But the reality is that.

You think some people should be driving screws, but he is just sailing on a yacht eating seafood porridge.

It's so exciting.


Song Dynasty went to sea.

With his kitchen and security, oh, this time he also followed the guys carrying the cameras.

The fiery red sun rose from the sea, illuminating everything around it brilliantly, warmly and full of hope.

Mrs. Wang set the table.

Song Shi raised his cup and drank a cup of soy milk towards the rising sun.

good luck.

The public screen was full of vitriol.

Yes, sour.

This time there were very few people scolding him.

After all, no matter how fiercely he scolds, people named Song can't see it. Instead, he can poke their lungs with all kinds of show-offs every day.

But I couldn't help but look at it.

It's annoying!
I obviously hate this man and wish he was dead. Not only did he not die, he also jumped around with more energy!
Why don't you die?
Just like that fly, it's really fun. Can you slap it down and make it completely burp!
The sea scenery is extraordinary.

Especially later, the yacht sailed to a small island, blue sky, white clouds, sea, island, coconut trees, beach, shells...

Absolute child.

The camera guy carried the machine and excitedly took pictures of the sand and water.

Song Shi's voice-over was faint at the side: "Look at this sand, whether it is fine or not, whether it is soft or not, hehe, it is also very warm. Stepping on it is more comfortable than stepping on a quilt. Even the tired soles of your feet can be instantly healed." , It’s a pity, you can only take a look.”

"And this water, how clear it is. Do you see it? What are they? Crabs. Crabs are crawling. I will fish one up. Can you fish it out? Haha, you will never know where this island is!"

The little brother rolled his eyes several times.

Hesitant to speak.

Finally, I couldn't help but say, "Teacher Song, anti-fans are also fans, you have to treat them equally!"


Take it easy, take it easy!
Song Shi glanced at him, "Fan? Do you think I still have fans now?"


People lined up on the public screen.

"Yes, we are fans too!"

"Why are anti-fans not fans anymore?"

"Aren't we fans of you enough?"

"What, we are not cruel, believe it or not, the labor and management will immediately bury you with a crush on you!"

"My little brother said something fair, we must treat our fans well!"


Song Shi curled his lips and complained unceremoniously, "You still want me to be treated equally? Why, do they deserve the same treatment as those fans who say they like me and love me? What are you thinking? They can't get fair treatment in the workplace. I'm looking for a sense of presence here. Do you think I will be praised without thinking for the sake of traffic and whitewashing? Oh, don't wait, you can't wait for another reincarnation. Why can't you wait? That's for sure. I don’t need to clear my name, I am innocent to begin with.”

He simply sat on the sand and stretched his feet into the clear water. Song Xu'an ran over and sat next to him. He used a shovel to shovel the soft sand into the water one by one, scattering the small crabs that passed by. He looked confused, and then ran away quickly.

"Besides..." Song Shi narrowed his eyes slightly, "If I am really at fault, there is no point in praising you. How can I be praised by you? How popular was so-and-so back then, with hundreds of millions of fans? What the hell? After kissing countless times, didn’t he go in in the end? I didn’t see him rinse off and come out again. Everyone, everyone, this island is really nice. I advise everyone to come here. Why? The sea water is very clear. , there are too many, and it will definitely wash away those unrealistic fantasies in your minds. However, even if you think about it, you can’t come. There is no way, the economic foundation determines freedom, and you can only live this ordinary life in fantasy. It’s been a lifetime, how pitiful!”

Some output.

It directly made the public screen crazy.

When the director received a call from the main island, he was sweating. He ran over and smiled, "Teacher Song, Teacher Song, there are coconut trees over there. Do you want to go get some coconuts and drink some water?"

When Song Shi heard this, he thought, OK.

Get up.

Invite the children together.

Two rows of footprints were left on the soft white sand.

Behind him, Laoshan exhaled, tired, his heart was really tired.

Normally speaking, who would be willing to watch Suiuijinghao, Hello, Me, Hao, doing this kind of celebrity show? Of course, the more they fight, the better.

Usually on TV, she looks aloof and inaccessible to gods and goddesses, as if she is wearing a mask and pretending to be very good.

One person pretends to be calm and calm better than the other.

And only in contradiction can true temperament be revealed.Celebrities are people too.

We are human and it is difficult to control our emotions when we are angry.

What ordinary people like most is to watch a god fall off the altar. If you can drag a god down and trample him to death with your own hands, it will be a great achievement that you can brag about for a lifetime!

The Song Dynasty should not be an exception.

But as luck would have it, it was an accident for him.

The darker the fire.

Netizens hate him so much that he just can't die. Someone else will always die!
He even dodged Suan Suan's unexpected attack. After such a scene, he escaped unscathed. This...

"Teacher Song, this coconut must be very sweet..."

Laoshan chased after him.

The camera follows closely.

I saw Song Shi walking under a coconut tree, looked up, and said a few words to the security guard. He was too far away and didn't hear it. A baby-faced young man came out and tried the tree. After a few words, Just climbed up.

Netizens were so shocked that they screamed.


"Little brother is amazing!"

"I want to give birth to a bunch of monkeys for my little brother!"

"Am I sick? I'm jealous of a coconut tree!"

"It's a bit different upstairs. Unlike me, I just want to be that coconut, held in my brother's hand!"

"Then crush it and explode it?"



Song Shi clicked his tongue and shook his head.

The assistant was a little curious, "Teacher Song, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Why are you shaking your head inexplicably?
Song Shi didn't look at her and said, "I just feel like I'm at a loss."


The assistant rubbed his head, what did he lose?
"Yeah." Song Shi curled his lips, "I paid a lot of money to hire these security guards to protect my son. As a result, now I work for your program team in vain, and those netizens, hehe, they can watch these without paying. Is that so? The little brother is so handsome, his movements are clean and neat, he is really skilled, huh, they only deserve to look at those green screen stuff on the Internet."

A look of great loss on his face.


It feels like we won, but the taste of winning is so hard to swallow.


We are the same people, why can't we look down on these little brothers!

Soon, a huge coconut was scattered on the beach under the tree.

Mrs. Wang has already set the table.

Song Shi picked up two, inserted a straw into them, and drank.

To be honest, the taste is relatively light, with a hint of sweetness, which quenches thirst and relieves heat.

Song Xu'an also squatted beside him holding one.

"Boss, the chairs are set up."

Song Shi asked someone to move the chair under the tree, with lush vegetation behind him. He wore sunglasses and asked Mrs. Wang to take Song Xu'an there to eat.

Xiao Song refused, "Dad, I want to be with you."

Song Shi touched his head and said, "Bao'er, dad is at work."

"I won't disturb dad's work. I will be good and silent."

But Song Shi shook his head, "That's not what I meant. It's just that our security uncles have all been fooled by those people. If my good son is fooled by those people again, then my father will suffer a big loss."

Xiao Song's eyes widened.

Song Shi pinched his face and said, "You are so cute, they all want to see it, but why, do they deserve it?"

"Go eat something."

Xiao Song left obediently.

Song Shi leaned back on the chair, the corners of his mouth raised, evil and malicious, "Are you scolding me again? It's a pity, I can't see it, haha, I'll make you mad!"

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