Zhang Yunxiang's cheeks were as red as ripe apples, and her eyes were moist and shy like black grapes. She bit her red lips, suppressed her shame, and looked at Song Shi without blinking.

Song Shi: I can only give you a confused look on this.

"you like me?"

He was confused: "Then why didn't you agree when I asked you to be my partner before?"


Zhang Yunxiang also regrets it!
How could I have so many troubles now if I promised at that time?
He lowered his head and whispered, "I, I'm scared, I want to go back to the city..."

"Then you don't want to go back to the city now? It's only been half a year since you came to our village. Maybe you'll have the chance to go back to the city sometime. I think you'd better hold on. You're a city girl and you're staying in the country. Don’t live here. Although I am one of the best young men in the village, I am good-looking, and I am no worse than the people in the city. But after all, I have a rural registered permanent residence. If you follow me, not only you, but also your children will also live in the countryside. I heard that you are very popular at home, and I don’t think your parents would agree to you marrying a country boy."

He was very understanding and explained the pros and cons clearly.

Zhang Yunxiang was confused.


Brother, what do you mean?
I already said that I agreed, but you still have so much to say. Who in this village doesn’t want to marry an intellectual? Now I am willing to be good to you. All you have to do is agree to it with joy. The other things are up to you. Tube!
all will be good!
After the uncooked rice is cooked, can we still take the rice and change the pot and cook it again?

Every reason is considered from her perspective, really...

In this way, we can only——

"Actually, even if I go back to the city, there will be no place for me at home..."

Next, Song Shi heard a story about a parent who doted on their little daughter, which made her brothers and sisters-in-law dissatisfied. After she left, her nephews took over her house.

He felt sleepy.

"So, you are willing to be with me because you have no place to live?"

Zhang Yunxiang: "..."

I was speechless.

Please focus on the key points!

Am I not pitiful, am I not innocent, am I not worthy of sympathy?
The normal situation in this situation is that you should be unbearable and macho and protective, and promise me a family and a future!

"Then I can't be with you."

Zhang Yunxiang heard what he said before she could explain, and she became anxious. Although her favorability points were not lost, this was obviously a signal.

"Song, Fifth Brother Song, I really am not, I really have you in my heart..."

Song Shi stopped her.

"You have me and your parents in your heart. Don't you want to go back to the city? Even if you say you don't want to go back to the city now, I don't believe it. The city is so nice, who wouldn't want to go? I don't want to marry a daughter-in-law and die within two years. If I run away, what will I do and what will happen to the baby? The result is a lifetime event. I think my mother is right. Find someone who knows the truth and at least he is not allowed to run away."

Country people, if they don't seek great wealth, they seek peace and stability.

It's a waste of time.

The God of Wealth ran away when he saw it.

Zhang Yunxiang hurriedly promised: "I won't! I really won't! If you don't believe it, I can argue with you right now, write a letter of guarantee, and call the whole village to testify. If I marry you and run away, I'll be struck by lightning and die!"

She even swore a poisonous oath, it was so serious, it was time to see her sincerity now.

However, the other party looked at her with a strange expression, as if she was sick.

"Brother Song Wu..."

"Zhang Zhi..., Qing, are you sick? Do you want to go to the health center?"

Zhang Yunxiang doesn't want to see any doctor.

Doesn’t she know whether she is sick or not?She is in very good health!

"Brother Song Wu, I really want to be with you!"

Song Shi sighed, "Actually, you are very good, really very good. There is no shortage of young men to like you, so there is no need to be so cruel to yourself."

Too bad!
so urgent!
That kind of madness about hating marriage makes people feel cold in their hearts!

Zhang Yunxiang is not stupid.

Obviously she also knew that she was too abnormal just now, so she hurriedly explained, "I, I just like you so much, Fifth Brother, that's why..."

Song Shi took two steps back.

She looked like a scourge.

