getting hot. What kind of questions did this brat ask? Whether he was beautiful or ugly or not was none of your business!
My old face will be ashamed of you!
"To shut up!"

Then he smiled at Matchmaker Cai and said, "Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, he is just a loser!"

He turned around and said fiercely: "Let's see how I deal with you later!"

Song Shi complained for himself and said aggrievedly, "I'm not wrong, mother, don't you love handsome people and ugly ones? Last time I went to the supply and marketing agency to buy things, a batch of new cloth just arrived. You said... I praised the bright red one over and over again without even looking at the indigo one next to it. Don’t you like to see it? You know how to find someone as handsome as my dad when you are looking for a partner. Why do you have to deal with it casually? It’s your son, no matter how much you want to push me out, you can’t just find someone to make up the numbers for me!”

"You damn kid talks nonsense when you open your mouth! Why did I push you out!"

"I'm only twenty and you find me a wife so that I can support my family and work hard as a cow and a horse without complaining. And you say you don't dislike me! Either you dislike me or you have a grudge against me!"

"I think you haven't been spanked for a long time and need to relax a bit!"

Song Shi ran away, shouting as he ran, "There's no justice, there's no justice. I just want to find a handsome wife. Is it so difficult? Mom, what's wrong with you! If you want to be ugly, there's one in the family." Two are not enough? You don’t want a good-looking one to wash your eyes with. The big girl and young man in Aunt Cai’s hands can’t be sold, and you can’t use me as a favor!” After a pause, “Say it quickly, there is no young man. .”

Mother Song and Matchmaker Cai:…

Sister-in-law Song and Sister-in-law Song were standing in the yard watching the excitement:...

Very good, even if you offend people with just one sentence, you are also a talent.

"My little brother has such a mouth..."

"It's really hard for your second brother to look at me with such ugly eyes every day!"

"Second sister-in-law, there is no need to belittle yourself."

Sister-in-law Song was overjoyed and raised her chin proudly, saying, I am so ugly!

Just listen to him continue, "My second brother is lame, I don't mind." Second Sister-in-law Song: Haha!

It’s really annoying!
Separate the family as soon as possible!
After a farce, Matchmaker Cai poured two cups of tea, and the youngest of the Song family finally obeyed after receiving two slaps full of motherly love.

That voice sounded very solid to her.

Song's mother was very embarrassed.

This careless brat of my own...

He apologized to Matchmaker Cai again, "I made you laugh because the child was disobedient..."

Song Shi answered from the side, "How embarrassed are you to give your child a blind date!"

No regrets.

Mother Song ignored him, this brat was just a mouthful!
"Then I'll leave it to you to take care of my son. If you have the right information, I'll be notified."

After she said this, both of them were stunned for a moment and realized something was wrong.

Especially Matchmaker Tsai.

He slapped his thigh fiercely and said, "Ouch! Your boy almost forgot about the business due to this interruption! I came here this time because I have the right person for you!"

Mother Song was overjoyed, "Really?"

"That can still be a lie." Matchmaker Cai said with a smile, "You are also lucky. There is a family member named Wang at the bus station in the town. He happens to have a daughter who is twenty this year, the same age as your son. She has a junior high school diploma and looks good. She is also good-looking, fair and clean, and the two older brothers above are both married...she is a good candidate."

Mother Song was also satisfied.

I asked again carefully.

Especially when I heard that the other party's family didn't mind looking for him in the countryside, he was even more excited. He just wanted to let the two of them get married and send them to the bridal chamber to have their grandson.

"What about the bride price?"

Sister-in-law Song asked.

Song's mother glared at her, "What do you mean, are you afraid that I will give the youngest more subsidies?"

If you have the ability, say it clearly!
Speaking of this, the smile on Matchmaker Cai's face became even bigger, "How about saying that your family is very lucky, eldest sister? The girl's parents said that as long as the girl marries a good person, her parents-in-law and sisters-in-law will get along well with each other and they will not make any noise. Yes, I will give you whatever you want as a dowry, it is a marriage, not a feud." She paused, "It's just that I don't want to give too much dowry, after all, I still have two brothers at home."

"I understand, I understand." Who doesn't have two troubled daughters-in-law?

Sister-in-law Song and Sister-in-law Song were suspected of having connotations:…

The more they talked, the happier they became, and the more they got to know each other, the more they felt that this was the best marriage.

Song Shi was afraid that Song's mother would make the decision on the spot.

He quickly interrupted and asked Matchmaker Cai: "Auntie, you said that girl is the same age as me. Let me ask in what month she was born."


Matchmaker Cai said casually, then turned to chat with Mother Song again.

Song Shi blinked and shook his head, "That won't work, this marriage won't work."

Matchmaker Cai and Mother Song: “…”

Song Shi smiled: "Now let me talk about my second criterion for choosing a mate."

Mother Song, who had a thorough understanding of her son's urinary properties, said expressionlessly: "I think you want a second chance to be reincarnated."

Song Shi ignored her and said to himself, "Besides being good-looking, my partner cannot be older than me. I am a very strict person, and I can't even be older than one day." Then he looked at Song's mother: "That's it. It's also your and dad's fault for giving birth to me so late. If my four older brothers and sisters and my daughter-in-law are still older than me, then I'd better forget it."

Live without love!

Mother Song:…


(End of this chapter)

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