When the Internet was in turmoil, Song Shi was buying a house in a school district.

Strictly speaking, it is a super good school district.


The kind where you can plant flowers and trees and sleep under the stars at night.

As an artist, he has become extremely popular recently and has been the center of conversation for more than a month.

How many things have happened!

Because of him, so many celebrities are in trouble!

Don’t even think about having any privacy!

Dogs are watching us all day long.

No, his visit to the house was posted online without any censorship.

Instantly the number of views soared!
At the same time, netizens’ blood pressure is also soaring crazily!

The laborers are working hard to move bricks, racking their brains and breaking their fingers to pull you off, but in the end, you are not affected at all and are still buying a villa!
People are better than people.
It makes the workers and managers look like they are not human beings at all!

This is how people live!

For a time, the number of comments directly exceeded [-], and the scoldings were even more fierce than after several short jumps and lower limits.

Finally, it got stuck!
Su Qi called Song Shi, feeling helpless, "Brother, I call you brother, can you stop causing hatred? If you continue like this, the whole network will boycott you. Even if we get away with innocence, we won't be able to turn around! Still! Say, you really don’t want to be an actor anymore? Don’t be like this! We have struggled for many years to get ahead, and you are willing to accept it?”

Song Shi was even more speechless than him: "Dear, I just want to buy a house, why bother!"

Or because the child has to go to school.

This is just needed!
Really needed!

What kind of hatred is this?

"Isn't it like this in our flower-growing country? No matter how hard it is, the children can't suffer. How many parents sell high-end residential areas to buy a shabby little one in order to let their children go to a good school. I haven't done that. At this point, I just don’t want my son to lose at the starting line. Am I wrong?”

I'm obviously right!

This is something any parent would do, and it should be understood!
Why Mao was still scolded.

I just can’t figure it out.

Su Qi rolled his eyes wildly, "Brother, my dear brother! Is your place an ordinary school district? Is your place an ordinary house? Besides, are you an ordinary parent? Can we stop making trouble!"

I'm really tired!
Have you read the comments? Do you know what the netizens have scolded you for?

Yes, I understand it's not your fault.

But we are already on the cusp of the storm, being targeted by everyone, pierced by hundreds of arrows, and in a situation like a rat crossing the street. Can you keep a low profile?

The high profile was struck by lightning!

I'm really afraid that we will be chopped into ashes!
He thought so and said it out loud.

Song Shi didn't understand his low-key words, "I'm just buying a house. Your eldest nephew wants to study. I have to let him study. Every day, there are so many people buying houses staring at me, right? I thought to myself that I didn’t pry up anyone’s ancestral grave! Could it be that they would be satisfied if they wanted me to eat chaffy vegetables, drink the northwest wind, wear a rag, and sleep in a bridge hole?”

Su Qi sneered, "You are right!"

This guy is like that.

Jealousy is very strong.

He wished that those who had a better life than him would be defeated in one second!
The worse the better!

To be honest, the matter between Lao Song and the female model has not been finalized yet. So the woman posted a few chat records on WeChat and told a so-called story. Netizens put Lao Song in total 36 times before and after. I have finished cursing for generations.

Naturally, there are people in the circle who are supporting the fire and setting the rhythm.

But there are also those who are unbalanced and hate the rich!

Who calls you rich?

At the snap of a finger you can buy things that others cannot afford unless they are born with good luck.

Money is the original sin.

"Then I can't let them get their wish." Song Shi forked a piece of cheap fruit that his son had brought over and stuffed it into his mouth, "For those who hate me to lower my living standards and restrict my normal consumption, I don't want to Silly, they won’t like me if I’m not doing well. In that case, it’s better to make them even more angry until they explode, then I’ll die laughing.”

As he spoke, he muttered, "The bank doesn't restrict my high consumption, so why should they? Do they have a bigger reputation than the bank? Damn!"

What else did Su Qi want to say.

He was interrupted by Song Shi, "What are you always saying about me? It's not my fault! Okay, Lao Su, it's getting late. You should go to bed early. Worrying too much will make you grow old quickly." ,bye."

After saying that, he shut down the phone with a snap.

Su Qi: "." Labor and management will...
Who the hell are labor and management worrying about?

You have black hair, but you are almost bald!

Everything has two sides.

Lao Song is getting worse and worse now, and netizens hate him so much that he can use this incident to lower the cost of terminating the contract between the two. If the company doesn't agree, he will blame the company.

When one is honored, both are honored.

It makes no sense that you have to bear the responsibility yourself if you are down and out!

Lao Song has made a lot of money for the company in recent years.

With a plan.

Su Qi applied a facial mask for the first time at night. His skin was moisturized before going to bed.

the next day.

Song Shi took Xu An out again without fear of pressure.

When Su Qi got the news as soon as possible, he was already heartbroken.

Just go out, no big deal.

If it doesn't work, I'll just stir up a wave of hatred and be hated even more deeply by netizens.

Is there a difference between black and darker?


As the saying goes, things must go to extremes, just like stock trading. The stocks plummeted from the top. At first, there were a lot of people selling stocks to stop the decline. The green lines shot straight into the sky. Slowly, they became less and less. The shorter.
When it hits the bottom, some people may think that the ticket still has value and can rush it.

This is normal.

Although Lao Song is confused, he is an actor after all, a genuine actor!

Su Qi drove to the company with this hope in mind.

Stop your thoughts.

He still has a tough battle to fight today!

the other side.

Song Shi took Xu An to the place where he applied for household registration.

Just got off.

Not even a few steps away.

A man wearing a hat and a mask rushed over, picked up a small bucket in his hand and threw it at the two of them.

Song Shi noticed the movement.

Subconsciously he looked over in surprise.

The next second, the man suddenly raised his arm, and a bucket of strong-smelling liquid poured down on his head.


The screams echoed through the sky!

The security guard at the door ran over, "What happened?"

Song Shi shrugged, "I don't know, it seems like he poured something on himself. It smells pretty bad. Could it be that he wants to light up some gas at your door to redress his grievances?"

The security guard suddenly became frightened.

Turning his head and shouting inside, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming!"

Then he yelled at Song Shi, "Hurry up and fight the monsters!"

"Fight the demon [-]!"

Song Shi: "Oh okay!"

The call was made quickly.

He quickly took a few photos of the man on the ground and posted them on the social platform with the mosaic of his face.

Song Shi V: Today is another day to do good things, happy! ! ! [Image] [image]
One of the ways to love life is to share the joy of life!
Alone Better Together!

Guess, is this a good thing or a 'good thing'?

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