Soon, "Looking for Three High School Students", "Teacher Song's live broadcast of nonsense" and "My Brother Xiao Ming" were on the hot search.

At the same time, Mingzhu County, the hometown of a certain Song Dynasty, also issued a statement. The general content was that there was no so-called three highs, but there was indeed such a rumor in the local area.

It is said that at the beginning of the last century, Waiguo came in and wiped out all the students in a school.

After that, people often saw people moving there, and it was extremely cold even during the day. Over time, that area became deserted.

Later, I don’t know who said that the place was bustling with lights and bustle in the middle of the night, as if something invisible was holding a market.

In this way, no one dares to get close.

As soon as this announcement was made, it attracted some people who loved adventure and mystery.

By the way, I went to investigate a certain Song's life.

At this time, all kinds of 'Xiao Ming' sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Of course, Song Shi didn't know this.

But you can guess it.

Have a barbecue on the boat in the evening, have a big meal, and watch the round moon hanging on the sea.

The night sky is very dark.

There are no busy cars, no flashing neon lights, and no street lights that can turn the night into day. The night here is night and the stars are stars.

The starry sky looked like someone had knocked over the fairy's jewelry box.

The moon is extraordinarily big and gentle.

Just looking at the peaceful sea and night, the barrage kept coming.

"That's it, I can watch it all night."

"There are so many stars! They are obviously in the same sky, but I can't see anything here."

"This is the biggest moon I've ever seen."

"I also want to have a barbecue on the beach."

"So, this is camping? I'm a rich person's camping!"

"The program team doesn't care about it? It completely goes against the center of the program, okay? Who goes to sea every day! Are you a sailor? Look at the people next door, go shopping in the mall, look at jewelry and fashion, that is real."

"It's a bit funny upstairs. According to what you said, they should go filming. It's the daily life of a star to catch a plane while filming a show."

"Ah ah ah, I also want to go to the sea and watch the sunset. It's so beautiful. I have saved many pictures. Jimei, how about you?"

Occasionally, there were a few discordant barrages that were quickly drowned out by a group of people watching the scenery.

Song Shi asked the cameraman to put the guy eating on the table for a very good reason, "Under the extremely beautiful and rare scenery, the slightest violation will be magnified."

Besides, that group of netizens scolded him so much like crazy, they deserve to have him around 24 hours a day, and they deserve to be lonely.

After getting the director's permission, the cameraman found a perfect angle, put the camera away, and joined the barbecue party.

After watching the bright moon on the sea, I watched the sunrise on the river and the red flowers on the river the next day.


Seeing it at sea is a sight that cannot be seen anywhere else.

It was the ultimate splendor.

Brilliant to bursting.

After breakfast, the yacht slowly drove back.

Life at sea that day was like a beautiful dream. When you wake up from the dream, you have to return to reality after all.

All are the same.

A social dog is still a social dog, and a cook is still a cook.

The show is over.

Lao Shan packed up his things and left with the people from the program team. After Song Shi saw them off, he went upstairs to take a nap, and the next day he took his cheap son back to his villa in the city.

Song Xu'an is going to elementary school and needs to buy some things.

Time proceeds in an orderly manner.

Everyone is looking for the three highs that cannot be found at all.

They also visited the so-called school in Mingzhu County where people died a hundred years ago, and even stayed there at night, but in the end they saw nothing.

Instead, I was bitten by mosquitoes.

no way.

I can only place my hope on the protagonist of the story, Xiao Ming.

They actually found it.In the video, Xiao Ming is a tall, fat, middle-aged man with a round face, his eyes narrowed when he smiles, and his face is friendly.

Talking about high school.

He sighed and said that was not the case at all. He dropped out of school because his family had no money and could not afford tuition and living expenses.

Netizens: "."

There is a kind of anger at being played.

crusade online.

But soon, the second 'Xiao Ming' came out.

That's not the case at all.

"My family is poor. I can only eat two steamed buns per meal. I can't even afford food. They all despise me in the dormitory and say I have a strange smell. I'm really sad. My family's conditions are not good to begin with. I My studies have plummeted. I thought about it for a long time and decided to forget it.”

Immediately afterwards, another 'Xiao Ming' spoke.

He said that he indeed encountered what Teacher Song talked about in the live broadcast.

"Those are all true."

This completely aroused the curiosity of netizens.

They all went to his live broadcast room to ask.

He started telling stories.

He is really good at telling stories and has a good eloquence. What Song Shi told was just improvised. He enriched it on that basis and paired it with sometimes deep and sometimes tense music, which quickly drew the viewers into a Go into the scene.

Until Blade Corpse appears.

"Foretell what will happen next, please listen to the next chapter to break it down."

The decomposition next time will be made up by him.

One hundred Xiaomings have one hundred stories.

Senior high school is still going on, and Song Shi has already taken Song Xu'an to register for primary school.

"From now on, you will be a glorious primary school student! Watch out for you, young man!"

Song Xu'an was also very excited.

"Dad, I will study hard!"

Just two days ago, the program team paid their wages according to the contract. The father and son went to the restaurant for a big meal, and Song Shi took him to visit Ocean Park.

I met the paparazzi when I came out.

Was asked about the third high.

Sangao, it's really popular recently. Although Mingzhu County has made a statement, everyone knows that this kind of official statement is official.

I always feel like the first person to say something knows better.

Song Shi pondered for a moment.

"Three highs"

"All I can say is, it probably happens to everyone."

Paparazzi: ".?"

He began to make random guesses in his mind.

And there’s already copy.

There is a "Three Highs" in everyone's heart, where it is gloomy, dark and helpless. In the dark night, there is no way to escape.
Just listen to Song Shi sigh, "High blood pressure, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and three highs. Everyone must take care of your health. Without you, I would be as lonely as snow. I'm really afraid that you will be burped by me accidentally." Damn it! That would be so tragic!"

The paparazzi who were still stuck in the copywriting were stunned.

His wide eyes actually revealed a bit of innocence and grievance.

What the hell!

you you
Labor and management should know that you are not such a beautiful Song!

Do you want face?

Song Shi shrugged indifferently, "It's just a story, why take it so seriously."

I posted the original words online.

Sure enough, it aroused a lot of criticism from netizens.

Three high
I am so serious!Three highs!

(End of this chapter)

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