Chapter 294 NO.12 Sugar Cane 15
What could Yang Qing do but say sorry.

"I'm sorry for you. I didn't expect this." Moreover, he was really dragged into the water, but the matter was over, and there was nothing more to say.

He wiped his face and said, "You are a good girl, educated, and from the city. You will definitely be able to find a better partner than me."

Bless each other.

Rango Yao Jiayu only shook her head, tears streaming down her face, "No, there won't be anyone better than you."

These sincere words made Yang Qing's heart soften.

It turns out that she actually cares about him so deeply?
After all, the love is deep and the relationship is shallow.

Only Yao Jiayu knew that what she said was true.

The only one who can compare with Yang Qing is Song Wu.

But that guy is really hard to chew!

Listening to what he said during the blind date, even Zhang Yunxiang was dumped by him. She cried in the room for several days without seeing him to comfort her.

The heart is as cold as iron.

Oh, no wonder you can earn such a large family fortune!
Yao Jiayu rubbed her eyes red and sobbed, "We are going to get married soon, how could they do this? You saved Chen Daya, his family is repaying kindness with vengeance! No, I have to go to them to ask for an explanation. They did this, Who will dare to sacrifice themselves to save others in the future!"

After saying that, he ran away like the wind.

That posture is very much like defending love.

Yang Qing hurriedly chased after him.

He was tall and had long legs. He quickly caught up with her and took her arm, "Don't go!"


Yao Jiayu gasped and looked at him blankly.

do not go?

why do not you go?
Her partner was snatched away. She only had to pay for her ex-boyfriend to get her partner!
How can she explain this to herself?
She shouldn't sweep the streets and live under the bridge anymore!
Yang Qing let go of his hand and turned his face away, "Forget it, nothing will change."

Yao Jiayu was stunned for a moment, realizing what he meant, her eyes widened in disbelief, with anger in her eyes, "How do you know there won't be a change when you haven't done anything!"


I heard Yang Qing laugh self-deprecatingly, "What changes can there be? If I don't agree, they have said that they will sue me for being a liar, busy, my mother-in-law is old and can't see, and my little sister is still young, so I Nothing can happen. Besides, if my family is in such a situation, to put it bluntly, anyone in the village can step on me." He looked at Yao Jiayu and said, "Don't go looking for them. It's really useless. If you go, you will be scolded. "

Still can't get the justice he deserves.

Isn't there a saying that the hatred of a wife is irreconcilable, but if the power gap between the two parties is too great, then taking her away is not taking her away.

Anyone who takes it will be fine.

Those who are robbed will be so angry that they die.

Why bother.

People must learn to recognize reality and accept blows.

He knew this as early as more than ten years ago when his family was destroyed.

Yao Jiayu refused.

"I'm going to beg them, give them things, give them money, let them let you go! Let them cancel this wedding!"

There shouldn't have been such a cross-section in the first place!

This is her object!
Yang Qing:.
It's useless.

Scoundrels like the Chen family will only take money but not acknowledge it.

"you listen to me."

Yao Jiayu didn't listen, turned around and ran away.

What else is there to say.

You can't even protect your own innocence, you can't even make the decision about your future wife, you loser!

Sure enough, I can only drink some soup behind Song Wu's butt!
You will never be able to make a living for the rest of your life!
But she still has to stand up for such a person and fight for such a person!

How aggrieved!
Yang Qing did not pursue her anymore. Firstly, his feelings for Yao Jiayu were not very deep yet, and love came so suddenly, like a bolt of lightning hitting his head. He was still in a dream, but another bolt of lightning struck him.

Secondly, he had just persuaded her, but Yao Jiayu insisted on going her own way. He couldn't always follow her, right? What would happen? She was already disliked in the village, but if she did that, the whole family would not be able to survive.

In addition, he was a little dizzy, probably because he caught a cold after soaking in cold water.Ah. Ah, cut!

Yang Qing rubbed his nose and quickly turned around to go home.

the other side.

Yao Jiayu ran towards the dormitory with red eyes.

As soon as I got back, I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets for money and tickets, and even asked other knowledgeable people to borrow them.

That's money!

Even if you have it, you can't borrow it easily. The key is, can you afford it?
Just ask her what happened.

The busy farming season has passed, and most of the villagers are resting in their dormitories, so they don't know what happened at the village bridge.

Yao Jiayu sobbed at first and refused to speak.

Later, when she was asked urgently and others refused to lend her money, she confessed.

When the intellectuals heard this, it was all right.

The already planned marriage was changed without even a notice and discussion. What does that mean?This is clearly looking down on them!
They left their hometown, their parents and friends, and came to such a dilapidated and remote mountain village. City children who had never done farm work before learned to work in the fields. Their hands were blistered, their feet were cut, they didn't have enough to eat, and they had to be tortured. Ridiculed and ostracized by villagers
All the bad experiences from the past rushed into my mind.

Nowadays, even marriages are robbed casually, and they are robbed at will.
For a time, grief, anger and dissatisfaction spread in the hearts of the people.

"Let's go! Ask them for an explanation!"

If someone takes the lead, the rest will fall into place.

Instead of going to Chen's house, they went directly to the village chief's house.

The village chief frowned.

very annoying.

In his opinion, this was nothing at all. Although the bastard was engaged to Yao Jiayu, it was just an engagement, but it ruined Chen Daya's innocence. If Chen Daya didn't marry him, she would have no choice but to die.

It was quite unlucky for Yao Jiayu to be divorced, but her innocence was still intact and she could still get married. Besides, city girls were open-minded and it was normal for them to go shopping with men. Country girls were traditional, and there were many people who jumped into the river out of confusion. .

Who told her that she was unlucky enough to get into this?

Furthermore, people in the village and people outside the village know who he prefers without even thinking about it.

Yao Jiayu cried miserably.

The intellectuals were very angry.

The village chief did not dare to be too biased and obvious. He first persuaded the insiders for a while to calm down their excitement, and then sent someone to call the Chen family and the Yang family, so that everyone could explain the matter clearly in person.

Soon, Father Chen, Mother Chen and Yang Qing arrived.

I say it is clear, but what is there to say?

Both parties have reached an agreement.

Although the main responsibility does not lie with Yang Qing, it is true that he regretted the marriage.

Yao Zhi, Qing and others are the victims.

He apologized sincerely and was willing to offer something as compensation.

He really doesn't want to pay.

What does this have to do with him.

But the Chen family would not pay compensation. If they wanted to compensate, they would simply send him in, saying that the worst he could do would be to kill his daughter. Anyway, his daughter was ruined and useless.

Yao Jiayu doesn't want any compensation.

Just a few kilograms of grain, two pieces of cloth, and a few dollars are worth a shit!
What she wants is a future where she has enough food and clothing and can buy whatever she wants!

But that's the limit that Yang Qing can take.

Even her friends advised her to accept it.

It's a done deal, it's better to get the actual benefits.

Yao Jiayu's eyes were red, and she stared at Yang Qing hatefully, making his scalp numb. She sneered, pushed away the crowd, turned around and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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