He finished his meal, took a shower, and rested.

Father Song and Mother Song tossed and turned until late at night before falling asleep in a daze. At dawn when the rooster crowed, their head hurt so bad that they felt groggy. They had no strength, but they still got up, put on their clothes, and ran to the shabby house.

The countryside is full of dew.

Along the way, the old couple's shoes and trouser legs were all wet.

There was no courtyard door to the shabby house, so they went straight in. They looked through the broken window and saw their little son wrapped in a quilt sleeping soundly inside. The two felt relieved and walked around the house again. They saw the iron pot that had not been washed yet. The oil was shiny, and there were still fine crumbs of dough on the stove. Mother Song covered her heart and almost couldn't breathe.

"Prodigal son! Prodigal son!"

The family has just been separated and they are frantically making food. Can we wait until the autumn harvest?Can this be done!
She shouldn't have agreed to the separation!

At this moment, Song's mother regretted not discovering her younger son's intentions earlier.

Brat. She wouldn't believe it if the brat wanted to separate the family for the sake of an upright and well-fed life!

"Old man"

Father Song was also angry and stared angrily, "Let's go! Leave him alone! Let's see what happens when he finishes eating the food!"

"How could you ignore it! Could it be possible to just watch him starve to death!"

"Then what do you want to do? Use the boss's things to supplement him? The family made it clear yesterday!" Song's father dragged his wife away, "Don't worry, just starve to death, let him learn a lesson, he is a 20-year-old man , he is no longer an ignorant child!"

"He has to learn to be independent. We can't help him forever."

Mother Song moved her lips, wanting to say something, but when she saw the old man's suppressed anger, she didn't say anything. She only looked back and left quickly.

Song Shi turned over and continued to sleep.

Freedom, even if you sleep until you wake up naturally, no one will call you a lazy person.

He didn't get up until the sun was very high.

I just cooked a pot of porridge and ate it.

Then he went to the mountain with his backpack on his back.

The shabby house was also very close to the mountains, and he met few people along the way. When someone asked him what he was doing, he said he went to the mountains to pick mushrooms and dig wild vegetables.

"I have no one to rely on now, so I have to rely on myself."

Went to Yuanzha's secret base as usual.

It warms up.

I picked up a lot of fungus, fungus, and some wild vegetables that had just sprouted a few leaves.

After not seeing it all winter, the fish in the river ditch were actually much bigger. He rolled his eyes and planned to go back again in the evening.

On his way back, he met Chen Daya, who had a complicated look on his face, at a fork in the village. He looked straight at her, skipped her and walked home.

Mother Song came here in the afternoon.

Let him save some food.

Song Shi agreed perfunctorily, and stuffed her with a handful of mushrooms and fungus before leaving.

Song Mu:.
Eye sockets are red again.

This brat only knows how to make her sad!
Wild vegetable gnocchi soup for dinner.

He washed the dishes, and when it got completely dark, he headed into the mountain with his basket on his back.

The night is dark and windy.

Silent night.

He has nothing to worry about.

Taking advantage of my plant system, I went up the mountain in a few breaths and caught fish quickly. I went home first, took the mountain goods I picked up in the morning, and carried them to the town together.

Went there for several days.

The fish on the mountain are almost caught, and the busy farming season has begun.

I still have to go to work.

He was given the job of hoeing.

He took the hoe and walked towards the land assigned to him.

I saw an apple-faced face that had lost its youthfulness and rosiness, following a young man. The two were talking and laughing. The atmosphere was so good that no one could get in. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell there was something going on.

Zhang Yunxiang glanced at him and then looked away.

That plain and disdainful look was like the person who swore to marry him life and death last year.


How fickle!
Song Dynasty complained.

However, the young man next to her looked at him several times with concern and frowned.

Zhang Yunxiang hurriedly pulled his sleeve secretly and pouted, "You don't even listen to what others say seriously." The young man quickly turned around and said, "What did you say?"

Song Shi, who passed by him, was so disgusted by the phrase "people" that he got goosebumps.

Go away quickly.

The sour smell of love made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Refuse to feed dog food!

After working in the fields, they are busy sowing, plowing and transplanting rice seedlings
Anyway, spring is a very busy season.

Mother Song felt really relieved when she saw that her youngest son did not completely let go of himself due to the separation of the family, but still worked very diligently.

He also became much tougher when facing his eldest son and daughter-in-law.

I don’t have any external subsidies!

If she hasn't done it, she's not guilty!

But the feeling is different from before when the family was not separated.

At that time, she didn't even ask anyone to see what she wanted.

Rely on the mountain to eat the mountain.

Song Shi went for a walk in the mountains when he had nothing to do.

After two months, not only did he look stronger, but his wallet also bulged.

At some point, news about the resumption of college entrance examinations began to spread in the village. This news spread like the wind with lightning speed throughout the countryside.

All the educated young people who came to the countryside to assist in construction went crazy.

I can't even get a job.

No more work to do.

If you have nothing to do, run to the scrap collection station in the town.

The telegraph and telephone lines at the Post Office were also more lively than ever.

Borrow books, buy books and copy books everywhere.

Song Shi also announced that he would take the exam together with the educated youth.

Everyone: .
Well, other people just said "oh".

After all, there are such hot-headed and self-righteous people in the village.

But the Song family exploded.

"You want to take the exam?!" Song's mother hurried over after hearing the news, "If you know a few words, you can take the exam!"

Song's father also advised him, "We country people should farm the land well and honestly. This is the most important thing. Don't think about what you have and what you don't have."

Brother Song also said, "Xiaowu, we can't deal with those intellectuals, young people, so give up."

Brother Song said coolly from the side, "I heard that there is also an English test, Xiao Wu, can you do it?"

No one thinks highly of him.

Song Shi said that if he didn't listen, he just wouldn't listen.

"It won't kill anyone if I try. What if I get lucky and pass the exam."

Song family:
It's annoying.

Is this a matter of luck?
You are a country kid who went to work after finishing junior high school. What capital do you have compared with those city dwellers?

That's a comparison of pens, not hoes and sickles!

"Xiaowu, listen to mother."

"I won't listen! I'm going anyway, no one can stop me!"

"Can you please be reasonable? Mom is doing it for your own good."

"Is it for my own good to let me farm? Mother, please be reasonable!"

"If you fail the exam, your money will be wasted!"

“Without spending any money, I’m not even qualified to take the exam!”

Broke up unhappily.

No one convinced anyone.

Song Shi didn't want to follow the same old path as Yuan Zhi.

Bitter and sweet
There is obviously a road that can be walked that does not require so many years of hardship, but he is stupid, insisting on stepping through thorns step by step, until the soles of his feet are covered with blood, and finally succeeds.

He took the blame for Yuan Zhi, but he didn't want to help him fulfill his wish to become rich and powerful!

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