This is Tianjiacun.

A very ordinary small mountain village with Lushan Mountain at its back.

It was already very late at this time, the village was dark, and it had long since fallen into a deep sleep.


There was a soft sound, and then the wooden door was gently pushed open, and a figure came out of the house.

Under the moonlight, I saw that graceful figure. He quickly walked to the west wing, patted the door gently, and called, "Uncle..."

However, no one inside responded.

The woman bit her lip, took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in her eyes, and pushed the door.

The door opened at once.

She ducked in, turned around and closed the door. Through the moonlight, she saw that no one was at the desk. She muttered a complaint and walked quickly towards the bed.

Undressing while walking.

However, before she could get closer, something hit her head on. She only felt a pain in her forehead. She said "Ouch" and squatted on the ground, covering her head. She gasped in pain and couldn't help but scream out.


The man on the bed yelled.

The bed curtain opened, and someone jumped down from the bed, took two quick steps, kicked the other person hard, and shouted, "Bold thief! How dare you break into a private house! See if I don't turn you over to the government and jail you." Prison!"

After saying that, he kicked again.

The woman's eyes widened in disbelief. She was kicked to the ground and screamed out in pain. She covered her heart and was about to scream when she was kicked again.


Pain all over.

Especially my forehead, it hurts when I touch it, and it's so big and swollen.

This is so cruel!
"Stop...stop! Stop!"

Finally got the chance to shout.

Sure enough, the man stopped his hand and frowned, "This, this sound..."

"It's me! I'm Mrs. Zhou! I'm your eldest sister-in-law!" The woman hurriedly hid behind the table to avoid the distance.

"Sister-in-law?" The other party was surprised.

That tone didn't sound like a lie at all.

Indeed not.

Song Cai had just entered the body and felt someone sneaking into the room before he could figure out the situation.

He thought it was some little thief who stole something.


What a big deal!
He stopped, glanced at the window, and rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Sister-in-law, why are you coming here to me when you're not sleeping in the house in the middle of the night? Why can't you talk about something during the day? Even at night, you won't make a sound."

As he spoke, the oil lamp was lit.

Mrs. Zhou sat on the ground and was about to cry. She really felt very innocent.

"W-who in our house dares to barge in without eyesight!" She covered her head and glanced at her brother-in-law aggrievedly. Seeing that he had a calm expression on his face with his hands behind his back, and showed no intention of helping her, she gritted her teeth. Get up from the ground, "Uncle, why did you do such a heavy hand!"

Accused with a cry.

Song Shi was more innocent than her, "I didn't know she was sister-in-law..."

"During dinner, I clearly told my uncle to wait for me. I have something important to tell him!" she said.

Brother Ganzhe pursed his lips, "I don't know. You didn't tell me what you told Yuanzha."

"I waited for a long time, but I didn't hear my sister-in-law knocking on the door, so I thought she had gone to rest, and I wanted to talk about it tomorrow."

Who knew you would do something so shameless as sneaking into your brother-in-law's house in the middle of the night?

Ancient times, dear.

Isn't it the most important thing to pay attention to etiquette, shame, morality and etiquette?

It shouldn't be!
Are you so rebellious?
Even in modern times, uncles and sisters-in-law must avoid suspicion and keep a distance!


He spoke so righteously, as if he didn't know anything, which made Mr. Zhou not know what to say.

I could only look at him with eyes full of resentment.

Song Shi blinked, yawned, and a tear came out of the corner of his eye, "Sister-in-law, is everything okay?"

Can you read the eyes?

I've already issued an eviction order.Zhou was really annoyed now, "You idiot!"

She glared at him, turned around and limped away.

Song Shi pouted, went over to close the door and bolt it, and then walked to the desk to receive the memory.


It's probably not a serious memory.

But said there.

Mrs. Zhou limped out of the west wing and looked back at the dimly lit room. When the wind blew, she shuddered and felt sad. She hated her own fate and her brother-in-law's cruelty.

The man is dead, the brother-in-law doesn’t understand the style, and the family is poor. What hope can there be in this day!
If I had known that I would have never married into the Song family, I would have said nothing.


Who would have thought!
She pushed open the door to the east wing, ducked in, closed the door, glanced at her son who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and as if to retaliate, she stretched out two fingers and pinched his arm, causing the child to wrinkle in pain. She instinctively hid her brows, but unexpectedly this made her anxious. She directly opened her son's well-covered quilt and let him huddle up and tremble, but he never woke up.


Zhou cursed.

Still not satisfied, he hit him twice more, scolding him while beating him, "It's all your fault for your father who was stabbed a thousand times. He was running around for whatever reason. He was caught by the officer and died at the border. What will we, the orphans and widowers, do in the future?"

"He is dead. He doesn't even think about what he will do in the future when you are still so young. I am a weak woman who cannot carry anything with my shoulders or hands. How can I protect you and raise you? Your brother-in-law..."

She looked down.

Say no more.

After sitting for a long time, her beautiful face was half-dark under the dim oil lamp, and her lowered eyes could not see her expression clearly.

After a while, I blew out the light and went to sleep.

In the dream, it seemed that I was back to that evening when the sun was setting.

She remembered clearly that she was sitting in the yard sewing clothes, and the clouds in the sky were crimson, as if they had been burned by fire.

A young man from the village ran over panting and said that the village chief wanted to invite him.

She went.

The whole time I was wondering why.

When she arrived, she was told that Song Yuan was dead and that her man had died on the battlefield during an enemy attack.

She was stunned.

Apparently I sent money back half a year ago.

He also said that she should wait for him, wait for him to finish the battle, become famous and come back to pick her up on his big horse.

Pick her up and live a good life.

But why...why did he die?


Must be fake!

She doesn't believe it, she definitely doesn't believe it.

I fainted on the spot.

But Song Yuan is dead when he is dead.

The government has already issued a document and even sent the pension. Is this still false?

She couldn't help but accept it.

She was so young, she never thought that one day she would become... a widow!
She just cried to death.

After accepting this fact, not a day goes by without resenting the injustice of fate.

Especially when I saw that my brother-in-law was admitted as a scholar, his future wife would be the scholar’s ​​wife, and I...ha!

So unfair!
It's so unfair!

It's obvious that my husband provided for my brother-in-law's education, so why should other women enjoy the benefits?

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, the more she thought the fire would get bigger and bigger and would never be extinguished.

Especially when the matchmakers in the village openly and secretly said which girl was good and which girl was virtuous, she smiled on the outside, but in her heart she wanted to tear those talkative builders to pieces!

Obviously, she is also very good.

Near the water tower first get the month.

That's how it came out today.

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