Song Shi didn't care what harsh words someone put in his heart. To be honest, he couldn't care less.

Can't care less.

From the day he became the original scum, the entire Internet hated him.

He had always been blackmailing Song, but he never thought about relieving it. He kept adding to the hatred of netizens towards the original slag, and finally built a city.

To put it bluntly, I scolded him and told him to die, and his body was cut into thousands of pieces. Holding hands could circle the earth.

There are too many people who hate him.

How old are you!
This is reality, not a cool novel, or someone who can get a golden finger by saying harsh words.

Sure enough, he stayed in this world for another half a year.

It wasn't until the weather got hotter the next year that Xiao Wu's name was never mentioned again.

That day he sent Xiao Song to school and left.

Very boring.

I was pretending to be someone else's life, but as a result, I was acting someone else's life.
Double act.

Forget it, that's enough.

When he left this body, the original soul in his body woke up.

A certain Song opened his eyes.


He did not fall into a deep sleep. He knew everything that happened during this period and saw it very clearly.

In fact, I was very panicked and angry at first.

A great good thing like rebirth came to him. He wanted to use it to make a comeback and get to the top of his life, but in the end, he was cut off.

Who knows what that ghost will do with his body!
Thinking of the novels I read in the past, Harem Saga
Spicy eyes!
I really want to poke my eyes out!

But he had no idea at all. He wanted to squeeze the other person out of his body and seize control, but instead he was immobilized by some unknown trick the other party used and couldn't move at all.

I could only watch helplessly as that guy and his cheap son were a loving father and a filial son, watching him completely offend the netizens, watching him avoid being framed again and again, and then fight back easily.
What's so special!
This is a cool article!

He also gradually relaxed and watched the other party step out of the desperate situation step by step, with firm steps, and walked a road that no one had ever walked before.

Broad road!

A unique road!

You want to hack me, right? Of course I know who sent you, I know it all!

If it were him, no, it should be said that it would be anyone in the same industry, all he could do was try every means to get himself out, clarify and explain, and send a lawyer's letter. Even if there was nothing like that, he would still worry about some villain doing something small.

But that person is not afraid.

Backhand a real-name report.

The key point is that he also produced real evidence, and the evidence is as solid as a mountain!

To be honest, he also has those evidences.

They were originally collected by him after soaking in the dye vat for so many years!
But he never thought about taking it out.

It’s soaking in a dye vat, and no one knows who it is!

Who gets paid for filming dramas, who gets paid for appearing on variety shows, who pays how much, and who pays or not
He quite likes to pay attention to these.

You should definitely pay attention.

This is just like all migrant workers. Are you curious about how much your colleagues are paid?
the same.

You can also tell your status from your salary.

He never thought of using the secrets he knew as open secrets in the circle as weapons.


Fortunately, it's not too late for him to realize it now.

After doing the math, he still has a lot of weapons in stock.

He is fine, but his rival company is in dire straits, and is stuck in a tax crisis with no way out.

Reap the consequences.

He later determined that the big boss who took possession of his skin followed the counterattack and revenge style.
Not too.

Now that everything is clear, he has no intention of changing.

A venomous tongue is a venomous tongue, and a tough tongue is a tough one!

In the past, he had a gentle temper and followed a polite and elegant approach, but others thought he was easy to bully.Now, he has rebelled.

In the worst case, just retreat.

Anyway, if he is not short of money or housing now, he should retire early.

A certain Song Dynasty started the pension mode.

It doesn't matter who connotes him, it just depends on who has the leverage in his hands.

If there happens to be the other person's, that's just right.

If not, then it’s a friend in the other party’s circle or a colleague in the same company who is out of luck.

Who told you to have anything to do with each other?

If you want to blame, just blame that person.

He took action several times, and others accused him of being a mad dog and biting him. Song Song was very innocent and said, "What? What did you say? Are you talking about me? But I didn't target you. Why are you barking? You scolded me earlier." I don’t care about you at all. How generous and tolerant I am, oh, who is that? Oh, it was a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue. I have been alive for decades, and who hasn’t had a time to be frank? Besides, I You're not talking nonsense. Why haven't the facts been told yet? What? You want to sue me? Please, I'm not talking nonsense. Okay, okay, go ahead. I really don't understand. What does this have to do with you? , then no one said anything, it’s true that the emperor is not as anxious as the eunuchs, and I’m convinced.”

It doesn't matter very much.

Makes people mad.

He didn't want to tear it up himself. He would easily get angry at himself if he bothered too much. As the old saying goes, if the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind, and a dog can't bite it, then find another dog and he will watch them bite. .

I also watched the show.

Revenge was also reported.

Kill two birds with one stone.

A certain Song feels that he has the potential to be a villain. Isn't his behavior a proper villain thing?

After showing his strength several times, no one in the dyeing vat dared to mess with him.

Don't dare to provoke, don't dare to invite.

So his time was just free.

After all, no one knows when this guy will get hold of other people's secrets. The whole crew is so big that they really can't afford such an accident.

Su Qi laughed at him for ruining his good future.

He couldn't be mad.

I just bought a few scripts and started filming online dramas.

I can only shoot online dramas.

With his current reputation, no actor would be willing to come to his door if he were to film a TV series.

Another issue is cost.

He went to major colleges and universities looking for roles.

It didn't take long to find it.

It just so happens that he owns shares in an online broadcast platform, which can be regarded as keeping the money from going to outsiders.

The dramas he directed lacked routines and moisture. Every episode was filled with solid content, twists and turns and twists again. After it was broadcast, it was very popular among young people.

Mainly funny.

Feel life in a cheerful atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, he started the second part.

It's a pity that the actors who were previously poached from universities are afraid of his reputation in the circle and dare not cooperate with him anymore.

He doesn't care either.

There is no shortage of people in this world, let alone people who are looking for opportunities to get ahead.

Just spread the word, and some people will come to sign up.

Except for a certain Song who was almost sent to hell when he was 35 years old, the rest of his life was smooth sailing. Especially as he became more famous as a director, no one dared to mess with him.

Who dares!
Who knows how many people’s secrets he has held in his hands over the years!
Even those who are disrespectful and distant must be offered sacrifices.

Until his death at the age of 87.

Looking back at his life, he has made countless films, and many successful movie kings and movie queens all started with him, but most of them were at their peak when they debuted. After all, if you encounter a drama that emphasizes quality over quantity and is not watery, you are still willing to direct it. There are really too few directors.

It can be said that he is a star maker.

He made a lifetime of films and spent a lifetime in dye vats. He never got married, and his only son did not inherit his mantle, but became a garden designer.

(End of this chapter)

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