"Zhang Zhi..., Qing, I know I'm very good. Of course, you are also very good. However, we are destined to be incompatible. When I liked you, you pretended to be reckless. When you liked me, I agreed because I didn't get a response. Since we have all missed our blind date, let’s let each other go.”

After speaking, he left quickly.

Zhang Yunxiang shouted a few times. Really, she really wanted everyone in the village to hear it and use public opinion to pressure the male protagonist to marry her. But in this way, the favorability value would definitely not reach [-].

She looked at her stable score of 81 and breathed a sigh of relief.

And a little proud.

On the surface he was indifferent to her, but in fact he didn't like her in his heart.Favorability points don't lie.

Man, what a duplicitous person!

Stomping his feet, he turned around and left.

She had to go back quickly to discuss with the system how to defeat the male protagonist.

Song Shi returned home.

I scooped up water and took a combat shower, then fell on the bed to catch up on my sleep.

He got up in the middle of the night, climbed down the mountain and went to the city to sell things, and listened to another story. His eyelids were already fighting, and within a minute of his head touching the pillow, he started snoring.


Sister-in-law Song felt sour in her heart when she heard this.

Biting my ears with my sister-in-law in the corner.

"Sleep when you come back. Our brother-in-law will enjoy it the most."

Sister-in-law Song also frowned.

Her two sons went out to collect firewood today.

"My mother said she didn't give him anything, but I don't believe it. She must have given it to him secretly! Sister-in-law, when do you think Xiao Wu will get married? Sister-in-law, you have to stand on the same side as me then, and you will definitely bite me to death. The family is separated, Xiao Wu is already [-] years old, yet he still doesn’t do anything, and his mother is still doting on him, anyway, I don’t want to raise such a person for nothing anymore!”

It's not like she doesn't have a son.

If you want to raise her, you must also raise your own son!
Sister-in-law Song was worried, "The key is that my younger brother's requirements for a blind date are too high, and I don't know when I will get them."

So much to ask.

How dare you mention it!

Why don't you go to heaven!God will ask the gods in the sky to pinch one for you!

It's annoying!

A person in his twenties is still ignorant!
Second Sister-in-law Song snorted coldly, "I think he just wants to be raised by the family and take advantage of my family and yours!"

Sister-in-law Song: Who knows?

But I’m still annoyed if I don’t even write a single horoscope!
The two of them murmured for a long time, and finally decided to join the project of finding a wife for their brother-in-law, and they must help him complete important life events as soon as possible.

The next day, both of them returned to their parents' homes.

Mother Song was very angry and cursed a few times in the yard.

It's a pity that no one at home listens.

The eldest and the second went to the village.

The youngest son and his nephews went to the mountains to pick wild oranges.

The old man was smoking a dry cigarette, "Stop scolding, come here, let's talk about the separation."

Song’s mother: “…”

To be honest, she doesn't want to break up.

How lively it is to live together.

Besides, if the youngest gets married, the family will be separated, so what will the new daughter-in-law think?

But she is not the head of the family.

Song's father said, "It's difficult for me to get married. Tell Matchmaker Cai and tell her clearly about the separation of the family. Just say that the girl can be the head of the family after she gets married."

Mother Song hesitated and refused.

"How can that happen? She is a little girl. What does she know?"

"Then the youngest will not get married? Or should we not follow the eldest son instead of the youngest? There is no such reason in the village."

Mother Song stopped talking.

She must be with the boss.

But the youngest, she doesn’t want to let go either.

How to put it!

She was worried about how the youngest looked like a child. If the family really separated, regardless of him, she would have to worry about whether he would starve to death.

So sad!
It seems that the age difference between the youngest and the previous brothers and sisters is too big.

"That's it. From now on, I'll go see the youngest every day at most. Let's bring up the eldest and second child. Logically speaking, we should also bring up the youngest's child. In the end, it's the youngest who suffers from this matter. .”

Song's mother thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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