Netizens are furious...

The camera guy said that it would be fine if he got used to it.

Song Shi lay on the beach chair, squinting his eyes and feeling the salty sea breeze. He probably felt that it was too leisurely. He took a nap for half an hour, yawned without any image, and started to tell a story.

"When I was a kid..."

Netizens: ! ! !
His eyes lit up instantly.

My mind, which had been drowsy while looking at the sky and sea, suddenly became more energetic. Do you want to recall the past?
From a star's childhood, we can get a glimpse of his life, his family, and then expand to his psychological level, his character development, and then his outlook on life, his... ending.

Many people rushed into the live broadcast room.

Everyone is asking, how old are you?

The director asked this question in response to the strong request of netizens.

Song Shi frowned and thought for a while, "It's been since I was a kid, as far back as I can remember." He looked at the camera and smiled, "I think everyone heard something about the local area from the elderly at home or the neighbors when they were young. Mysterious things, it seems that there are such rumors everywhere, I don’t know if they are true or not, but they are very scary and scary. If a child is disobedient, adults will use this to scare them and throw you somewhere. Or let Grandma Wolf take the magic horse away."

"It just so happens that we have something like this over there."

The live broadcast room is already heating up.

They are all urging.

Others are laughing at him for using ghost stories to whitewash his reputation and attract fans.

Of course, Song Dynasty could not see these.

He looked into the distance with deep eyes, and the camera drifted away along the line of sight. The sea was calm and waveless, and the sun shone on the sea, creating golden waves. It was clear, but after looking at it for a long time, it seemed a bit gloomy.

No one knows what is under the sea.

No one knows what will happen in the next second.

"What kind of legends do you have over there?" He chuckled, "It's nothing more than something you encountered on the road, or something about the girls' dormitory, the thirteen steps, the mysterious shadow of the construction site, the non-existent Class Eight of Three Years, 444 Bus, the old man who left has returned for the first time... something like that, it's all familiar."

The director looked helplessly at the words on the public screen.

I guessed it all...

Netizens were unconvinced and scrolled on the screen one after another, "Then tell me, what legends do you have over there?"

"Huh, I guess the biggest legend in the future is that if you don't learn well, you will be caught eating peanuts like a certain star."

“Upstairs is brilliant!”

"But, really, I really want to hear it. A certain Song Dynasty is from a certain place. I checked it on the Internet. It is said that there are many such rural legends there."

"I know, I know. Wasn't it rumored before that a college student disappeared after going into the mountains? The locals said that he was captured by the mountain god and made to be his son-in-law."

"Does anyone still believe this now?"

“The culture of flower cultivation is so broad and profound that it’s better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn’t exist!”

"If you want to use this method to deflect the blame that the labor and management have on you, I can only say that you think too much, huh, the labor and management would like to hear if you can make a big deal!"


Song Shi, who couldn't see the screen, had already started.

"What I want to talk about is what happened to my friend in a high school and middle school over there."

Netizens are dumbfounded.

Ah.This damn 'so-and-so tells a story' feeling of déjà vu.

The routine is full in an instant.

May I ask which of your friends is so unlucky? Is he okay now? Has he spent a billion-dollar Tiandi Bank check?That's really tragic, but who calls him your friend?


The public screen was filled with joy.

A certain Song can't die just like Nasha who can't be beaten to death. If a friend dies, huh, it's retribution.

trouble marker!
"I have a brother with whom I have a very good relationship. Let's call him Xiao Ming. I know that the name 'Xiao Ming' has really endured too much that it shouldn't bear. However, the greater the fame, the greater the responsibility. It has endured so much. There are not many like me anymore. Of course, if the gangsters can't stand it and want to complain about 'Xiao Ming', they can also contribute their own names. I don't mind changing my name."

"That year, when we were taking the high school entrance examination, we were admitted to two different schools. Because the schools were quite far apart and we were very nervous about studying, we didn't see each other for a long time. It wasn't until later that I heard someone said that he didn't go to school anymore. When I went out to work, I was very puzzled. How could he not study when he had good grades? However, I didn’t know his home address or his contact information. I asked my former classmates and they told me everything. His family conditions are not very good, maybe they can’t afford to support him.”

"That's what I thought at the time."

"It's normal. The conditions were not good at that time. The children were unwilling to learn and their studies were poor. Many of them were unwilling to continue."

"It's not like there aren't people around who get good grades but go out to work for various reasons."

"I didn't think much of it."

"I just didn't expect that a few years later, when I went home for the New Year, I would meet him on the street in my hometown."

"At that time, he was wearing an old cotton coat, jeans, and a pair of gray sneakers. He was standing on the roadside talking to people with a cigarette between his fingers. He looked like he had been around the world for a long time. Maybe he noticed my attention, and he subconsciously turned around. , I could see his eyes froze for a moment, and he said a few words to the man and then walked towards me."

"He is much taller and fatter. He has frostbite scars on his cheeks. His skin is slightly dark, and his hair is slightly longer, covering his eyes. He looks as ordinary as anyone on the street."

"But he was such a young man who was unwilling to be ordinary."

"We said hello."

"We talked about many past memories together."

"After the chat, there was nothing left to say and we fell into an awkward silence."

"It's really embarrassing."

"After a while, he lowered his head and chuckled, laughing at himself that he, a migrant worker, and I, a college student, were no longer from the same world."

"I couldn't help but ask him why he went out to work in the first place. He had already passed the high school entrance examination!"

"I just have to wait until I finish college in three years to find a good job."

"Xiao Ming was silent for a long time, then smiled bitterly and said that he also wanted to read it, but unfortunately he really couldn't get into it."

"I thought he was bullied by his classmates and it affected his studies, but he said no. After my questioning, he finally told the facts of what happened that year. After hearing this, I just felt incredible."

"The sun was shining on me, and at noon, I actually felt a chill that quickly climbed from the soles of my feet to the top of my head."

"I have lived in this small town for so many years, and I have never heard of such a bizarre thing!"

"Bizarre and outrageous."

"But he insisted that what he said was the truth. I couldn't help but believe him. He loves learning so much. If it wasn't true, how could he give up his studies and give up a bright future."

"The following is my retelling of his original words using the No. 1 pronoun."


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