The Song Dynasty collapsed.

To put it bluntly, the whale falls.

People in the entertainment industry who have not interacted with each other have come to rub it in. It sounds good to say that it sounds good, but in fact it is just to dislike it.

A certain [-]th line actor said: "Alas, Best Actor Song. When we were filming with the same crew before, he was always kind of like that. He was late every time and even the director didn't dare to say anything."

A certain [-]th line actor said: "I acted opposite him once, and he always touched my hand while filming!"

A certain third-line actor said: "It's easy to say this. I can only say that he is a movie star and has capital." He smiled professionally.

A certain second line member: "Once the movie was finished, there was a little girl on the crew who was very interesting, she was green and cute, and she was still a fan of his. Brother Song got drunk that night and held the girl's hand and wouldn't let go. In the end, he had to let go The girl sent him back to the hotel, well, I remember it was even on the gossip news at that time."

A certain eighth-line: "Yes, I talked to him about breaking up? What can I do? He is an actor, and there is no girl I haven't seen before. It's just me, fresh and fresh."

One line: "No comment."

This is not the most important.

What really made netizens furious was a post posted by a certain model.

The post mentioned that she had been a huge fan of Emperor Song until she arrived that year. She was drunk by Emperor Song at a reception after a fan meeting and was taken home directly. She fell asleep in a daze.
Many more times after that.

It wasn't until later that I realized something was wrong.

But she was seduced by Song's sweet words, and later threatened. She suffered from the fact that the other party had no way to do anything.

"I originally thought I would never be able to seek justice for myself. I, I finally waited for this day. I am so happy!"

Below is a series of words of comfort from fans.

Both scolded and comforted.

Of course the person being scolded was a certain Song Dynasty, and even his eighteen generations before and eighteen generations after him did not escape.

Many people directly contacted the Aite police.

Let them punish this devil hiding in the world.

The key is, what kind of crime is this really?

You can go in and step on the sewing machine!

The model earned a lot of sympathy from passers-by, and even started a live broadcast that sold badly.

Song Shi's eyes turned red with envy.

I just regret that I don't have such an opportunity.

But when I think that all these things were obtained because of stepping on myself, I can't be happy anymore.

There is a feeling of pain in my head.

At the same time, rumors about a certain Song artist evading taxes are also spreading rapidly.

Song Shi: Do you really think I've been staying at home for so long?
If we are in the same dye vat, who is cleaner than the other!

Who doesn’t understand who’s routine?
Vanity Fair, if you want to completely trample someone to death, you will never be able to stand up, and you can't stand up even if you want to, that's the same.

What could be more serious than the Guojia export ban?

Song Shi was no longer afraid of this.

Although Yuan Zha is an actor, he has not set up his own business. A large part of his income comes from the share of economic companies, and the rest comes from various investments.

If you want to say that he escaped, it would be better to just say that it was the company.

But netizens don’t know!

Return hatred to the rich!
You have so much money and you are still running away. We social dogs who earn thousands of dollars a month are still deducting it on time every month.

So unfair!
Anger aroused!
Crazy Aite all kinds of they can Aite all departments.

Song Shi also quietly joined the Aite Army.

Unlike fans, he also came with a string of compiled evidence when he was at Aite. Although the evidence was a little rough, it also explained a lot of problems.

First line, second line, third line.
No one can escape.

Netizens are still waiting for announcements from relevant departments and are still waiting for Song to be thrown into hell.As a result, the news came that his idol was under investigation.

Tens of millions or hundreds of millions.
The amount was ridiculously large.

Even the entertainment company it belongs to is in trouble and is waiting for review.

Very funny!

Netizens couldn’t stop laughing!
Hello!Was it a mistake?The person we reported was a certain Song!How come a certain song didn't collapse and was still bouncing around nicely, but the other idols who usually lived peacefully and calmly all collapsed!
The relevant departments also responded quickly. The general meaning is that after their review, there are no problems with Song's finances. At the same time, they also reminded netizens who do not believe or spread rumors not to report indiscriminately but to use evidence to speak for themselves.

Just at a loss.

Isn't this kind of thing accurate after one check?Usually you pull out the radish and bring out the mud!

Why did your carrot bring out the other mud!

How ridiculous!

But what can be done? Everyone in the Guo family said that there is no problem in Song Dynasty!
It's not like I just have to be unwilling to give up.


It's okay, there are so many ways to step on a sewing machine. If this doesn't work, then there are others.

But forget it?
They wanted to forget it, but Song Shi didn't want to.

Collect evidence and sue all those who danced the most happily.

Several crimes are involved.

Malicious slander, ruining people's reputations, and the like.

Furthermore, no mediation will be accepted.

Those institutions and individuals who originally thought that this wave was not enough to wait for the next wave:
The shark is crazy!
Sharks are really crazy!
You, surnamed Song, are an actor. Can you be a human being?
The man who desperately wanted to trample him to death was extremely busy.

Even Su Qi thought he was going to be in trouble, but in the end, it took a turn for the worse.

"How do you have that evidence?" He didn't understand.

Song Shi rolled his eyes without taking his eyes off the tablet, "I've been in this industry for so many years. If I didn't have a lot of care, I would have been swallowed up to the bone."

Su Qi: "."

The key is, those things are not accessible to outsiders!

Sensing his doubtful look, Song Shi waved his hand, "I have my channels, so don't guess."

While talking, he typed a few more words on the tablet.

Su Qi stretched his head to look, "What are you looking at?"

Song Shi didn't even raise his head, "Hey, wasn't there a woman who said that I got her drunk after a fan meeting? I thought about it for several days and never thought of this happening in my life. But it seemed that netizens believed her words, and I was worried that I had really done something wrong while drunk. I couldn’t remember it clearly, so I just called Yao Yao Ling and reported myself."

In this world, there is nothing more reliable than the Guo family.

In front of the Guo family, no one has any secrets.

"If I can't remember things clearly, the Guo family will definitely be able to find out!"

Su Qi: "."

I really can’t laugh anymore!

What kind of person is this?
Isn't the most normal way to deal with this kind of thing not to prove one's innocence and fight with the other party in various ways, with various threats and bribes, either you die or I die!
What the hell are you.
How cruel!

If you get too ruthless, you'll even sue yourself!

"It's too troublesome!" As if he knew what he was thinking, Song Shi shook his head and said, "How long will it take for me to investigate by myself? I am a citizen of the Guo family, and I have the right to enjoy the supervision of the Guo family!"

At the same time, he also enjoys the protection of the Guo family.

Since someone destroys his own innocence, he must be destroyed.
So what's wrong with him defending his innocence!Doesn’t a man’s innocence mean he is innocent?I haven't heard of any discounts for innocence.

So, it’s a battle of innocence.

No concessions!
absolute!It's impossible to give in!
ah!No one will say that I copied that!No way, no way!The inspiration for this story comes from the song "Someone Like Me" that I accidentally heard half a month ago, which my favorite singer Mr. JJ Lin sang in the third season of The Voice of Dreams!Ahhhh!I like him so much that I watched all that season just to listen to this song.

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