Song's mother left in a hurry.

Before leaving, she glared at him, "Let me read hard, take exams well, and try to get into college and come back, so that those powerful people who look down on others will know that my youngest son, Wang Chunhua, has a lot of potential, and that I have a backer!"

if not.

No matter how hard you try, you won't retreat.

A dead child is more stubborn than an ox.

She can only make the best plan. If she is lucky enough to pass the exam, then she will become the mother of a college student with a son with a promising future. Then she will be proud and proud, and see who dares to be weird with her.

It's really refreshing to think about it!
She left happily.

She also secretly gave him two dollars, "Take it to buy eggs to eat and nourish your brain. Don't let your brother and sister-in-law know."

Although she was not sorry, she still wanted to stop causing family conflicts.

Song Shi reluctantly put away this maternal love.

Yuan Zha's family treats him very well, and he has no complaints at all.

There were some twists and turns in the marriage between the Chen family and the Yang family.

The reason was that Chen Daya hoped that Yang Qing could also take the college entrance examination, but obviously Yang Qing did not agree. Later, I heard that she was whipped by Chen's father, and pinched by Chen's mother and scolded her for several days. Still compromised.

Can you not compromise?

In his previous life, Yang Qing was not a college student. He became one of the richest people in the village. He bought several houses and several cars.

Although Song Wu may not be able to take this path this time, he has the ability and perseverance to make his family live a good life.

At least, at least better than the bastard she married in her previous life!

September, the harvest season.

After finishing their farm work, the Chen family and the Yang family held a happy event.

Chen Daya, wearing a borrowed red dress and a red headband, entered the Yang family's door shyly.

It's November and it's cold.

But people's hearts are very hot and their blood is boiling.

Mother Song came to the dilapidated house carrying a few eggs.

"Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu!"

He shouted as he walked inside.

However, not even half a person was seen in the dilapidated house.

When she went back, she met the village elder's wife, and the two stood on the roadside chatting for a while.

The village elder's wife teased, "Are you going to see your little five?"

Mother Song nodded, "I don't know what that brat is doing. He promised to go to college, but no one can find him. Alas."

The village elder's wife looked surprised, "You don't know yet."

"what do you know?"

"Your little five went to the county the day before yesterday and asked for a letter of introduction from his uncle. At that time, his uncle advised him not to rush. He could go there the day before the exam."

The distance is not too far.

I'll be there in two hours by borrowing someone's bicycle in the village.

Why waste so much money to stay in a guest house.

But the boy didn't listen.

He was so playful and smiling that he had to go there early to get ready.

What are you preparing for?

Put all the knowledge in the book into your brain, chew it to bits, and understand it thoroughly. That is the most important thing, and the rest is just a cloud.

Mother Song was shocked, "I, he didn't tell the family!"

The village elder's wife didn't know what to say.

He could only say: "I guess I don't want you to be anxious."

But for this kind of thing, such a big thing, what should parents be afraid of and be anxious about? The biggest fear is that they don’t know anything, their eyes are darkened, and they don’t even know where to go in a hurry.

If she wanted to leave her son alone, she would have dealt with him early.

She looked at Mother Song with sympathy in her eyes.

Who can blame this? It’s my own fault as a parent.

My heart is so biased!

If families are separated, everyone should be treated equally, so what's the point of driving out a young son alone!

The key is, the youngest is not even married.If this was done before, the entire clan would definitely be laughed at.

Times and generations have changed now, and you have to think carefully about what you say, but behind the scenes, people in the village also look down upon the Song family.

Said it was a family separation
Why didn't the second oldest move, only the youngest moved?

The old couple of the Song family usually help the eldest son and the second son with various things, and they have to be secretive when getting something for the youngest.

No wonder Song Xiaowu broke up with them and didn't even tell them about such a big thing.

Mother Song couldn't even laugh.

After returning home, he ignored his daughter-in-law's annoyance and went straight back to the house.

Lying on the bed, feeling weak.

When I was eating, I saw just a few lumps of red sweet potato in the bowl, and I could count the rice.

The eldest daughter-in-law was still sighing, "We have a large family, so we have to save food. I don't have a mother-in-law who can always provide supplements. Unlike my younger brother, one person can eat enough and the whole family will not be hungry."

Mother Song was so angry that she wanted to throw her chopsticks.

