
But the more worrying thing is yet to come.

Matchmaker Cai came here several times and introduced a handful of good girls. Even Sister-in-law Song and Sister-in-law Song helped introduce girls from her natal village, but he rejected them for various reasons.

If you are not tall enough, if you have crooked teeth, if you are too dark, or if you have too little hair, you don’t want it if you are an eldest sister, because you are used to taking care of your younger siblings and you will help your family. If you are a younger sister, you don’t want it because you are used to being taken care of by your brothers and sisters. He can't take care of his family well, and he doesn't want those in the middle. He says he has older siblings and younger siblings, and has been ignored by his parents since he was a child. He has character flaws.

Matchmaker Cai was so angry.
I really want to blow your head off with a hammer!

To be honest, are you embarrassed to say this?Are you so embarrassed?

Say others have flaws
Look at yourself, aren't you the most flawed?
You are not defective, you are simply a defect!

Turning to Mrs. Song, she said, "Sister, I think it's better to forget about this blind date. Your boy may not want to find a partner yet. These girls I introduced, no matter what you say with your conscience, they are all good, no matter what Talent or family, I’m definitely not fooling you. As the saying goes, tough things don’t make you happy. Come to me when your son wants to get married, and I’ll introduce him to you then.”

Finished talking and left.

Mother Song glared at the inattentive person and quickly chased her out, "Sister Cai, wait a minute."

It's been a while since I came back.

"Just do it!"

Song Shi did not accept this.

"Mom, I was really wronged, okay? It's not me who wanted to go on a blind date. It was you who insisted that I'm already twenty and if I don't find a partner, I'll become an old man. If we can't get along, you're so angry with yourself. You're here again. Blame it on me. Besides, what did I do? It’s obvious that the matchmaker didn’t introduce me to the good ones and instead found some unmarried ones to defraud me. I won’t be fooled!”

"You still said it! You still said it!" Mother Song looked around in the yard, and finally got on the big broom sweeping the floor.

When Song Shi saw this, he ran away.

"You are going to make me angry to death!"

"Ah! You think the matchmaker's introduction is not good, that's fine. What about your eldest sister-in-law and your second sister-in-law? They can't harm you, right? You refused without even looking at it. Why don't you go meet me? Here you go. Sister-in-law and second sister-in-law have so much respect! How dare you run away!"

"Do you know how many good things your elder sister-in-law and your second sister-in-law said to others about finding a partner for you? Do you know how people are spreading rumors about you outside now, saying that you are arrogant, even more arrogant than Mr. Wang said that day? You can’t even look down on the girls from these ten miles and eight villages!”

If there weren't some things you couldn't say and you'd be punished if you said them, these words would be nothing. They would be ten times or a hundred times more unpleasant than this!
Song Shi explained while hiding, "I know the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law have good intentions, but I really can't accept it. Those girls introduced by the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law call them whatever they call them. If I get married, I will call them the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law." Isn’t that a generation difference?”

Mother Song was stunned.

Uh, really.

Sister-in-law Song and Sister-in-law Song had thought about this before.

Then he said, "We are not real relatives. I will naturally follow you when I get married."

"That's not possible." Song Shi looked serious, "You can't call your elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law sister to their mother, and then you are sister-in-law to them. Isn't that embarrassing? Seniority is a big thing, and you can't mess with it."

He said all this.

The two of them could only keep their mouths shut.

This is far-fetched.

The countryside values ​​tradition and takes matters of seniority very seriously.

Why don't they have any sisters of the right age?

Of course, there must be relatives of the right age in the natal family.

Those are the ones who are truly inferior.

Mother Song refused to admit that she was in the wrong. She was not wrong, but her old man who deliberately caused trouble was wrong.

Even if the two daughters-in-law didn't introduce them, Matchmaker Cai introduced so many of them, and some of them were really good. She was extremely satisfied, so why didn't she take a fancy to them?

It was obviously the brat who was deliberately going against her!He just doesn't want the daughter-in-law she likes!

Sadness comes from it.

Throwing the broom away, he sat on the ground and patted his thighs and cried, "You are going to make me mad! Tell me what you want! Honestly, do you not want to get married?"

Song Shi was speechless, "Mom, can we talk properly? With you like this, the village thinks our family is performing a big show. It's time for someone to come over and watch the fun."

It was okay if he didn't say it, but he exploded when he mentioned Mother Song.

He immediately jumped up from the ground and pointed his finger at him, "How dare you say this!"

"What do you think outsiders think of our family now!"

"Our family has long been a joke!"

She had gone to great lengths to clean up her bratty child, saying that his child only looked at good-looking people because of his character. Others smiled kindly and said who didn't like pretty young men.

As a result, this little kid. Look what this little kid has done!
He wants to press himself into the ink as hard as he can, and he can't even pull himself back. What can he do?
Now when she goes out for a walk, everyone in the village makes fun of her.

Asked her youngest daughter if she had chosen one among so many.

Privately, she laughed at her, saying that Xiaowu probably wanted to choose the most beautiful fairy daughter in the world as his wife.

Make her angry.
Sister-in-law Song said coolly at the side: "Is it possible that I'm still thinking about Zhang Zhi... Qing? If you tell me clearly, my mother is not unreasonable and will definitely go and beg for you."

Mother Song's eyes lit up: "Xiao Wu, is what your second sister-in-law said true?"

Song Dynasty: "Fake."

He shook his head like a rattle, his face full of resistance, "Don't mention her, that person is sick and has mental problems."

Mother Song, Second Sister-in-law Song, Sister-in-law Song: ".?"

"Do you have a mental problem?" Sister-in-law Song was surprised: "It seems quite normal. Could it be that, little brother, you are deliberately talking nonsense because you don't want to get married."

Song Shi turned to look at her: "Let's not say that what I said is true or that I'm just talking nonsense. That's because I don't want to get married, and it doesn't affect your second sister-in-law's marriage. What does it have to do with you!"

Sister-in-law Song: "."

Thinking this way, it really has nothing to do with me.
But, it’s so uncomfortable!
Why do you always criticize labor and management?
Oh, you didn't affect my marriage, but you did affect my future.

It affects the family separation!
Second Sister-in-law Song was very angry. The more she looked at her brother-in-law, the more she disliked her.

"Then you like intellectual youth? Other intellectual youths are fine too!" Mother Song said.

Song Shi: "What if I go back to the city one day and dump me?"

Song’s mother: She has a dull face.

Neither this nor that!

So you just don’t want to get married.

She glanced at the two daughters-in-law, both of whom had ugly expressions on their faces.

It's already winter.

If the younger son cooperates well, the family should be preparing for his marriage by now.

However, marriage is far away.

Thinking that her second son had been complaining about not having enough room for the past few days, and her eldest son was silent, she sighed and had a headache!

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