In July this year, a big event happened in Zhonghai Garden Community.

Very big.

It was so big that it exploded, and it was so big that I couldn't even cover it.

The residents of Room 32 on the [-]nd floor of the second unit of the ninth building in the community, a family of five, were all wiped out.

It's very hot in July.

Or the neighbor next door smelled the stench and saw bugs crawling on the floor. In panic, he found the property manager. The property manager couldn't break in without permission. He first contacted the homeowner, but when he heard his cell phone ringing in the house, he couldn't break in without permission. No one answered, so I called 11, 0.

Later, the door opened.

The five people slept soundly in the bed.

Such a loud noise didn't wake them up.

The room is air-conditioned.

Even so, they were sweating all over, and the sheets were soaked with sweat. There were flies flying around and landing on their faces and eyes, but they didn't feel anything.

Smelly and quiet.

Everyone stopped at the door.

Then, the first person turned around and ran towards the stairwell, and then vomited
followed by the second third
The smell is so unforgettable.

Later, another wave of police came.

"There were a lot of people watching the excitement at that time. You don't know that after this incident, the house next door packed up and moved out on the same day. Within a few days, the house was hung out. Don't mention his house. If this happened, our building Many people have moved away, and housing prices in the community have dropped."

Gan Xiaojie's eyes widened, "No way?"

"Why not? We are a family of five. If you don't believe me, go to the agency downstairs and ask!"

"Then, then I saw an agent taking people to see the house that day." Gan Xiaojie thought of what happened some time ago and murmured, "It's so good, how could you get gas poisoning?"

It's not scientific.

"Who knows, that's the result anyway. The family upstairs are all dead, and the house is left to relatives. Who dares to live in a haunted house? The only way is to sell it to those who don't know and are in urgent need of the house."

Gan Xiaojie's hair stood on end.

The weather was nice these days, so she always climbed the stairs to the rooftop to dry her clothes and quilts. The corridor was pitch black, and the sensor lights couldn't light up no matter how hard she stamped her feet. The safety exit sign looked strange and eerie in the darkness.

She shuddered.

A cold air rose from the soles of the feet and rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

This is second.


The important thing was that there was no one upstairs, so where did the various sounds of moving things, dragging things, and knocking things that she heard every day come from.

Upstairs, or upstairs, she couldn't tell.

At once.
Mummy!Help! !

Gan Xiaojie stood in the aisle with a pale face, neither going back nor leaving.


The neighbor's aunt shook her head and sighed, "If my family didn't have enough money, I would have moved away. Unfortunately, the price of this house has dropped, and I can't even buy it after it is sold. I can only endure the fear and continue to live here."

But she still wants to move.

It's not good for children to be on tenterhooks every day. Didn't you notice that the 32nd floor is basically an empty floor?

Who dares to live there?

What if she saw something she shouldn't see one day - bah, what was she thinking!The good ones don’t work, the bad ones work!The good ones don’t work, the bad ones work!

"Why don't you come to my house and sit down?" said the aunt.

Gan Xiaojie was unwilling to go.

But, "Okay."

Take it easy for a while, wait for your husband to come back, and then discuss what to do.


Dog man is going on a business trip today!

Suddenly my heart was shattered!


The whole sky was dark, and the sun was blocked by the house upstairs.

No matter how scared you are, you have to go home.

Gan Xiaojie sat at her neighbor's aunt's house for a while, then went back with a face full of resistance.

Close the fire door in the corridor.

I opened all the curtains in the house, but felt that it was not possible, so I closed them again.

over and over again.

Finally it was tightened.

She sat on the sofa in the living room for a long time, and was surprised to find that the noises that had been coming from upstairs were gone!
The house was unusually quiet.

There wasn't even a sound of a pin dropping.This feeling is very reassuring.

She didn't want to use this word. She felt like her peace was bought with the lives of the family of five upstairs, but it was really, really quiet.

The heart is very quiet.
The whole family upstairs died.

The upstairs became a haunted house.

No one lives upstairs anymore, and no one lives next door upstairs either.

Then. Then no one will make annoying noises anymore?She didn't have to be woken up by a sudden piercing noise while she was sleeping soundly. She didn't have to finally adjust her irritable and violent mood and be disrupted by the sound of dragging furniture. She didn't have to worry about someone jumping off the sofa and making a noise comparable to an earthquake. Shocked.

Oh, so good!

Gan Xiaojie felt that she was very vicious.

What a bad heart!

But she couldn't control this excitement and joy.

There is a saying that after death one should sleep peacefully.

But she didn't want to die and she didn't want to live with all kinds of annoying noises!

Besides, the death of the family upstairs had nothing to do with her.

Of course she can stay at home with peace of mind.

She is in her own home, she has nothing to fear, she is not afraid!
Gan Xiaojie seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

She didn't know if she knew the secret upstairs, but she didn't hear anything until night.

The house was dead silent.

She loved this dead silence!

She would enjoy this deathly silence for a long time to come.

Very peace of mind.

She even hummed a song, dug out snacks and drinks, turned on the TV, and lay comfortably on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

As for the person who died above the head
Well, that was the past, was it okay?

No one has ever died in this land. It is said that many graves were pushed up when this community was first built.

What's more, dead people are talking as if no one will die.

It's as if you have super powers after you die.

All are to die.

who is afraid of who!

She had cursed the person upstairs before, hoping that their whole family would die.

Now is it possible to get what you want?

When I chatted with Xue Yun in the evening, I didn't mention this at all. They talked sweetly and then went to rest.

It doesn't matter if you mention it or not. If you mention it, you can't afford to change the house.

The result is the same.

Gan Xiaojie met the agent again in the elevator.

Watching the other person press the number 32, she blinked and asked curiously, "Handsome man, is the house on the 32nd floor easy to sell? Is the price set very low? Does this make the haunted house easy to sell?"

Agent: "."

I really. I really have four words to say to you.

Could you please stop chatting up random people who are strangers to me?
Please ignore labor, okay!
Tired!I want to scold!
A man and a woman next to him were frightened. It was a dangerous, dangerous house? ! !
The boy quickly asked: "What does this sister mean? What kind of haunted house is this?"

Gan Xiaojie tilted her head and looked at him, "Don't you know, all five members of our family in Building 32 died at home, on the [-]nd floor."

The agent was so angry that he wanted to slap the talkative bitch in front of him to death.

His face was expressionless, "Don't listen to her nonsense, it's nothing."

Gan Xiaojie nodded, "Yes, I was wrong. The five of them are fine. They just exist in another form. They are living well."

These words did not alleviate the fear of the man and woman at all, but made them want to run away even more.

Looking at houses or something, I'm sorry, that's all!
The agent was furious, "There are eight households on the 32nd floor, and it's not like every household is a haunted house!"

Gan Xiaojie nodded again, "Yes, it's cheap and really affordable. After you buy it, you can become neighbors of the haunted house and have close contact."

Agent: "."

A man and a woman: "!"

Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!

"Well, I remembered that we have other things to do today, so I stopped looking at the house."

This community, no, the houses in this area will no longer be viewed!

Gan Xiaojie watched them run away in the middle, not caring about the way the agency man wanted to kill her, and snorted coldly, her peace was hard-won, it was too hard, no one should want to ruin her peaceful life!
Don't even think about it!

Don't even think about it!

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