Chapter 315 Purple Sugar Cane 5
Property management guy is a little annoyed lately.

Too many complaints.

She stared at her phone, quickly replied, and then called the cleaning department.

"There is dog poop in the corridor on the first floor of Building 2 and in the elevator No. [-]. Please arrange for someone to clean it."


There is another news reminder.

She clicked on it and saw four owner groups.

There is nothing flying like water: @小王[Picture][Picture] Please ask Auntie to clean it up.

Xiao Wang: Got it.

"Hey, cleaning department?"


I don’t know if it’s spring again, the season when animals are irritable. During this time, the property management office receives dog-related complaints every day.

More than any other year.

The owners complained.

The cleaning department also complained a lot.

Sweeping and mopping the floor is part of the job, but dealing with dog poop and urine.

It’s also part of the real estate business.

But, the key point is, not everyone likes to be a shit shoveler!
He kept saying "Master, Master, Master."

Did your master take a piss and leave you slaves alone?
I was speechless.

Super speechless.

I ordered takeout for lunch, braised chicken and rice. While I was eating, I suddenly heard a series of dog barks, mixed with people saying "Get out of here!"Get out of here! 'The scoldings and screams.

Her eyelids twitched.

He dropped his lunch box and rushed out.

In the open space in front of the third door, two dogs were chasing a delivery boy in a yellow uniform. The delivery boy was covering his legs, kicking and shouting.

On the other side, several people holding puppies in their arms looked wary.

The engineering department and security guards also heard the sound and ran over.

Holding tools in hand.

"Whose dog is this! Whose dog! Call it away quickly!" the security captain shouted.

By the way, a stick hit one of the dogs. The dog was one meter long, black, and muscular. He let out a cry of pain, released his mouth from biting the delivery man's ankle, and shouted threateningly at the security captain.

Of course, got another pole.

"Where is the dog owner! Where is it! Why don't you come out and take responsibility for the dog that bites someone? What does this mean! You don't care about raising children!"

Two dogs were beaten away.

It soaked quickly and disappeared in a flash.

Some of the people holding the dog couldn't help but said, "What do you mean by that! That's not our dog!"

"I didn't say it was your dog! I always say that dogs don't bite people and dogs don't bite people. Look at what they have done to bite people. Can't you take care of your own dog?" He said with a sneer, "Say no. She's very confident when biting, and she's very tough when not on a leash. If something really happens if you have the ability, don't be a coward!"

The dog owner could not be found.

It happened again in the community.

In the end, the liability and compensation will not be charged to the property company.

These idiots!

Son of a bitch!
Have people report it to the police, fight against demons and demon spirits, and beat them with zero foreheads.

Then he shouted in the community with a loudspeaker, "Whose son or grandson bit someone? Please come out and claim it. Don't worry, your son is your ancestor when nothing happens. If something happens, you won't even want your ancestor. Be careful of thunder." hack!"

The result is that no one dares to recognize it.

He is usually very arrogant, but now he is acting like a coward.

But it’s useless to be timid.

There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the community, and the picture is clear.

At [-]:[-], a few dog walkers accidentally got together. Well, to be precise, their furry kids got together.

Just, just crazy.

Not tied up again.

Running around the neighborhood happily.

There were children in the children's playground, but they were quickly told to leave by their parents.

Those people looked at it with smiles.

The expression was pleased and doting.

When you see a dog chasing people or sniffing at other people's feet, say that dogs don't bite.I even had a fight with a woman over this.

Later, the delivery boy hurried in with the takeaway.

He didn't pay that much attention and walked past a few dogs towards the third building.

I don’t know if it was because the take-out was too fragrant or because he smelled of cooking fumes, but the two dogs ran towards him, followed by the remaining ones.

The delivery boy had his back turned.

His legs were immediately grabbed.

This scene happened so suddenly that no one reacted.

A man in black clothes scolded twice.

Turned around and ran away.

Others quickly grabbed their ancestors and hugged them.

Later, it was what Xiao Wang saw.

The delivery boy was bitten badly.

There were several bleeding holes on the ankles, and there were many scratches on the arms, all of which were bleeding.

He was only 20 years old, and he was so frightened that he cried and hiccupped.

His face was pale.

There was no blood on the lips.

The property manager came back and said he grabbed the policeman's hand, his whole body shaking, and asked him if he was going to die.

Why would you die?
Why else would you die if you were bitten by a dog?

"How pitiful! Those dog owners are so abominable!"

"Don't even want your son when something happens! Stand up and face it bravely!"

Well now, his year-end bonus has come to an end!
The owner of the dog could not be found, so the property management paid 2 yuan in advance.

This is not over.

The police are also actively searching for clues.

It was a big deal.

Every owner group is attacking those who keep dogs, and those being attacked now say that person cannot represent all dog lovers.


Do not give in to each other.

Gan Xiaojie threw her phone aside.

Sneer, no one is so qualified to represent a group, so is it difficult to do one's own thing well?

It doesn't sound good.

It’s you who say you love dogs, and it’s you who abandon dogs and don’t keep them.

Dogs are pitiful.

I originally wanted to find an owner, but in the end, I assimilated the owner to the point where he was even worse than a dog.

The aunt on the same floor came to visit.

"Did you hear that someone was bitten by a dog in our community?"

Gan Xiaojie nodded, "The owners are all going crazy."

The aunt clicked her tongue and sighed, "What do you think those people think? The house is only so big and they have a dog. The key is, if they keep the dog for a lifetime, they won't be able to call him mom. What are you doing!"

Gan Xiaojie thought for a while, "Maybe it's because your parents died early and you want to experience the feeling of filial piety?"

"Maybe." The aunt said, "Look how good they are to dogs, and they also pay attention to the nutrition of chicken and fish. Maybe their mother and old man have not enjoyed this kind of treatment."

"Haha, maybe."

"Sister Li, who just joined the cleaning department, also said that the community is organizing people to look for those two dogs. They are so big and want to eat people. If they are released, they will be a disaster!" Auntie really wanted to catch the dogs immediately. Walk.

Her granddaughter is only two years old. What if
Xue Yun came back in the evening.

Gan Xiaojie told him about this.

Xue Yun said, "If it's okay, don't go out. We'll wait until the dog is caught. If you have anything to buy, I'll just buy it back."

Gan Xiaojie nodded, "I don't have anything to buy. I'm scared of dogs, and I don't want to get rabies vaccinations anymore." She said bitterly, "We should really ask all dog owners to get rabies vaccinations, and experience the whole process." When I have a low-grade fever at night, my mind is filled with the crazy behavior of all kinds of rabies patients!"

Just say no to biting and you don’t need to leash.

Mo Wan disappeared if he had the ability to really bite people.

The community was busy until midnight but could not find the whereabouts of the dog. Early the next morning, at around [-] o'clock, a scream pierced the tranquility of the community.

 Don't criticize me. There is a delivery boy in our community who was bitten.

(End of this chapter)

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