When I have no money, I just think about how I can become rich overnight.

When there is really hope of getting rich suddenly, they also think that they can become rich suddenly.

A steady stream.

How great it is to be a star.

Just stand there and have a lot of money delivered to your door without doing anything.

I have money and fame.

If you want anything, you don't have to reach out and someone will automatically deliver it to your door.

Zhang was immersed in colorful fantasies, and even had a dream of slapping someone in the face and living a happy life with his idol.

At this time, Song, who was about to be slapped in the face, temporarily came out of the troubled building.

no way.

The police came to the door.

It was the matter involving the sewing machine that had reached an impasse between him and the female model.

The other party bit him hard, even if he said he had done those things.

But there was no evidence sufficient to convict him.

The reasons are all there.

"He is a star, very cautious, and is afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi, so we don't meet often, and we always meet in small hotels without cameras. He never allows me to take pictures."

When asked which hotel she was in, she said there were too many to remember.

When asked urgently, she would cry.

He said that he didn't believe her, but that she was so brave as a girl to stand up and report. Now everyone knows what happened to her, but in the end, she was questioned.

I cried so much that the police officers and police officers were embarrassed.

I had to look for Song Shi again, hoping he could find a way to prove his innocence.

Song Shi: "Of course I have evidence."

He smiled, "That woman said that I committed atrocities against her after that fan meeting, right? November NO. 18, so-and-so year."

The other party nodded, "Yes."

"And lasted all night?"


"That's right." Song Shi shrugged, "I was not in City A that night."

The other party: ".You are not in City A? Where are you?"

Song Shi: "In H City, I dated a girlfriend who was an outsider and I liked her very much. The next day happened to be her birthday and the fan meeting was boring, so I left early and went to H City for several days. The genius is back.”

The other party nodded, "We will check it out."

Song Shi stood up and took out a small box from the drawer, "I have read that Mei Ni's post. Based on the timelines she posted, I also sorted out some of my schedule on that timeline, which can generally prove My innocence, and during the course of the investigation, I discovered something.”

"You can take it back and take a look."

"Actually, I really want to investigate further, but I'll leave this kind of thing to you."

When the time comes, it will be miserable to be beaten down.

The other party took it.

I opened it and looked at it. There were USB drives, photos, newspapers and magazines.
There are ones for him and there are ones for female models.

Besides them, there are many others.

"Then we'll leave first."

It seems that this matter still needs to be investigated.

Song Shi got up to see off the guests.

After the police, officers and policemen returned, they launched a series of investigations. They began to focus on Meini and the men who appeared most intimately with her in the photos.

Not just to check.

You have to investigate it without leaking any information.

When Mei Ni called to ask about the progress, they said they were investigating.

Already have a clue.

It's not a lie either.

They are indeed checking.

The female model was very happy when she heard this.

After hanging up the phone, I posted my feelings on social platforms.

Wrote a short composition.It probably meant that she asked the police again today, and the other party told her that evidence had been found to prove that Song had done something, and it was expected that he would be sent in to have a screw cap in the near future.

At the same time, he calls on the sisters who have been harmed by him to bravely stand up and speak for themselves.

Be sure to drive the demons hiding in the world back to hell!

Song Shi knew what his sister wanted to do as soon as he saw her.

Not afraid at all.

Even looking forward to it.

Come on!Come quickly!
As the saying goes, if you don’t do it, it’s good; if you do it too much, it’s wrong.

The more there are, the more holes there will be.

He didn't believe that someone was tracking and recording Yuan Zhi's every day.

If you have the ability, you will miss it perfectly.

Sisters are just small fishes and shrimps, the ones behind the scenes are the big fish!
After thinking about it, I sent a message.

Song Shi V: Ahhh!So panicked!Today [Red and Blue Lantern] came to my house and asked a lot of questions. I really don’t know. Who still remembers what happened seven or eight years ago?Isn't this embarrassing for me?Isn't this your specialty?But, still believe, justice will never disappear! [come on! Come on]
Soon, the price was 999+.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Happy and happy!! Happy and happy!!"

"When are you going to get a sewing machine? Looking forward to it!"

"Will scarves be given out then?"

"Finally you are here!"

"Hurry up and lock this guy in. Lock him up until he dies. Don't let him come out to harm others!"

This is relatively peaceful.

Not to mention those who directly call them "beasts", "trash", "scum" and the like in the comment area.

Song Shi waited until they had enough scolding.

Crying, he sent another scarf: "I'm so miserable and you still scold me. If I am willing to donate to Zhang, can you forgive me?"

Forgive you, hehe, you are thinking shit!

A string of all kinds of unpleasant words could go around the world.

Song Shi seemed to be furious.

Directly criticize people in the comment area, "I am willing to take a step back, what else do you want! He hurt me and you asked me to forgive him. I am not sure whether he hurt others or not, so you convict me! You are too double standards, too It’s a dog!”


"If that's the case, then I won't donate!"

"I won't donate anything! I won't give out a penny!"

"Hey, do you think it's great just because you donated rice?"

"How amazing you are!"

"You are so amazing. Donate more. It's best to donate half of your salary every month."

"There is strength in numbers. If we try to find the richest man, it will all be your fault, haha!"

"I can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour? Oh, they are so sour! I am so sour! Maybe I live on a lemon tree! Let me take a look. Ah! Five hundred W! It's only been a few days. ? This speed of getting rich is really beyond my reach, I can’t catch up, I can’t catch up!”

"Everyone, come on! It's best to throw me so far away. I can't even be jealous anymore!"

"When others buy villas and drive luxury cars, you can proudly pat your chest and show off to your friends. You see, labor and capital provided for it."

"How awesome!"

"I can't do it anymore. This huge merit has nothing to do with me!"

"Just thinking about it, I feel...feel"

"Haha, everyone, come on, come on!"

"Although you won't earn hundreds of dollars in your life, you may be a poor loser all your life. You may have to pay rent and pay off your mortgage and car loan tomorrow morning, and you have to worry about whether your baby's milk powder and diapers are wet. You have long been obsessed with that. I can’t buy lipsticks for the time being, and even the Twice-cooked Pork Rice Bowl that costs 20 yuan a portion has to be collected very hard, but you don’t lose money, you really don’t lose money, you have a kind and beautiful heart, you are very rich! "

"Millions are nothing, they are so poor that all they have left is money!"

"Everyone, don't be sour. Remember, you have a heart of gold. Money will depreciate, but gold will not, never!"


When I first watched it, I felt weird.

The more I watched, the more uncomfortable I felt.

What does it mean to be so poor that only money is left?
They also want such a good thing!

When I looked at Zhang's water chips, my heart became even more sad, as if I had eaten a whole lemon essence.

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