Chapter 296 NO.12 Sugar Cane 17
Zhang Yunxiang seemed to be frightened, and it was a serious fright. Her face was distorted with fright, and her eyes almost popped out.

So much so that her expression hadn't adjusted yet when she turned around and saw the people around Song Shi.

It's supposed to be complicated.

It was a forced horror.

But Song Shi understood.

He also greeted her in a very friendly and natural manner, "Where are you from?" I bumped into a ghost on the road.

After hearing this, Zhang Yunxiang's face was even more speechless.

Relevant to what happened just now, this is nothing more than asking her embarrassed ex-boyfriend how she was doing after she broke up with her, and met a new love.

What can she do.

Of course it’s not good!very bad!

If Huang Dahei is better than Song Wu, the system should have positioned him as the male protagonist from the beginning, but, hey, he is not a normal person!

He was unshaven, unkempt, and even his face could not be discerned. He was dressed in tattered clothes. No, they couldn't be considered clothes at all. They were made up of patches. They were dirty and smelly.She recalled the expressions on the villagers' faces when they heard her asking, "Are you kidding me," "Are you sick," or "Nervous?" The smell made my heart completely chill.

Let her attack such people...

System, do you have a bag on your head?
The previous one was still a very normal male protagonist, but why did the style of painting completely change in the second mission.

Just tell me honestly whether you are trying to trick me!
Is this the punishment for failing the labor mission?
You say so!
Ran Ge System pretended to be dead, no matter how she yelled, not a single fart came out!

I thought I would have unlimited glory, but ended up being slapped in the face.

She said expressionlessly, "I want you to take care of it!"

He snorted and walked past the two of them without looking back.

Song Shi shrugged.

Yu Qianhui looked back at Zhang Yunxiang's back and asked curiously: "Who is that?"

I have to find something to say.

We can't just go back in silence while each one gnaws his own dates.

It's so embarrassing.

"He's an intellectual young man from our village." Song Shi said.

"No wonder her skin is so white, she looks different from a country girl." She was very foreign and squeamish.

Yu Qianhui's eyes were filled with envy.

Song Shi curled his lips, "Humph!"

Yu Qianhui: " her?"

"Hate? I don't hate her. Who does she think she is? Who is she trying to show off to? I don't know who was so shameless in trying to be nice to me that the whole village knew about it and laughed at me behind my back. Now. She actually pretends to despise me, and the labor and management can afford to despise me, bah!"

Song Shi said bitterly.

Yu Qianhui really felt uncomfortable this time.

Hey brother, do you know what you are talking about?

We are on a blind date!

You say to other girls in front of your blind date that you are an educated young man, what do you want to do, what do you want to do.

Do you still want to kiss me?
You still dislike me, hehe, do you think you dislike me?It's clear that he hasn't let go yet.


"So, those mate selection requirements you mentioned before were also because of her? You refused to go on a blind date because of her?"

She couldn't help asking.

Because Zhang Yunxiang doesn’t want to get married...

Song Shi really thought about it seriously for a while.

I can't say it's just because of her, but it does have her reasons.

So he nodded.

What fell into Yu Qianhui's heart was that this man was so in love that the young woman was not even willing to get married because of her.

Just... pull out the cold.

The shy expectation before was gone, and the dates in my mouth were tasteless.Song Shi didn't explain any more.

The two of them made their way home.

The Yu family members of the Song family, who were chatting happily in the yard, looked over and saw that there was no sweetness in the two faces looking at each other. Instead, there seemed to be a whole winter between them, and their hearts skipped a beat.

This, is this deal broken down?

What happened?
Mother Song looked at her youngest son inquiringly, but the other person was more confused than she was, "Mom, what do you think I am doing?" Could it be possible that he could still see a grandson?

Mother Song:…

What else is there to talk about?

The girl from the Yu family walked up to her mother and pulled her clothes. Mother Yu understood and said with a smile, "I still have something to do at home, so let's stop here today."

Mother Song also laughed, "You have to have lunch before you leave."

"If you don't want to eat, I won't eat." Yu's mother declined. If the marriage was successful, it could be said to be a celebration, but it didn't happen. Why should we eat?

No one’s food comes from strong winds.

She insisted on going.

Mother Song persuaded them politely for a while before sending them to the door.

After the Yu family left, she asked her eldest grandson in the yard, "Where is your brother-in-law?"

Song Jianhua pointed his hand, "My uncle said he was so cold that he went to lie down in the house."

Song's mother walked towards the house with a cold face, walked to her youngest son's house and knocked, "Lao Wu, open the door!"

Song Shi: "Mom, what are you doing? You're asleep. Just say whatever you want."

Mother Song's face was expressionless, "I say it again, open the door!"

Song Shi: "...Okay."

It seems that this scolding needs to be faced head on.

It is said that when he comes to Yuanzha, he is either scolded or on the way to being scolded.


The door opens.

Mother Song came in directly.

"Tell me, did you do something good again? How come you were fine when you went out, but when you came back, the girl looked like that? Did you make her angry?"

Song Shi shouted that he was wronged, "I really didn't do anything or say anything."

"You didn't say anything?" Mother Song was so angry that she fainted, "I asked you to take people out for a walk, you really just went for a walk, the village is like this, there is nothing to go around in a few roads, I asked you to go for a walk Girls cultivate relationships and leave a good impression on others. Aren't you stupid? Aren't you usually so clever? Why can't you rely on your cleverness at critical moments?"

Song Shi rolled his eyes, "Mom, it's our first time meeting you. What should I ask? If I asked her how many kilograms of grain her family got this year, she wouldn't tell me. Besides, she doesn't like me, so what does it have to do with me? You just blame me, how could I still force people to like someone like me?"

"Mom, calm down."

You should calm down.

Could it be that so many blind dates before have not made you feel stronger?
Mother Song was so angry that she shed tears.

"What on earth do you want! Tell me what on earth you want to do! You are already twenty, what are you going to do if you don't get married!"

Song Shi was also helpless.

"Mom, it's my turn to ask you this. What do you want to do? I'm only twenty and not very old. Why do you have to let me get married now? I said I don't want to get married yet. Why do you insist on it? I don’t know, I just can’t figure it out.”


Mother Song couldn't even say it.

What can I say? If you get married, the family will be separated, and you will be kicked out.

She didn't mean it that way.

But when you get married and separate, no matter who it is, that's what it means.

Song Shi knelt down and held her hand, "Mom, actually I know your plan with my father. It's really unnecessary. Isn't it just to separate the family? I agree, I am willing, and we can separate the family without getting married. Even if the family is separated, I will still be your son, there won’t be any difference.”

Mother Song didn't expect her younger son to already know. After listening to his simple words, she felt bitter in her mouth and shook her head, "How can it be the same? It's different. You haven't gotten married yet, so there is no reason for your son to separate the family before he gets married. "

(End of this chapter)

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