The Song family fell into low pressure.

But the old couple couldn't do anything about this little son. They had howled and made noises. The brat couldn't get enough of it. He seemed to have something to say about the second daughter-in-law's thumping in the kitchen and the eldest daughter-in-law's intentions at the dinner table. It's like I don't understand it at all. I should be chuckling when I should be laughing.

This made the two daughters-in-law very angry.
Even they are helpless.

After all, he is his biological son and he is the son of an old man, so he can't really be kicked out.

I originally thought that he was still thinking about Zhang Zhi, Qing, but when I tried to raise it, I saw a look of resistance on his face, saying that Zhang Zhi, Qing had vowed to kill his whole family with thunder in order to marry him. See, His eyes looked like he was a fragrant piece of twice-cooked pork that he wanted to swallow in one bite, so extreme and irrational.

"She must have something up her sleeve! I can't let a poisonous snake lie next to me!"

I got a big bang from Mother Song.

"Picture? What are you picturing? I'm a girl from the city. Her parents and brothers all have jobs. She has never seen anything in the world. Is it because your family is living in poverty and can't eat a few mouthfuls of meat a year? Or is it because you are in a rural area and have a registered permanent residence and will never be able to return to the city? I can only be a country boy, can you please have some brains? If it were other people in the village, such a good girl would have been welcomed in by beating gongs and drums."

Just treat someone else's cute girl like a jackal, a tiger, and a leopard.

Song Dynasty: "Mother, you know people, faces but not hearts."

Song's mother had a dull face: "Then you should bring someone back. I promise to help you take care of him."

Song Shi: "."

That is nothing to talk about.

On different frequencies of pain.

Simply unable to communicate.

He said perfunctorily, "I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry. Don't worry, I will definitely get you a daughter-in-law in the future. She is guaranteed to be a hundred times better than the one introduced by Matchmaker Cai." Then he complained, "Mom, you said you don't lack grandchildren. , why are you staring at me? It’s been hard to take care of children. You are old now. Wouldn’t it be nice to just sit back and enjoy the blessings of your children and grandchildren? You have to worry so much. Are you too busy to find fault for yourself? Shou, if you really want to raise a child, then Jianhua will be able to give you a great-grandson in a few years, so you can hold him as long as you want!"

The consequence of these words is a broomstick.

Song Shi ran out of the house.

Another exciting day.

The people in the village were all surprised. This Song Xiaowu was indeed clever, but too clever.

Listen to what he said. What are they?
Could you please take a picture of yourself after taking a pee to identify yourself?Drink more water and know better!
The disgrace was lost to other villages.

There were two people waving to him from a distance. They were Yuan Zha's brothers, the legendary Gou Zi and Zhu Wa.

The dog is short and thin, and the pig is tall and thin.

Both of them wore patched clothes and a pair of black cloth shoes with their big toes exposed.

"Five brothers!"

Song Shi walked over and asked casually, "What are you two doing?"

"It's not the farm break anymore. I have nothing to do. Fifth brother, I heard that you were beaten by my aunt again. What do you think? Do you want to go into the mountains to hide?" Gouzi winked.

"Get out of here!" Song Shi kicked him over, "You're using labor and capital to make fun of me, right? You're so brave!"

"Don't you dare! After all, Fifth Brother is a great person that even Zhi, Qing and Qing don't like!"

The three of them were laughing and joking all the way.

When he was about to go for a stroll in the town, he saw a lot of people gathered on the stone bridge not far away. In line with the principle of "the whole village will watch your own lively, and if you don't watch the lively village, you will lose", Song Sila The two of them rushed over there.

In the river under the bridge, a man was dragging another man to swim to the shore.

"What's the matter?"

Gouzi grabbed a person next to him and asked.

The man looked at the excitement, his eyes full of excitement, "Here, the eldest girl from the Chen family accidentally fell into the river, and that boy Yang Qing happened to be passing by, so he jumped in to save her."

Yang Qing?

The dog looked into the river, okay?
That guy with a short head and a face as cold as stone, isn't he the son of a bitch from the landlord's family?
Song Shi clapped his hands, oh, it was exciting again.

Life is like a play, I sing and you appear.

So, don’t laugh at anyone, because your family may be on the stage one day.Should family scandals be kept public?

Sigh, I'm so angry that I don't care whether it's ugly or not!
The three of them squeezed to the front.

Watching the two of them fighting in the river, especially Yang Qing, he was still holding Chen Daya in his hand. No matter how thin Chen Daya was, she weighed eighty or ninety pounds.

Although it’s only October, it’s been extra cold this year for some reason. Last year I could wear one at this time, but this year it’s cool to wear both.

Not to mention in the water.

It makes me tremble just looking at it.

Soon, Yang Qing swam to the shore and dragged Chen Daya up. He wanted to walk, but unfortunately Chen Daya, who had fallen into a coma, held on to his clothes tightly and couldn't move them away.

no way.

Yang Qing had no choice but to take off his clothes and leave shirtless.

it's too cold.

He had to go back quickly and drink a bowl of ginger soup to get rid of the cold. If he caught a cold, he didn't have money for medical treatment.

Not long after he left, Chen Daya's family arrived.

Father Chen's face was as gloomy as if someone owed him ten yuan and he refused to pay it back. Mother Chen rushed forward and beat and scolded her daughter who was lying on the ground wet and pale.

"You are a disgraceful thing! Did your eyes reach up to your butt, buttocks? You could have fallen off a bridge! Why didn't you drown yourself, you debt collector! You have completely disgraced me and your father!" "

Others hurriedly grabbed her and persuaded her: "It's good that she is fine. Fortunately, she was rescued."

Mother Chen said angrily: "It's better not to save her!"

Father Chen looked around and asked with a cold face, "Where is Yang Qing?"

Someone said: "He just left, he should have gone home."

Father Chen's face suddenly flashed with thunder and lightning, "My eldest daughter is still a young girl. He touched her, touched her, hugged her, patted her butt and then left? How can there be such a reason! He You must be responsible! Otherwise, labor and management will throw this dead girl into the river. Who will want her after she is like this? It is better to die cleanly!"

Speaking of getting started.

A bunch of people quickly tried to persuade me.

It was difficult to persuade him to stop.

Chen Daya also woke up at this moment and was stunned for a while before covering her face and sobbing.

When Mother Chen saw this, she was so angry that she pinched her again.

"Damn girl! I told you not to look at the road! You deserve it! I told you to be embarrassed!"

"Da Ya's mother, what's the use of spanking your child now? You still have to find a way to solve the problem." Others grabbed her and persuaded her.

Mother Chen glared at her eldest daughter fiercely, "Tell me! What's going on!"

Chen Daya's eyes were red from crying, "I, I slipped while walking on the bridge, and when I reacted, I was in the river."

"What's going on with that bitch!"

"He is walking in front of me, and I want to surpass him. Somehow," she cried and couldn't explain clearly.

Others could only advise Chen's mother, "It's useless to be angry now. It's better to go to the Yang family quickly and discuss the marriage between Da Ya and him. There is no other way. Who will bring bad luck to Da Ya in your family? This is the only way."

Mother Chen: .
So angry.

How much money can the Yang family have?

Her daughter, who had worked so hard to raise her, had to get married again. What a loss!

Damn girl!
"Let's go! Go to Yang's house!"

In Song Dynasty, the three of them followed a group of people and ate hot melons.

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