The village quickly accepted the separation of the Song family.

points are divided.

So what if you don't accept it.

Besides, it’s not my own home.

Some people find it hard to believe.

Among them are the two fiancées of Yang Qing, the landlord's son-in-law.

Yao Jiayu is okay.

She knew that it was many years later when Song Wu became a rich man. After asking around, she could only get some basic things, and whether or not to separate the families would no longer be important by then.

Because I was just a little surprised and confused.

Is there any reason to separate unmarried sons?Could it be that Yu Qianhui was married by Song Wu himself?But there are still many years before he becomes rich. Now he is completely poorer than a young man. How can he have money to marry a wife?
He still lives in a half-shattered shabby house in the village. Who dares to marry him?
Chen Daya was stunned.

Really confused!
Divide, separate families?
How is it possible to separate the family!Song has not gotten married five times, and he has not yet married Yu Qianhui. No, even if he is married, he will still live in the Song family.

She remembered it well.

It couldn't be more clear.

We live in the same village and have been neighbors for decades. The houses of the two families are only a few dozen meters apart. They both have a daughter and a son. They usually visit each other with their shoe soles to chat when they have nothing to do.

Does she still know whether the Song family is divided or not?


I heard it was said that the family was going to be separated.

But whose new daughter-in-law breaks up the family as soon as she enters the house!

What does it mean!
If they really do this, the backbones of the two immortals in the Song family will be pierced.

The Yu family disagreed.

Song's mother was also reluctant.

In addition, Yu Qianhui became pregnant not long after she entered the house, making it even more impossible for them to break up.

Procrastinate and procrastinate.

In the end, Old Man Song took out the money to expand the house, which temporarily solved the problem of too many family members and not enough room to live in.

Later, the mud-tile house was replaced by a bungalow, a second floor, and then expanded.
Even if the family is separated, it will be a long time later.

After a long time, the two elders of the Song family passed away.

But at this time, the separation of families seems strange no matter how you look at it.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Song Wu leaves the Song family, will Yu Qianhui still marry him?

She didn't know yet that Song Shi and the Yu woman, who had had her oxygen tube removed all her life, had already been on a blind date and had let each other go after the first meeting.

Chen Daya couldn't sit still.

How could she sit still!

When such a change occurred, it was like Song Wu did not take the big road leading to wealth, but chose a small path with an unknown future.

Will he still succeed?

If he doesn't succeed, how can he lead Yang Qing to succeed?
Then is it still interesting to force Yao Jiayu away to marry Yang Qing?Is there any point in coming back after death?

Chen Daya fell into great confusion and panic.

Also confused was Zhang Yunxiang.

W-what?how come.
Compared to the reborn person, she knows more things with the blessing of the system.

As for how many.
Well, let's put it this way, Song Wu's entire life, his biography, has been explained by the system.

Obviously, the Song family has never been separated in their entire lives.
Could it be that she failed in the strategy mission?

The system no longer identifies him as the male protagonist, so his male protagonist halo disappears, and the male protagonist treatment he enjoys, including opportunities and luck, also disappears. And because of the withdrawal of system energy, all the things he got before that should not belong to him are gone. To return it.

Otherwise, the family would be separated without getting married and they would be kicked into a shabby house to live in?

I heard that the original owner of that house and his whole family were all dead. It was a haunted house. As an old man, the male protagonist was the one who needed the most love and care from his parents and brother-in-law.

Nothing else makes sense except this explanation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yunxiang felt hot in her heart.

Everything the male protagonist has is given by the system, and she, who is familiar with the male protagonist's success history, can she copy a path to success?

She really hates that Huang Dahei.

To conquer such a person, no, just thinking about her makes me want to vomit.It’s better not to feel bad about yourself.

Anyway, there were so many upright-looking and spirited young men in the village, so she chose the one she was most satisfied with. The two experienced bitterness at first and then sweetness. They helped each other, started from scratch, worked hard together, and finally became true love partners that everyone envied. Whoever mentioned them was ' I believe in love again'.

This is the highest level of romance.

Zhang Yunxiang's heart was burning.

She was so excited that her head was spinning.

the other side.

Song Shi moved to a famous shabby house in the village, and the Song family's young and old helped him move and pack. In the eyes of the villagers, this family happily sent him away with drums and gongs, and they couldn't wait to send him away.

Even the dirt and thatch accumulated on the ground were shoveled away.

Also lived not long ago.

I took up a bedroom and built a stove in a place that could protect me from the rain.

Song's father asked Song Shi: "What are your plans? Where will you build a house in the future?" Without waiting for his answer, he said to himself, "There is little land in the village now, and the location for the foundation is not good. I thought you could If we stay close to home, we can take care of each other if anything happens. I will send two packs of cigarettes to the village chief when the time comes, and I should be able to get the land behind my home approved."

Song Shi didn't care: "We'll talk about this later, I haven't thought about it yet."

Father Song: "."

Just sigh.

He is only 20 years old, still a child, what plans can he have?

Distressed again.

"I'll take care of this for you," Song's father said.

Song Shi waved his hand, "Dad, don't worry about my affairs. We have separated our families. Just take care of your elder brother's family. I have my own plans for my own affairs."

Father Song was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

"Unfilial son! Who are labor and management doing this for?"

Didn’t you see that your elder brother and sister-in-law don’t look very good? You still don’t appreciate it!
The hard work of labor and management has brought prosperity!

Song's mother glared at Song Shi and pulled the old man, "Don't make yourself angry!"

Everything that needs to be tidied up is tidied up.

Before leaving, Song's mother worriedly asked him what he would have for dinner at night, saying that he would eat at home before coming back.

I saw this dilapidated house again. It didn’t even have a door, it was extremely dilapidated.

She was really sad.

Her poor little son!

However, the people who were pitied did not feel sorry for them and urged them to leave quickly.

"No matter whether I eat or not or what I eat at night, there is one thing that keeps me full."

Mother Song:?
Not only her, but others also looked at him curiously.

"What is it, little brother?" Song Er asked.

"It's freedom." Song Shi closed his eyes and was intoxicated, "Smell it, the air is filled with the smell of freedom, it smells so good!"

Mother Song was so angry that she turned away and left.

"Don't worry about him, let's see if he can get enough by drinking air!"

A group of people dispersed.

The yard fell silent.

Song Shi raised his head and glanced at the silver moon on the top of the tree, and said twice, "It's really desolate, desolate freedom."

The wind blows.

The branches moved wildly.

He wrapped his clothes tightly and turned back to the house.

what to eat at night
For singles who live alone, of course they have everything they need to eat.

Fortunately, the family had just been separated and the food stock was very sufficient.

For the first meal of the move, Song Shi fried a pot of scallion pancakes to reward himself.

Really fragrant!

It’s so sweet to be separated!

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