Father Song glanced at his daughter-in-law, put down his chopsticks and went back to the house.

Mother Song sneered.

After eating a few piles of red sweet potatoes, he left.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was tense.

Song Da frowned, "What are you talking about! There's not enough food anywhere! If it's not enough, I'll just make a few centimeters more!"

Why are you talking about this at the dinner table?
Sister Song's voice became louder, "Am I wrong in what I said! Ah! What's wrong! Shouldn't we save food? We don't have many family members! You go and make cents, go ahead, like the old scalper in the village It's useless to work till death. If you can't stand the rats in the house, you'll move things outside! No matter how much you earn, what's the point? How much of it goes into the mouths of your mother-in-law and children! People like to drink spicy food, and If you have spare money to go to college, you, a big brother who can’t even support your mother-in-law and children, need to subsidize it! Haven’t you subsidized enough over the years? You have raised him so much, how can you support him for the rest of his life!"

Song Da's eyes were blood red and full of anger. He put the bowl heavily on the table and said, "Stop talking."

"Say! Let her talk! I want to see what else she can say!" Mother Song opened the door and rushed out.

Sister-in-law Song was also angry but didn't hold it back.

Now being questioned by her mother-in-law, she suddenly shrank and felt guilty.

"I, I'm not wrong"

"You're right! Ha!" Mother Song sneered, "Tell me how much your eldest family member subsidizes Xiaowu. Tell me! Today I must tell you one, three, five, seventy-nine! Every centimeter in the village has it. For the record, I can’t let you put the shit basin on Xiaowu’s head!”

Sister-in-law Song:
Song Da lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "Mom, I'm sorry, it was the woman who made a mistake. I will teach her a lesson when I get back to the house soon!" Then he yelled at Sister Song, "Don't admit your mistake to Mom yet!"

Sister-in-law Song apologized humbly.

Mother Song's face was cold, and she did not accept it, but made it clear.

"I raised you and your children. I think I have fulfilled my responsibilities as a mother. Logically speaking, whose children are raised by whomever. After you get married, I will raise Xiao Wu, and no one can say I have helped raise so many of your children, but now that I have my own son, I still have to look at other people’s faces. In this case, let’s divide the families again.”

"I won't live with anyone."

"I don't want you to live in a big house until you die!"



Mother Song's words made Song Da and Song Er panic.

It has only been less than a year since the family was separated. If we really do this, what will the village think of them!
"Mom, it's my son's fault. Don't worry. If you want to help me in the future, you can do it. My son will never stop me!" Song Da vowed.

Next to her, Mrs. Song lowered her head and dared not speak.

Second Sister-in-law Song pouted.

"Then what's the point of dividing the family? It doesn't make sense for us to raise my parents here, but my parents have their elbows turned away, right, sister-in-law."

"That's right." Song Er also said, "My parents raised us sisters when they were able. Now that we are old and can't do any work anymore, well, let's not talk about the fact that the eldest sister and the younger sister are married women. It would be too unfair for me and my eldest brother to take care of us when we are old. Xiao Wu had a good plan and moved out early in the morning to get rid of his parents. It's a pity that I have a family to support, otherwise I would have found a shabby house. Live. Didn’t we agree at the beginning that after the family separation, all the income earned by the parents would belong to the eldest son, and the eldest son would also be responsible for supporting the elderly in the future. "

"Then, second brother, you are not my parents' son? You don't support your parents at all?" Sister-in-law Song said angrily.

"Yes, I will support my parents if I have a share of their future belongings."

"You can see that in your eyes, you are unfilial!" Song was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was rough. If he really wanted to do that, why should he be divided into different families?

"You don't care about those things? Hehe, I don't know who even secretly follows my mother when she goes out to see if she is looking for Xiao Wu!"

"Second daughter-in-law, don't talk nonsense. Since when did I follow my mother?"

"You haven't? Hehe, I don't know who is scolding him in the backyard vegetable patch every day, saying that he is going to college and roasting sweet potatoes is about the same!"

Mother Song was so angry that she cried.

She originally wanted to forget it.

Who knows, who knows.
Song's father didn't know when he stood by the door, "Since you all have so many dissatisfactions and feel that we two elders are partial, then let's go our separate ways."

"This family will be divided again!"

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