Even if they can't touch each other in the air, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother won't give up. The opportunity to get rich overnight may be just once in this life, so they must seize it no matter what.

If you can't put the responsibility directly on the celebrities, it will be a disaster.

So what if there is a video.

Law is law and morality is morality.

They don't believe that those celebrities can withstand the pressure of public opinion.

On the other hand, a certain water chip must also be prepared.

Grab both hands.

Therefore, every day on the Internet, you can see Zhang’s mother crying and Zhang’s father sighing with a haggard look on his face.

Zhang also appears on camera from time to time.

Said he regretted it or something like that.

He apologized to Song Shi with tears in his eyes, saying that he shouldn't have been instigated by others, and that he shouldn't have hurt others on impulse, saying that he knew he was wrong, and asked Song Shi to forgive him.

Netizens were very sad to see it.

They all shouted, hoping that Song would not care about this child.

The relationship between ordinary people and celebrities is, to put it harshly, antagonistic under certain circumstances. What's more, a certain Song is really not a good person.

Even if Zhang did something wrong.

That thing is really not a trivial matter.

But among the two, netizens still prefer the one who made the mistake.


Who wants children?

Who makes you annoying?

The most important thing is that people realize their mistakes. Knowing their mistakes can greatly improve things.

Besides, he learned a lesson.

it is ready.

Don't do everything so decisively that you leave a way out for others.

Song Shi also responded quickly.

"Okay, I forgive him, that's all."

Very light and indifferent feeling.

The netizen is not a fool, so how can he not see his perfunctory attitude?

Just comment on his feed.

"You should go see him."

"If you really forgive him from your heart, you won't have this tone."

"As a public figure, you must be kind and tolerant. What's more, he didn't really hurt you, but it was because of you that he became what he is today."

"As a ten-year-old fan, I am really heartbroken. My fan, Brother Shi, is the gentlest person in the world. I miss him so much in the beginning."

"Forget it, people change."

"If you can put aside your grudges, then maybe I can continue to support you."

"No one likes cold and vicious people."

"That little money is nothing to you anyway."

Bind him in various ways.

Song Shi flipped through it casually.

After all, I couldn't help but reply: "This generation of netizens are really blind!! Why is it because of me that he is like this? What kind of overlord pot is this! I thought about it carefully, before the sour incident, I really I don’t know him! Besides, I am the victim. The reason why I was not injured is not because his conscience found out that he could turn around, but because I was lucky. Why do you think it’s a pity that he didn’t hurt me. How old is this? , why do you still have this terrible idea that 'the murderer planned to hurt others, accidentally hurt himself, but ended up blaming the innocent victims who luckily escaped'? I thought your facial features were too miserable to describe, but your three views are actually It's still so outrageous. Why did your brains cook soup for Po Meng when you were reincarnated? To be fair, if I was really hit by that acid, you would probably set off fireworks to celebrate and scold me for what I deserve. Ha, you still want to be a fan of this. I, I’m sorry, the most basic requirement for joining my fandom is to have brains, and you guys with dark hearts and ugly faces are not qualified right now.”

It can be said that he was merciless.

Why bother to rip off this layer of shame!
Although I understand in my heart, I can't admit it on my face.

It is said that his villain's heart is like a gentleman's heart.

Song Shi sneered, "How can you say that you are the same? Didn't the Zhang family open a certain water chip? It's nothing to bind others with Tao, morality and morality. If you have the ability, just donate a few meters yourself. Let's just say, whoever doesn't donate will be the one." It’s a false Virgin!”

"I will keep an eye on the fundraising amount at any time!"

Netizens were speechless.

This, this is considered a forced donation, right?
But the beneficiary has nothing to do with that person.

Some impulsive netizens were so excited that they walked hundreds or thousands of meters away.

After I finished, I sent a screenshot to Song Shi’s comment area.

Very proud.Various comments reveal a sense of superiority.

“The donation from labor and capital is just a donation, it’s not just a few meters, it’s just a donation!”

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

"Some people are really obsessed with money. Money and paper. Can they still take it with them when they die?"

"Today's young people are really becoming more and more philistine!"

"I donated two hundred, how much did you brothers donate?"

Seeing that they were chatting happily, Song Shi simply opened a building.

The name of the building is called 'Meet Donation Sign-in Group'.

Group message: What’s the point of you looking for a sense of superiority in me, a person who can’t even donate a dime? If you have the ability, look for it in the group. Do you dare to repay me!
That's right. There is a situation where I hate you, I hate you, but if I can have close contact with the world of celebrities, then I am actually quite willing.

Damn it.

The reasons are very strong.

When labor and management get inside, they can scold you better!

So soon the price on that floor was 999+.

High-rise buildings were built in seconds.

Song Shi changed his vest and dived inside.

Looking at the quotations from netizens, he silently replied, "Tch! It's so embarrassing to show off such a few meters! He's capable of competing for the top spot!"

He said this without naming anyone.

But everyone felt that he was talking about himself.

Some people in the building quoted hundreds, some quoted one or two hundred, and some quoted tens.
No one is confident.

But no one wants to admit it.

Some people were dissatisfied and said, "We donate rice out of our hearts!"

Song Shi said: "Then you are so small-minded. Look at how generous they are."

Another person quickly said modestly: "I didn't donate much."

"Yes, you are far behind that person." Song Shi typed.

That person: "."

Grass! !

Are you really sick?
Song Shi teased her from time to time in the building.

Especially when the people in the building are chatting vigorously, pouring cold water on them.

It can make people's mood go up or down.

Very irritable.

He's having a lot of fun here.

The Zhang family was also very happy.

The numbers of a certain water chip have been soaring and have long exceeded the expected numbers.

Mother Zhang counted the digits several times.

With a face full of joy, he said, "Although we didn't get any money from Song, our efforts were not in vain."

Father Zhang was very calm.

Money falling from the sky is like winning a 500 million grand prize.


Fortunately, he had been rehearsing how to use this great fortune during this period, otherwise, he would have been as uncontrollable as his mother.

A woman's family is small.

When something happens, let’s huff and puff!

He lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea, and said to his son, "In a few days, dad will take you to Kimchi Country to have your face treated. You will find the best doctor. He will make your face perfect. Then we will also join the entertainment industry." Celebrity, my son is so handsome, tall, and has a fan base. He is no better than those crooked melons and jujubes on TV now. He can make a lot of money easily. That guy named Song looks down on us. If you have the ability, don't ask for help. we!"

Zhang's eyes lit up, "Dad, Mom, I want to be a star! I want to be a star!"

Zhang's mother didn't expect this, so she quickly looked at the man, "Husband, can this be done?"

Father Zhang smiled and puffed up his chest, "What can't be done? Those celebrities say they haven't corrected it, but in fact, it sounds like fine-tuning. Who doesn't know? Besides, our son didn't do it on purpose. It’s because there is no way, no one can question him.”

The reasons are all there.

The family is immersed in the dream of a blessing in disguise.

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