Yao Jiayu finally caught a ride on the road to wealth, but was kicked off just a short distance away. It was strange that she was willing to do so.

Yang Qing's road is blocked.

Her wealth was over.

The poor life in her previous life was like an arrow stabbing into her mind, and she began to fight back.

She no longer stayed in the bungalow like before, but complained everywhere in the village, so she was not afraid of others knowing that she had been abandoned.

On the contrary, the more people who know, the better.

What's her fault? It's someone else who is at fault!
No evidence is needed. Two people appearing on a bridge and in a river at the same time is the most ironclad evidence!

Are you allowed to stab me in the back, and I will have to suffer the consequences?

No such thing!

As a result, rumors began to appear in the village that the two people had hooked up earlier.

Or is it just such a coincidence?

Just happened to appear in one place?Just fell into the water to save someone?

And the marriage was discussed too easily.

As for why he had to talk to Yao Jiayu about a partner after hooking up, well, normal people can't figure out what the bastard thinks. If they have to give a reason, it's vanity.

The Chen family was extremely angry.

Various rebuttals.

I even went to the bungalow to make trouble.

But Yao Jiayu was not someone to be trifled with. When she was sweeping the streets, she had never encountered any difficult people, and she did not try to force herself with the Chen family. She just cried and said that she would go to the county to find the leader to make the decision, saying that the bullies in the village were not only They wanted to steal her marriage and beat her to death. No one made the decision for them, so they said they should just let them, young people from the city, die in the village.

Chen Daya will also stir up trouble.

When someone pointed at me and scolded me, I immediately jumped into the river in shame and anger.

The villagers were busy pulling her.

Yao Jiayu wiped her tears and laughed with her hands on her hips, "Jump! You should jump! Jump down, and a man will come to save you later! Sisters-in-law and aunts, please be careful, this woman is always jumping into the river. It’s not easy. If you men go down to save someone and ruin their innocence, do you think he should choose this yellow-faced girl or you yellow-faced women?"

The women holding Chen Daya loosened their grip subconsciously.

Chen Daya froze in place.

The village chief had a splitting headache.

What a bad debt!
Can't tell!
There are constant shows and excitement in the village, so you won’t feel lonely this winter.

Zhang Yunxiang came to see Song Shi many times.

Usually it's a chance encounter.

There is no need to talk about it even if it is full of affection.

Song Shi was so annoyed by it that he wanted to masturbate her system several times, but found it quite boring.

If you do something too harshly, you will easily get retribution.

Besides, there was still something he didn't understand, so he had to wait.

this day.

He had just separated from Gouzi Zhuwa and went home alone. There was no one outside in the cold weather. Zhang Yunxiang stood in the middle of the path, biting her lips. Because there was no raw material to feed her, her apple-shaped face shrank, and her cheeks shrank. Blushed by the wind, "Brother Song Wu..."

Song Shi pretended not to hear it without squinting his eyes.

"Five brothers!"

She shouted again, stopped in front of her, raised her eyes firmly and begged, "What's wrong with me, tell me, and I'll change it!"

Song Shi was expressionless.

You don't know what's wrong with it?

Even the body is pinched. You have the nerve to deceive the affection of an innocent boy. You still have the nerve to say that you should change it. You’d better not change it. Let’s find someone else to take the strategy——

He has a meal.

Change someone else...

It is true that the original slag is not here for the time being. In other words, the target of the strategy is offline.

But this one is offline, there is still another one.

It happened that there was an old bachelor in his 40s in the village who didn't have a wife yet, and Zhang Yunxiang hated getting married. Isn't this a coincidence?

A match made in heaven.

Zhang Yunxiang was still thinking about how to capture this iceberg that threatened to marry a fairy, when she heard a 'ding--' sound.

"You have a new system task, please check it as soon as possible."

"You have a new system task, please check it as soon as possible."

She took a look.

Suddenly stunned.

I saw that the font of 'Song Wu Favorability Value 80' on the system panel had turned gray, and there was an extra line below it.Task 40, Huang Dahei’s favorability value is [-]

? ?
Changed tasks?

The key is, who is this Huang Dahei?
New male protagonist?

She has traveled through several worlds, but she has never had to change people midway.

'system!system! '

But there is no response from the system.

When he looked up again, there was obvious confusion in his eyes.

She has changed her strategy, so is this the tall and handsome future multi-millionaire in front of her?
We have to stop!

Not to mention that you can't defeat it at all, even if you can, it's useless.

It's like an exam. The test is Chinese and you write math. No matter how well you write, it doesn't matter!

Thinking of this, she sighed, "Maybe we are really destined to die. In that case, I won't force it anymore. I also have dignity. Let's, let's just do it."

After saying that, he covered his face and ran away.

She is very busy.

She had never heard of Huang Dahei before, so she had to quickly find out who it was before he could show his face.

The reasons are all there.

Because I was heartbroken, I went out for a walk to relax.

Song Shi also wrapped himself in cotton clothes and left quickly.

He really didn't want to go out.

The cold wind was blowing outside, the light rain was falling, and it was extremely cold. He stayed in the house because he was sick and didn't want to come out to blow the cold wind.

Sure enough, as soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw Mother Song's cold face.

The only words left on his face were 'Are you in love or not' written on his face.

Song Dynasty:…

This head really hurts!

Mom, you will lose your son if you do this, okay?

Mother Song turned around and went into the house without saying a word to him.

Song Shi thought he had escaped disaster today, but he said it on the dinner table during dinner.

The marriage partner he wanted was found.

Every one of them meets his criteria for choosing a mate.

Song Shi was stunned.

"Really, is there that person?"

Oh my god, he really was talking nonsense back then!
Song's mother gave him a sideways look, "I'm warning you not to make any more troubles, and treat me well, otherwise, huh!"

It was particularly difficult to eat a meal in the Song Dynasty.

A few days later, he also met the so-called blind date who met all his criteria.

She has fair skin, an oval face, and delicate eyebrows. Even her figure is neither too tall nor too short. She has long, thick black hair, braided and hanging down on her chest. Her parents have gentle smiles on their faces, which makes her look good at first sight. get along.

"come on in."

Mother Song welcomed her out enthusiastically, holding the girl's hand and smiling from ear to ear, "This is Qianhui, you're here, come in and have tea."

The yard was swept clean early in the morning.

Song Shi was also ordered to wear clothes with minimal patches.

Then he called someone.

Yu Qianhui's parents looked at him with satisfaction.

The guy is really good.

No wonder there are so many requirements.

When the elders drink tea and chat, it doesn't seem like they are just talking about common things. In fact, you and I express our own conditions implicitly.

"Xiaowu, take Qianhui for a walk in the village. The big jujube tree in our field is bearing fruit well this year. Go and get some for Qianhui to try."

Song Shi: Okay.

"Then I'll go."


Yu Qianhui followed him with red cheeks.

The two of them were unfamiliar with each other, and they didn't say a word the whole way. They were each nibbling handfuls of dates, and a woman walked past, panicking as if she had been frightened.

It was Zhang Yunxiang. (End of chapter)

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