Three high!

You are only three high!
Netizens originally thought that he had bad intentions when he told the story about the three high school students. However, everyone was glad that they were not scared.

Who knew that the connotation was actually here!
Do you dare to do more damage?

They all ran under his scarf and scolded him.

However, I finally typed out a bunch of words after much searching, and the result...
Sorry, the blogger has closed the comment function.

At once.
Ah ah ah! !
Go crazy!It’s definitely a crazy rhythm!
Someone posted a message online, urging netizens to stop working.

".Is it interesting? It's really not interesting. There are so many people scolding him, and we have tried so hard to scold him, but he can read them one by one? If he doesn't read, then what's the use of typing so many words! On the contrary, he , every time he posts something, we immediately rush to watch and comment, putting him on so many hot searches. Everyone, everyone, think about it, you are not so interested in your idols. Where is his heart! You are trying to discredit him! Is this dissatisfaction? I am really speechless! But unlike other celebrities, he is not like other celebrities who either swallow their anger and disappear or become miserable and cry. Everyone’s lung tubes have been poked, and they still don’t give up. Next time, they will put him on the hot search! Do you have masochistic tendencies? Stop for a while! From the initial fall from the altar to the tax crisis to the sour incident, Oh, and there’s also the sewing machine that’s under investigation. He didn’t escape unscathed, and every time he suffered, it wasn’t someone else! The key is, every time it wasn’t Steel! If it had been any other star, he would have been cold several times! Look at how much more he bounces now. Joy! Black, red, black and red, if black doesn't kill him, won't he make a comeback? Is there any color more profound than these two? Save it all. It's nothing to worry about the mortgage and car loan. Think about how many years of salary you have. There’s no eyebrows, there’s no eyebrow pencil, there’s no pencil, so why put your mind and energy on an insignificant man who is right in front of you but far away! Everyone, wake up!”

It can be said to be extremely heartbreaking.

Netizens were silent after reading it.

Some people suspect that other brokerage companies have come out to muddy the waters.

Some people suspect that Song cleared himself.

But not many people believe in the latter.

From what they knew about the man, he didn't care whether he was black or not.

So what if it’s black.

As long as Uncle Hat doesn't convict him, he's innocent.

He has money.

Even if he doesn't live in a dye vat, he can still live a good life.

Song Shi liked this blog post.

And left a comment: Be obedient and save your money, you can’t fight me!
There is also a series of wildly laughing emoticons behind it.

That's it?Why the hell do you still want to ask workers and managers to tolerate this?
Can't stand it!
There is a knife on the head of Ninja.

Either kill yourself or kill someone else.

They both chose to draw their swords on each other, and the swords met!
Song Shi had a lot of fun with netizens. He received two more programs midway through, but he rejected them both.

Netizens ridiculed him because others were too busy and didn't want him.

He didn't take it seriously.

Wu Zhixiao smiled and posted a blog: I have memorized enough scripts and want to take a rest!

Netizen: .? ?
Understand in seconds.

Just, hehehe.

The program team responded urgently, but I don’t know if anyone believed it.

As for dealing with a certain Song, well, he is like this now, with money and leisure resources at his disposal, there is really nothing he can do to deal with him.

Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

I can only accept this loss.

The female model incident ended at the end of the first semester of Song Xu'an Elementary School.


Yesterday she was still selling goods in the live broadcast room, but today her account is gone.

A week later, there was a major change of leadership at an entertainment company.

The former chairman was arrested on suspicion of washing rice.

Also taken away by Uncle Hat were several senior executives of the company.

They are all people you can only see on TV and in magazines.

Netizens are still confused.

An insider broke the news and roughly restored the story of how things unfolded.

As we all know, a large company like this will never be as clean as water, and a certain circle named after the dye vat is even more luxurious and exudes a strong smell of copper.

Whoever enters this circle is not forced by life at first.

For this dream
Oh, just looking at the remuneration, appearance fees, etc., there is nothing to generate electricity for love.

There is actually no difference between celebrities and workers, they are both leeks.

A certain Song is a first-line celebrity.

He is handsome and talented, and can perform and sing.Especially in the past few years, he has filmed several popular dramas and appeared in many popular variety shows. It can be said that he is on fire and has a bright star.

An entertainment company has been wooing him.

Trying to poach him.

Trying to use his name to operate more funds.

But a certain Song was very adamant and disagreed no matter what, and even made some mockery.

In some programs, they are not given any face to the company at all.

A certain entertainment company is very popular.

In the mall, if you can't be friends, then you are enemies.

A certain Song Dynasty's coffee industry is very popular, and it has been in the dyeing vat for many years. The financial connections accumulated cannot be underestimated. This kind of person must either endure it or be trampled to death.

The former is unlikely.

The latter is pretty good.

If a giant whale dies, it will feed countless small fish and shrimps.

Thus, a conspiracy against a certain Song Dynasty was launched.

At this time, the child left behind by a certain Song's ex-girlfriend who died of illness came to look for him.

What a great opportunity God has sent us!
Taking advantage of this incident, they began to use trolls to vigorously guide the direction of public opinion.

A certain Song Dynasty was miserable.

The whole network is black.

Actually, it's really not that serious.

Put yourself in his shoes, a man broke up with his girlfriend, and the girlfriend gave birth to a child without telling him. After being unable to raise the child, she gave him away.
Just one thing.

Isn't this even more disgusting than those men who get married but don't raise children and have a bunch of illegitimate children and children outside the home?

Obviously not.

But because of his star status, he is unforgivable.

This is just the beginning.

Then there are the tax issues.

This thing, if a certain Song Dynasty really became a legal expert, he would never be able to turn around.

Who would have thought that Song actually didn't have any tax problems, so he even reported a series of reports, catching the other party off guard.

But that’s what a dye vat is.

It’s not taxes, it’s sleep.

If it doesn't work, I'll ruin his meal!
It's a pity that Song always escapes.

He is really an upright and upright person.

There is no doubt that the dye vat will be clear.

It's better now. I didn't trap anyone, but I got trapped myself.

All meals and lodging are included, and life is fulfilling.


When netizens saw this, they felt very complicated to be honest.

Super complicated.

"It turns out that we really misunderstood him!"

"I even scolded him online before."

"I also said a lot of bad things."



For a time, there was an upsurge in apologizing to Song on the entire Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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