There is a beast in the neighborhood.

Gan Xiaojie didn't even dare to go out.

Fortunately, she only needs a computer for her work. She can buy groceries and have them delivered directly on the platform. When the dog matter is completely resolved, it's summer vacation again.

It's hot.

She bought an air conditioner.

The cold wind was blowing, and there was always a smell of plastic that made her uncomfortable.

In the evening, Xue Yun came back and wiped all the air conditioners.

While he was washing the handkerchief in the bathroom, he suddenly remembered something.

"Have you done anything this month?"

Gan Xiaojie was still confused, "What?"

"That's it." Xue Yun was speechless, "That's it!"

Gan Xiaojie suddenly realized it and asked, "What's the date today?"

Can't blame her for forgetting.

In fact, she really doesn't care about not going to work or going to school, the date, the week, what time it is. These temporal things really don't matter to her.

didn't work either.

Use disdain.

Xue Yun said a time.

She shook her head, "No."

Xue Yun blinked, "How about checking it out?"

Gan Xiaojie: "Okay."

Two bars.

Gan Xiaojie is pregnant.

The two were so happy that they went to the hospital for a checkup the next day and it was confirmed.

Two weeks.

After that, there will be inspections once every half a month.

Nine months later, with great anticipation, the Xue family's little boy was born.

However, the birth of a baby is just the beginning. How to bring it up is the real test.

Gan Xiaojie is almost bald.

She has a bad temper and is impatient. She often yells at Xiao Zai uncontrollably, and even gets so angry that she even attacks him. She always regrets it afterwards.

I regret so much.

This kind of thing can't be blamed on Xiaozai. What's wrong with a one or two-year-old child who can't even speak clearly?

Today, it was another big jump.

After finally coaxing the little boy to sleep, Gan Xiaojie lay on the bed exhausted mentally and physically. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and finally she covered her face and cried.

Don’t dare to cry yet.


If the little ancestor is woken up, it will be twice as difficult to coax him back to sleep.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xue Yun comforted her sleepily.

Gan Xiaojie became angry immediately, pushed her away, and lowered her voice, "You're okay! Why don't you go and coax her!"

"Don't I have to go to work tomorrow?"

"It's great to go to work!"

"Yes, yes, working is nothing. Is it tiring to have my wife to take care of the kids? Taking care of the kids is the most amazing thing!"

"What sounds wrong to me? Are you deliberately mocking me?"

"I didn't, I really didn't, how dare I!"


"You said our son doesn't like to sleep, why were you so difficult to coax when you were a child?"

Gan Xiaojie wiped away her tears, looked at him and sneered, "Why didn't you say you were a kid?"

"It was okay when I was a kid. My mother said I was easy to coax." Xue Yundao said.

"Then you are quite happy. Your mother has always been with you. Unlike me, it is enough for my mother to have a son."

When this topic was brought up, Xue Yun was speechless and quickly changed the topic, "Some children just have good energy. Look at our boy, how strong and chubby his body is. Who wouldn't say he's cute when he sees him?"

Gan Xiaojie snorted coldly, "Go to sleep, I'm leaving."

After saying that, he got out of bed without hesitation, leaving the man with an indifferent back.

How can a stinky man be as cute as a little baby?

Xue Xiaozai slept soundly.

His skin is extremely white, his face is chubby, his hands are raised above his head, his feet are fat and thick, and he only wears a towel on his belly.

Gan Xiaojie looked at it, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

He lowered his head and kissed that pouty little face.

"My son is so good!"

Another bite.

On weekends, the two took their children to the park to play, and then went out to eat afterward.

It was a cheap restaurant with a good reputation.

While waiting in line outside, Gan Xiaojie almost got into a quarrel because of the children playing with toys.

Finally, she carried the crying child to the side and comforted her while walking.

He turned back and glanced coldly at the building block table, and sneered, "If you don't care about the management, you are worse than an animal. You will be beaten to death one day!"

Xue Yun's eyes were also cold, "That's right." He lowered his head and said to his son, "Baby can't imitate those two brothers and sisters who snatch other people's things. We can't be that kind of uncultured child, do you understand?"

Xiao Zai nodded ignorantly.

"So nice."

Xue Yun touched his son's head and said, "Let's go, daddy will take you to buy candies."

When it comes to buying candy, Xiao Zai instantly becomes happy.

The father and son went to the supermarket.

Gan Xiaojie stayed at the door of the store waiting for a sign.

She grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and the waitress brought a cup of tea. She raised her head and smiled and thanked her, took a sip, lowered her eyelashes, and nibbled the melon seeds one by one, calmly and gloomily.

kill you.
Go to hell!

to die! ! !

Her black hair hung down to cover her face, and her eyebrows were lowered. In such a lively environment, she seemed to exude a black aura.

Eerie and unknown.
not far away.

A woman wearing black short-sleeves was playing with her mobile phone with her head down. She had finished her meal and was taking her son and daughter out to play.

On the building block table.

Boys and girls occupied the entire building board, and any other children who wanted to play were beaten by them.

The woman only glanced up and then continued to lower her gaze to her hands.

There is nothing to see.

It was not her son or daughter who was beaten.

Besides, children, who can argue with children?

That's too petty.

But some children insist on playing.

The child looked to be more than two years old. First, the boy snatched the toy from his hand. Then he was finally comforted by his grandmother. When he went to play with something else, he was pushed to the ground by the girl and started crying.

Can this be tolerated?

That family is not easy to bully.

There were quite a few people going out to eat that night.

He started arguing with the woman directly.

The woman's words were also unpleasant.

In the end, the two parties started fighting directly, and the scene was a mess.

Gan Xiaojie held melon seeds and stood on the steps not far away, smiling.

The store owner came out quickly.

How could he hold it back?

For a moment, there was a chaos of curses, roars, and children's cries.

I finally pulled the person away.

Both sides were still quarreling.

After a while, the woman's family arrived.
"Please come in and dine on the 78th! Please come in and dine on the 78th!"

Gan Xiaojie looked away regretfully and raised her hand, "No. 78 is here!"

"Please come in."

"it is good."

She lowered her head and called Xue Yun and went in.

"Mandarin duck pot, tomato soup, thank you."

Then he went to get the dishes and put them on the dipping plate.

When the food was cooked, the two father and son did not come back. Did they go to Java to buy sugar?

Half an hour later I saw him coming in with the baby in his arms.

Gan Xiaojie complained, "Where did you go to buy candy?"

"After buying candy, he wanted to come down and leave again. If he refused, he would cry. There was nothing I could do." Xue Yun was also helpless, so he cooked a few meatballs and put them in.


"By the way, let me tell you something." He winked and deliberately whetted his appetite.

Gan Xiaojie curled her lips, "What's the matter?"

She was not in the mood.


What happened just now hasn't passed yet for her, so why wasn't that damn woman beaten to death?

He should be beaten to death! ! !

Just listen to Xue Yun say, "There was a car accident at the intersection just now."

Gan Xiaojie paused while picking up the vegetables, "A crossroad? Is it the one over there?"

"Yes." Xue Yun nodded, "A big car hit someone, a family of four."

Gan Xiaojie's eyes jumped, four mouths?

It's not what she thinks, is it?

Xue Yun shook his head, "Tsk, they deserved it. The road was wide, there were many big cars, and they were driving fast, but they had to run a red light, as if they were still arguing. A car turned and happened to be in the blind spot. At once"



The family is happy and happy.

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