
Song Shi dismissed it.

Say no to it directly in front of reporters.


Boss!Boss!I know you must be angry because you have been misunderstood, but you still have to be flexible and flexible in front of capital!
If you are like this, how can you still hang out in the industry and make money in the future?

No more fishing?

Fans are nothing!
I've given you the steps, just follow them and settle your grudges with a smile. To put it bluntly, is it important that those unrelated strangers have money?
Too rigid and easy to break!

But the other party didn't care about his hint at all and said he didn't need it.

"When you are trying to criticize me, you pour black ink on me as if you don't have money. You want me to die miserably. When you want to destroy my reputation, you just rely on your preference and never care whether there is evidence or not, to satisfy your own lust for words. No one listened to my explanation many times, and it was useless to issue an official statement. I was as stubborn as the stone that had been lying in the pit for 1000 years, smelly and hard. Now Uncle Hat has cleared me up. The bad guy turns out to be someone else. I am just an innocent and pitiful victim. I was cut and bruised. You say, can I forgive my knife? What sweet dreams are you having? If you want to be black, be black. If you want to apologize, you want to be forgiven. Why don’t you go to heaven and be God? Woolen cloth."

"I'm not guilty in the first place."

"I did nothing wrong."

"Everything is imposed on me by you, okay?"

"Don't be a coward! Don't back down!"

"Who doesn't know why you hacked me in the first place?"

"You didn't think about whether I was wronged when you attacked me. Now you don't need to ask me what I mean when I apologize. Just like you, whether I forgive or not is my business and has nothing to do with you."

The reporter was excited and full of complaints.

He hesitated and said, "Netizens already know they are wrong."

Song Shi: "Oh."

Is it related to me?

If an apology is useful, why should all the legal codes be put there to serve as a foothold?

We are all adults, so stop being funny, okay?

The visit could not continue.

Song Shi has said everything that needs to be said.

Taking advantage of the reporter's platform, he looked at the camera with an expressionless face, "Those who have insulted me or scolded me, I hope you will be more conscious, have some face, and stop following me, stop wanting to be my fans, and don't Go watch the TV series, movies, and variety shows I have participated in, but don’t listen to the songs I sing. I really don’t care at all that you losers like me. I feel disgusting when I think of the fans who say they like me. If you have scolded me like you scolded the enemy who killed your father, I feel like vomiting. I guess you all want to have face, and you have dignity if you don't give in. You must not be the kind of scumbag you have scolded yourself. It has happened. In this case, we will be well on our own. You cross your single-plank bridge, and labor and management take the broad road of labor and capital. They are like two lines that briefly intersected, and finally separated, getting further and further apart. It is best never to be together. goodbye."

Reporters winked.

Teacher Song, you are wrong. How can you let fans cross the single-plank bridge?

Be humble, be humble!

In this regard, Song Shi said that there was no reason for him to suffer at any time.

Besides, they were all torn apart.

Why be so pretentious anymore.

He's friendly enough, isn't he? What else can he do if he lets his enemies settle down on their own?

The correct way to open it is 'If you are not good, it will be sunny', you know.

Song Shi rolled his eyes in his heart and said, "I hope those people who talk about bad words will be scolded back even more severely by people who talk even less virtuously!"

The words of Actor Song, who had regained his innocence, put him on the hot search again.

Netizens who were criticized were indignant.

Many people wearing vests are making fun of themselves on the Internet.

"I've already apologized, so what else can I do?"

"You celebrities are already in a mess, you can't blame others." "Aren't you okay now?"

"Fans, you think highly of you. Anyway, you are not the only one who is a star. Your employer has turned into a fan!"

"Whoever likes to apologize, go ahead and say it, the labor and management will quit!"

"Song is still as proud as ever. I hope you will be proud to the end and don't regret it!"

"Gone, never seen again!"

After "The whole Internet owes a certain Song a sorry", "A certain Song lost a large number of fans" has become a hot search again.

Su Qi couldn't stop laughing when he called and talked about it.

"It's so funny! You're taking off your fans! You're taking off your black fans, okay! Isn't this a great event that everyone is telling everyone about?" He said while shaking his head, "This generation of netizens are so talented. Oh, did their brains spit out those curse words when they scolded you? Haha."

Song Shi felt that he was right.

Directly retweeted the hot search: [Like] I’ve lost all my black fans!I hope you guys won’t secretly come clean and then come to follow me, I don’t need it!
To be honest, I feel quite awkward.

If any celebrity doesn't care about their fans, it's just you who doesn't take your fans seriously.

But this makes me feel even more guilty.

However, the other party lacks nothing and accepts nothing.

If you don't accept it, we'll give it to you secretly.

For a time, all the previous works of a certain Song Dynasty were dug out and reviewed.

It set off a wave of memories.

Song Shi was also invited to be a mentor on a drama show.

Su Qi was very happy.

He thought his old friend was finally returning to work seriously.

Even treated to a big meal.

Song Shi accepted it with an unceremonious smile.

Then he turned around and turned into a sharp-tongued mentor on the show, criticizing all the little flowers and grasses as useless. The one who suffered the most was undoubtedly a young man named Wu Fan.

Wu Fan was tall and handsome, with fair skin and delicate facial features. Before jumping into the big dyeing vat of the flower-growing country, he soaked in pickles for two years. He was so sour that his hometown pronunciation changed before he came back.

He can sing and dance and is pretty flirty.

He is as quiet as a gentleman on the road, but when he moves, his body is filled with overflowing hormones.

After participating in several variety shows, he accumulated a large group of fans.

This time I came to "The Transformation of an Actor", in addition to improving my acting skills, it was more about harvesting traffic.

Who would have thought that Song was targeting him as if he had taken the wrong medicine, saying that his acting was soulless, saying that his expression was stiffer than the Barbie dolls sold in the supermarket, and asking with concern whether it was the sequelae of the beauty injections. No, I suggest him to pay more attention to rest
He was so angry that he really wanted to be the person he wanted to be!

The guy looked very sincere, "Don't think it's easy to be a star. You don't know how much effort a star has to put in and how much pain he has to endure to maintain his youthful look. Just like this Xiao Wu, who is only [-] years old." Next year, I will receive so many injections and knives, and it looks good now, but as I get older, tsk, how fierce it is now, how fast it will collapse by then!"

"Young people, don't always think about taking shortcuts. You should exercise more. Just for the scene just now, just a few moves and a few shouts. Look at how tired you are. I'll help you with your weak body. Your parents are worried."

What are you worried about?
I'm worried about whether I can hold my grandson.

But, these men and women in the circle know everything about them, who can like whom?

If you really want to look outside the circle and lower your standards, that won't work.

So there are a lot of men and women left in the circle.

Wu Fan was extremely angry, but he still had to thank him very humbly.

This damn capital power!

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