On this day, Gan Xiaojie is working overtime at home. She has been very busy recently and has taken a lot of orders.

Knowing that everything upstairs was destroyed and there would be no more noise, her heart finally calmed down and she vowed to make up for the missed orders in the previous few months.

The phone rings.

Her: "Hello"

"Hello, are you the owner of No.


Gan Xiaojie's face was expressionless, "Sorry, I have no plans to sell the house."

Hang up when you're done.


Boom boom boom!
Before the music started, I heard someone knocking on the door.

Gan Xiaojie took off her headphones and came out of the bedroom, "Who is it?"

"Hello, we are an agency."

A man's voice came from outside.

She opened the door, "Is something wrong? I don't sell the house."

It's nice to live in this house now. It's not noisy or noisy and it's absolutely quiet.

The man in a black suit outside smiled and said, "Sister, it turns out it's you. That's right. I'm not here to sell your house. I just want to ask you something."

Gan Xiaojie didn't even think about letting a stranger in, so she stood at the door and said, "What's going on?"

"That's it. The resident above your house asked our company to sell the house. I don't know who wrote some bad words on the door of that house recently, which scared away our customers. I came here just to ask. Ask sister if you know who did it, or if you have heard any noises or seen anyone coming down from upstairs?"

He stared at Gan Xiaojie closely, his smiling expression seemed to have locked onto something.

Gan Xiaojie:
She looked shocked!
His eyes were about to pop out, "What! There are still people who dare to go up there! Oh my god! So many people have died! Aren't you afraid of being haunted by ghosts...? You still dare to write things on other people's doors! Then! Do you want to die? How could you be so brave! I used to go to the rooftop to dry my quilt, but when I asked you to find out about it, I didn’t even dare to take the elevator because I was afraid it would stop on the 32nd floor! Now I’m still on the 32nd floor There’s something there, the elevator stops on the 32nd floor and there’s something there!”

The agent's eyes never left her face during the entire process.

"You really don't know? Didn't you hear the sound?"

"I asked you, is there something wrong with you young man! What did you say! Hear a sound? What sound did you hear? The house where the dead person lives is upstairs from my house, separated by a floor from my house. I am unlucky enough. What! If you hear anything more, then I will die!" She opened her mouth and cursed without any politeness.

The agent also realized that what he said was inappropriate and quickly apologized.

Tell the truth.

It's okay if they admit it, but if they don't, he can't do anything.

"Sister, excuse me, I have something else to do and I'll leave first."

Gan Xiaojie hurriedly called him to stop.

"Is there anything else, sister?"

"Haha, I'm just curious. You said there were words written on the door. What were they written on?"

What can be found are some "haunted houses", "murderous houses", "this family died" and the like, with red and black colors.

This man knew what was going on upstairs.

There's no need to hide it either.

The agent said so.

Gan Xiaojie frowned and pondered for a moment, "By the way, have you ever thought about it, those words were originally written by the person on the 32nd floor."

"Impossible. The owner wants to sell the house as soon as possible, so he has repeatedly lowered the house price." It is impossible to do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself.

"Who said anything about that person?" Gan Xiaojie rolled her eyes, "I mean, the floating ones."


She made a movement, "It's floating."

The agent will understand.

To be honest, he would rather not understand so that his hair wouldn't stand on end.

However, the woman in front of him seemed to think that he didn't understand, so she spoke more carefully, "Think about it, that is someone else's home. The family has worked hard for many years to save money to buy a house. How difficult it is to buy it. How difficult is it?" After living there for a few years and enjoying the blessings, I took advantage of others. Maybe the relative had a grudge against their family. But no one would be willing to accept this. They would rather keep the house empty, otherwise they would have to work hard for their family. What’s a life like, just trying to help your enemies?”


Just tired.

Really tired.

You have to muster up a lot of courage every time you take a client over to view a house, okay?
"Yeah, thank you, bye."

"you are welcome."

Gan Xiaojie closed the door gently.Keep working overtime.

Very good, in this case, the agent will probably not bring people here.

It's normal that the haunted house upstairs can't be sold.

She was doing a good deed for the benefit of those who were kept in the dark and deceived by intermediaries.

They just want to buy a house and have a place to stay in a big city. They did something wrong to be deceived into buying a haunted house, right?

It was completely quiet upstairs.

The entire 32nd floor was dark, as if completely separated from the rest of the world.

Especially the underworld.

Soon, winter passed and spring arrived.

One day, she came back from shopping for groceries in the supermarket, and while waiting for the elevator, she happened to meet someone moving.

Moving is normal.

I heard an aunt next to me shake her head and sigh, "He's gone again. Since that incident, there have been fewer and fewer people in our building."

Another aunt thought for a while and said, "That seemed to be on the 33rd floor just now."

"It's on the 33rd floor. I know it." Another aunt said with certainty. "Not long ago, Sister Cai said she was moving. She said that the elevator always stopped at the 32nd floor, which scared her family so much that they didn't dare to go downstairs."

"Then her house was sold?"

"Sell it, it's a lot cheaper."

"The conditions for living in our community are similar. Anyone who has money to live here would have bought a better place and a better community long ago."

"Two houses will also be moved on the 34th floor."

"I heard that so-and-so's family on the 31st floor is also preparing to put up a house."


Gan Xiaojie felt very heavy.

Although she likes to be quiet, it doesn't mean that she has to be alone around her.

That would be terrible.

When she pressed the button for the elevator, the people in the elevator suddenly looked different when they saw the button she pressed.

"Little girl, do you know what happened on the 32nd floor?"

The 28-year-old girl Gan Xiaojie nodded.

The aunt asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid?"

Gan Xiaojie looked helpless: "I'm scared, but what can I do? I can't afford another house. Houses are so expensive now."

Auntie: ".That's true."

Then he asked, "Are you married?"


"Then let your parents-in-law give you some money."

Gan Xiaojie's expression became even more helpless, "Unfortunately, they are all dead."

If you give money
Then I can't use it.


Completely speechless.

He smiled dryly and said, "Really, then, that's true." It's really difficult.

There is really no way.

Gan Xiaojie smiled gently and said, "Auntie, don't be afraid. You must believe in science and not superstition."

Just dead people.

Who hasn’t had someone die?

Everyone is related underground.


Having said that, you still have to be afraid.

To tell you the truth, she is also planning to move.

(End of this chapter)

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