Not only that, he also directly liked the female model he met in the air on social platforms.

Only one sentence.

"The police have been called."

Soon, there were 999+ comments below.

Don't guess.

They all scolded him.

"What a scumbag, you still have the nerve to call the police! Call the police and arrest yourself!"

"A scumbag suddenly appeared. Where is the monster catcher!"

"Don't be afraid, Aitemeimei, we will all support you!"

"Don't worry, he is just an alarmist. Let's wait patiently. It won't be long before we get the news that he likes to bring a sewing machine."

"Looking forward to +1"

"Looking forward to +2"

Female models were also blown out.

She started the live broadcast directly, facing the screen, crying so hard that she didn't care about her image, and shouted to Song Shi from a distance, "Do you think calling the police can scare me? I tell you, I'm not afraid. You have the ability to let them arrest you." Me! Justice is in the heart! You will be punished one day!"

Said a lot.


But it's all bullshit.

Bullshit is popular.

There was another wave of crusade against Song Shi on the Internet, and it became more and more intense.

Song Shi specially recorded a video to respond to this incident.

in the video.

His skin is fair and delicate, not to mention the dark circles under his eyes, there is not even a wrinkle under his eyes, his hair is black and thick, and he is not carefully taken care of, but he looks more casual, handsome and happy with his life.

Netizens were even more angry.

How could this be possible!
They stay up late every day eating melon and have cell phone faces. Their faces are pale and lifeless, as if they have been drained of blood. They are racking their brains in terms of how to scold this man to hell.

It’s okay that I didn’t see it, and I can comfort myself.

Now we have to face the fact that all their efforts have turned into bullshit!
He was so angry that the barrage flooded the screen.

The man in extremely good condition in the video got straight to the point, with a confused look on his face, "I just called the police, why are you scolding me? I have no one to say goodbye to, so why can't I sue myself?"

After saying that, he felt very aggrieved and said, "I see that young lady is feeling very uncomfortable. She cries every day. She can't redress her grievances. She can't get fair treatment if she cries. I'm really worried that she'll die from crying. If that's the case, then I'll do it. Good thing, help her report myself. Anyway, doesn’t she have evidence? I don’t think her chat history is fake. Well, there should be no girl who would fabricate such a thing to ruin her reputation and accuse a stranger. Come on, this is not the past, the Guo family will make the decision for her."

After saying that, he paused again and widened his eyes, "No way, no way, the result will not be what you expected, and you are saying that I colluded with the Guo family, right?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have the background to be an ordinary artist who has been betrayed by all the gangsters on the Internet. I really don't have that much ability to bribe the Guo family!"

"Or, if you are worried, you can report me to everyone!"

"Of course I will also reserve the right to pursue you for defaming me."

The Guo family serves the people.

Who is not a people anymore!

The video ends here.

In just 2 minutes, netizens' lungs were about to explode.

But some people are beginning to take a serious look at the matter.

At first, they thought that Song called the police to accuse the female model of malicious slander, or more likely, it was a false report, that is, to make the false appearance of reporting something to intimidate the other party.

It's actually true!
Why are you suing yourself!

This either means that you really have never done it and are confident, or you have done it but have a strong background and are not afraid of investigation.

On the other hand, the female model has been doing nothing but crying for so long.

Did you forget?

still is
This is getting more and more interesting.

Su Qi also saw Song Shi's scratching and manipulation and was silent for a long time.

That's it.

At this point, no matter which direction you go, it's a dead end.

That's good.

Maybe the wild growth can really find a way to survive.

As long as he survives this calamity, Lao Song, Lao Song will definitely shine brighter and reach a higher level than before.and
He had a hunch that this time, the circle would be reshuffled!
the other side.

After Mei Ni went off the air, she hurriedly pressed a certain number.

"What's the matter?"

The other party was a little impatient, "Didn't I tell you not to come to me if you have nothing to do?"

"I have something to do!" Mei Ni said anxiously, biting her lip, "Have you looked online, Song Shi... He actually called the police!"

But I heard the other party sneer, "You don't believe it, do you? Don't worry, he is deceiving you. He just wants you to feel that you can't do anything to him so that you can cancel the post. You can't fall into the trap!"

"But, he is suing himself!" Mei Ni shouted.

other side:"."

"Why is he suing himself?"

He was a little confused.

Mei Ni pursed her lips, "He really reported it to the police. This matter will be taken over by the police soon."

"What's so scary about this? Our plan was to let him use the sewing machine. Don't worry, I've arranged everything. There won't be any surprises."

Mei Ni: "Really?"

"You still don't believe me?" the man asked.

"I believe it."

"You cooperate obediently. When this matter is over, you can go to Guowai and change your identity. By then, we will be able to be together openly."

Men promise sweet checks.

Mei Ni nodded, "I understand."

The two spoke some more private words that could not be seen without paying before hanging up the phone.

Mei Ni saved the phone recording and went into the bathroom to apply it on her face.

I cried a lot during this time.

In order to create the most realistic image of being hurt by a scumbag and suffering from severe depression, anxiety and pain, not only was she unable to put on beautiful makeup, but she also had to stay up all night with her eyelids open, creating a layer of thick dark circles, and even used no skin care products. The ____ does not work.

How long has it been.

There are wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

No matter what, I have to put on a facial mask today.

Otherwise, how could she be qualified to stand beside her male god and not be sprayed to death by his girlfriends!
She is busy.

Song Shi was not idle there either.

He is a man with a son now.

Xu An's mother has passed away, and his registered residence is still in that small town in the south of the Yangtze River.

If you want to go to elementary school
There are many good public schools here, but the qualifications are very strict and you must have a local household registration.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that he has no school district or housing.

Singles only care about living in a comfortable, quiet and safe place.

no way.

The first step in changing your household registration is to buy a house.

He asked Su Qi to introduce a reliable intermediary and put forward his requirements.

The school district should be good, but the house itself should not be bad either.

The agent took note of it carefully.

I immediately recommended several sets to him.

The selling prices are above 800 million.

Song Shi frowned, pondered for a while, and sighed, "Is there such a thing as a house with neighbors far apart?"

The agent was stunned for a few seconds.

Are the neighbors far apart?

That's just a villa!
"Yes! Yes!"

Be happy!

"Mr. Song, look at this. This three-story house also has a basement. There are gardens in front of and behind the house. It has been decorated. You can move in with your bags."

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