It's past seven o'clock, which is a busy time.

Those who go to work go to work, and those who go to school go to school.

So when the police car drove to this community, many people saw it.

"Is this the dog that hasn't been found yet?"

someone asked.

But not right.

There are quite a few police cars, and the ambulance is also coming.

The door is blocked.

Everyone walked in with solemn expressions.

"What's going on?" This battle doesn't look like just looking for a dog!
"do not know."

The community members who were pulled shook their heads.

Even if you know it, you can't say it.

A man carrying a suitcase and wearing white clothes hurriedly walked into the community. The security guard led the way. He could faintly hear the words on the 8th floor of Building 17.

Eight buildings.
The owners are going crazy at this point.

Everyone is looking at a photo.

On the light gray bed, there was a man covered in blood, with a large black hole exposed in his neck. His face was bloody and bloody, half of it had been chewed off by some wild beast.

Soon, the next photo will be sent.

A big black dog was pinned to the floor by staff members wearing protective clothing, with its exposed teeth extremely bright red.

"This, where is this?"

"What happened?"

"The dog bit the owner to death?"

The owners were all guessing, thinking that something happened in another community where dogs were being bitten.

But, sorry.

"This is what happened last night in unit 8, building 1703, of our community."

Very revealing if informed.

Community owners: "."? ? !

"Our community?"

"Damn it, I actually ate it on my own community!! No way! I just shared it with all my groups!"

"Does anyone know what's going on?! It's p?"

"Can anyone tell me which year this picture is from?"

Message 99+
Someone who knew something about the situation told what happened yesterday.

".It looks very similar to this black dog. You don't know that the delivery boy was bitten really badly. He had several bites on his leg, and the bones were visible. His pants were soaked with blood, and his sleeves were torn off. It's rotten, and several dogs jumped on him. I don't know if he will be infected with the virus or he will really die. How can he be a pet? He is clearly a beast!"

"Yes, yes. I also saw that it happened to be noon."

"I was taking my grandson to play on the slide, and several dogs rushed over at once, and I couldn't even chase them away!"

"Those people often walk their dogs without leashes, and they won't listen to anything they say. One time I even got into a quarrel with an old man."

"Then the old man has a bald spot on his head?"

"Hey, you know that too?"

"I also quarreled with him several times. His black dog was one meter long and scary to death. You don't know, but once I met him outside, he directly told the black dog to bite me, which made me mad. Got it!"

"Ah! Is there such a thing? It's so immoral."

"Oh, I really hate these dogs. I have several of them upstairs. The dog hair is all over the protective fence of my house. The key is that I am allergic! The communication is ineffective and I am so annoyed!"

"Can dog owners tie up their dogs before taking them out?"

"And all that shit and piss, I'm so fucking serious."

"I live in Unit 3 of Building 1306. Can the dog owner upstairs control your dog? It barks in the middle of the night. If you don't leave it alone, my 40-meter machete is ready!"

long after
"Speaking of which, why don't those dog lovers in our group start to bubble up today? Usually when we talk about dogs, it's like dropping a black bomb, blowing them up all at once. It's so quiet today, This is unscientific!" Very unscientific.

"It can be seen that they also know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If something goes wrong, they won't dare to say a word of nonsense. When nothing happens, they will bark even more fiercely than a dog!"

"Haha, so insightful!"

"That sums it up pretty well."

"Well, I may know why the dog owners in the group haven't taken off. Do you think it's possible that they don't have time?"

"Do not have time???"




"Because I went to get rabies vaccination!" "??"

Then came a series of question marks.

"I'm not cursing them." The man hurriedly explained, "Yesterday the child had a high fever at night, so we went to the hospital. Yes, it's the one nearby. It takes less than 10 minutes to drive there. There was a long queue for registration. , the girl in front of me covered her arms and cried, saying she had been bitten by a dog and it was bleeding. When she said this, the people in line in front of me looked back at her and said they had been bitten by dogs. Several of them, when I asked, I was speechless. Yes, they are all dogs from our community, they are all dogs raised by ourselves, dogs that don’t usually bite people.”

Owner group: "."




"Oh, retribution, didn't you say you won't bite?"




Someone said, 'Spring is here, everything revives, and it's the season of animals again', but it was quickly drowned out by a series of '.'.

The matter of Unit 8 in Building 1703 has not been resolved yet.

There was also a scream from the building next door.

Soon, someone ran out of that building, shouting as he ran, his face turned pale with anxiety and his head was covered in cold sweat, "Help! Someone is dead! Someone is dead! Someone was bitten to death by a dog!"

It was nine o'clock in the morning.

many people.

The person who dropped off the students just came back, and the person who took the baby also went out.

He was shocked when he heard this voice.

Someone who knew her quickly grabbed her and asked, "What did you say?"

The aunt was so anxious that she pushed the man's hand away without slowing down at all, "Sister Li's son on the floor of my house was bitten to death by a dog!"

The words were like a drop of cold water splashing into a hot oil pan, causing it to crackle immediately.

What else did the man want to ask.

The aunt said: "Don't block the road, I still need to find someone!"

"I, I'm going to help too!"

"I am coming too!"

Help is really help.

Eating melon is also really eating melon.

Fresh melon, it's big, fragrant and sweet.

Although those pictures were quickly controlled and deleted, never underestimate the propagation speed of the owners.

Parents group, customer group, company group, eating, drinking and having fun as a family, loving each other as a family
At the same time, inquiries about something on the online shopping platform became a hot search topic.

"Excuse me, do you have sticks in your store? There are electric ones, the kind used to beat dogs."

Customer service: "Ah this."

You can’t sell it if you have it!

It was already afternoon when Gan Xiaojie woke up.

When she ate the melon, it had already been dug deep, and many versions were circulated.

Call your husband quickly.

He said in an excited tone, "Xue Yun, are you looking at the owners? Something big has happened in our community!"

Xue Yun was speechless, "I already knew that, okay?"

"Then don't tell me."

"Aren't you sleeping? What to say to you has nothing to do with us."

"That's true." Gan Xiaojie admitted, but, "You said that once this incident comes out, the house prices in our community will have to fall again. It is already difficult to sell the house, so it will be even more difficult to sell."

"Then what can we do? Anyway, we don't know how to move or sell the house."

Gan Xiaojie: "."

She couldn't refute this.

But, it’s really moved a bit.

The house was quiet, but it was still a bit too small. She wanted a house with no neighbors and a yard.

Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want that?

I don’t know if the ticket my husband bought recently has gone up. I really want to change houses.

(End of this chapter)

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