
Song shouted.

Song Er frowned, "Why are you following my mother's mischief!"

Father Song only felt a ball of sadness fermenting and swelling in his heart, and finally completely pressed on his heart, making him unable to breathe, and his shoulders were so heavy that he could no longer straighten up.

Shaking his head, he said firmly, "Point!"

Mother Song couldn't believe it, "Old man!" I just said nonsense, and I didn't mean it. Why did you take it seriously?
Father Song ignored her and called his eldest grandson, "Go and find the village chief and your fourth uncle and seventh uncle."

"Old man."


"That's it." Father Song interrupted them, "You're tired, and I'm tired too. Since we all can't live well together, there's no need to force it. Just separate. You can't just live apart. You don’t recognize me as your father and I am your mother. Of course, if you don’t recognize me, I can’t help it.”

I'm old.

What else can be done.

I can only pretend that I have never given birth to any of you.

He is really tired.

Since the separation, I hear the two daughters-in-law muttering in the yard every day, either saying that there are too few eggs in the house, or that there are too few eggs here, that one is too short, and all kinds of trivial and weird things point to them secretly subsidizing the youngest.

They really have no conscience!
Just go and see.

Xiaowu lives alone outside, in such a shabby house with broken doors. He is only 20 years old. Is it wrong for them to be worried as parents?

There is no room for this.

It's just a separation, not a severing of ties!

Should they be satisfied with turning a blind eye to Xiao Wu and treating him like a stranger?

Until one day he found that the clothes he and his wife had exchanged were singled out and put aside.

"So be it"

Father Song stopped talking and walked to the door of the yard with his hands behind his back. He squatted on the ground, took out the rolled leaf cigarettes from his pocket, and lit them several times before lighting them.


They were all frightened into silence by this sudden change.

After a while, Song Da finally looked at Mother Song and said, "Mom, please tell me, the family has been divided, how can we divide it again? If we divide it again, how will the village see me!"

He will definitely be scolded as an unfilial son.

Otherwise, why would my parents not live with him even though they have no one to support them in their old age?

There is no such thing as a perfect parent.

He was also at fault!
Seeing that Song's mother ignored him, Song became anxious and said, "Mom!"

He turned around and slapped Mrs. Song on the face, "I told you to stir up trouble! I told you to make your parents angry! You just have to make trouble in a good life, right?"

Sister-in-law Song is not afraid of him either.

She gave birth to several children for the old Song family, and Mr. Song couldn't do without her.

He howled immediately and grabbed him back.

The two huddled together.

Song Er's family was stunned.

Mother Song cried loudly, "Damn it! Make a fuss! Make a fuss! It's too late! This day is too late!"

It was obvious that the family had been separated, and it was obvious that other people's families were getting better after they were separated, but why did her family become more and more troubled!
Why is this!

Where is the problem!
The Song family was noisy.

Neighbors came out with bowls to watch the fun.

Seeing Old Man Song squatting at the door, he did not go in to persuade. Someone asked, "This is your home."

Father Song's eyes suddenly became sore.

He wiped his nose and said, "Nothing."

That person: It’s too perfunctory to lie to others.

But paper cannot wrap up the secret of the fire.

Soon, the people Song Jianhua asked to invite arrived.

"What happened to your family?" the fourth uncle asked with a frown.

Father Song took a look inside.

He took a puff of cigarette and said, "Family separation." "Didn't we just separate before?" The seventh uncle pursed his lips, "What's the reason for this time?"

"For no reason, the old lady and I still want to live on our own and be comfortable," Song's father said.

Of course, the fourth uncle and the seventh uncle would not believe it. Judging from the posture inside, it was definitely not as light as this man said. If they could survive, who would want to be separated from their sons and grandsons when they grow old and have no one to rely on.

"Listen to me, old man. Don't be stubborn. Just explain everything clearly. You are the elder. Please be more relaxed and don't argue with the younger generation."

Father Song smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Forget it, no matter how generous I am, I can't compare to others who care about everything. I'm old and I just want to be quiet."

He's made up his mind.

The fourth uncle and the seventh uncle could not persuade him.

Then he went to persuade Song Da and Song Er.

The old shaft is too angry to turn, so the smaller one needs to be given a step down.

Song Shi complained to the two elders.

He said that his parents favored the youngest.

Visit often.

And take things.

He didn't even stop the youngest from registering to take the college entrance examination on a whim.

"When did they treat me so well? I feel really bad in my heart."

The two old men really didn't expect that he had such thoughts.

Suddenly speechless.

You said that you are almost 40 years old, and you will have a grandson in a few years, and you are still jealous of a 20-year-old. Isn't it interesting? You have the energy to work in the fields to earn cents!

The key point is, you only said that your parents are relatively young. Have you ever thought about how much care and subsidies you receive from your parents for your small family?

Why is it normal for an old man to help you raise your son and daughter, but not their own son?
There is no such reason.

Mediation failed.

The family is still divided.

In fact, there is nothing to divide, but it is just to divide the things in the house again. Song's father and Song's mother will not eat with Song's family.

Regarding the future care for the elderly, the three brothers will sit together to discuss it after Song Shi comes back.

in the room.

Song's mother was crying and complaining, "You tell me, what kind of family do you want to be divided into? It's just a little conflict. Whose tongue and teeth don't fight? Just give me a step by your son and just drop by. If there is such a quarrel, who in the village is like this?" It's so embarrassing for our family to be like this. We're already a long time old, let's see who will take care of us until we die."

"What can we do? Continue to live as before, with the boss's wife following you every day to see if you have helped Xiao Wu?" Song's father said.

Mother Song choked.

heart block.

Gritting his teeth, "The worst-case scenario is that I won't help Xiao Wu anymore!"

"You don't want that son anymore?"

Song Mu:.
I heard my wife say, "We are all sons. It would be unfair to not want anyone else. In this case, then don't want either of them. A bowl of water will be the same."

Mother Song stopped crying and stared wide-eyed, "Don't, don't want either."

Is that what she meant?

"We don't follow anyone's family. We, the two old ones, live by ourselves and let them provide food and money every year. When we are too old to walk, we will dig a hole in the mountains and bury ourselves," Song's father said.

Song's mother had never heard of such a method.

She is unbelievable.

"Just the two of us."

What did that look like!

Song's father advised her, "Then do you think it's okay for you to be stared at every day like a thorn in someone's side?"

Mother Song was silent.

"Listen to me, old woman, and live your life well now. We have three sons. If they don't support us, the backbone of the village will break them."

In the future, who knows what will happen in the future.

Do you want to keep having to live and die at the hands of your daughter-in-law?

They can still do this now, but if they really become too old to move in a few years, they don't know how much they will be disliked.

(End of this chapter)

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