Here, Song Shi also received the memory. Well, it was not much different from what he guessed.

In short, this is a story about 'after my eldest brother died in the war, I took care of his sister-in-law and nephew'.

But, it's not cozy.

Reality is far more complex than what appears on the stage.

Yuan Zha is a talented person.

He has been studying since he was a child, has good knowledge, and has a bright future. It is precisely because of this that after the news of Song Yuan's accident came back, Mrs. Zhou repeatedly rejected her mother's family's proposal to remarry and chose to stay as a widow.

Does she have deep feelings for her husband?
Maybe there is.

But death is like a light going out, and no matter how deep the feelings are, they can't withstand the reality that that person no longer exists.

She had taken a fancy to the original dregs.

Yuanzhu grew up well and was grateful for her perseverance. He also had fame and fame. He was no better than the farmers introduced by the matchmaker who were more than ten years older than her and had several ugly children who spent their entire lives digging in the soil. many?

Of course she wants to choose the best one.

She is not stupid.

Life was easy for the Song family. She was the only woman who took care of the family. From time to time, Yuan Zhi copied books in exchange for money and lived behind closed doors.


Behind closed doors.

Otherwise, if outsiders find out that they have such an illegal relationship, the woman will be dragged into the pig cage, and the man will have his crime and crime tools confiscated.


So do it secretly.

Compared with a hopeless second half of life, a moderate risk is worth it.

The more Zhou thought about it, the more feasible it became.

The more he looked at Yuan Zhi, who became more and more elegant, the more he looked down on those muddy legs and felt disgusted.

Except for Wushan, it’s not cloud.

She had a plan in mind.

Some time ago, I teased the original dregs a lot, and made the original dregs very excited.

Of course he knew this wasn't right.

But, my sister-in-law didn’t mean to look like that!
It can be said that he is a very naive child and does not understand acting at all.

He thought about avoiding it.

I was supposed to go back to the academy early tomorrow morning.

Who would have thought that during dinner tonight, Mrs. Zhou would tell him something later and ask him to wait for her.

He waited.

I feel sleepy after waiting, my head feels dizzy, it’s winter, and it’s cold.

He climbed into bed and fell asleep.

When he woke up, there was a person in his arms.

He was stunned.

When Mrs. Zhou saw him like this, she would cry and throw herself into a well, saying that she was too embarrassed to see others and that it would be better to die.

Crying gave him a headache.

Guilt, apology, irritability, fear, worry
All the emotions almost overwhelmed him.

He couldn't accept this fact at all. What had he done? His eldest brother had only died for more than a year!
Too unhuman!
But he didn't dare to report himself.

He was only seventeen and had worked hard to become a scholar. He could not ruin his reputation no matter what.

At this point, the uncooked rice has become cooked rice, and there is nothing we can do.

And Zhou didn't make any more trouble.

After a few days of silence, the family returned to their previous peaceful life.


The surface is calm.

Both parties have acquiesced in this chaotic relationship that is real and nameless and must not be humane to outsiders.

During this period, it was not like no one came to talk to Yuan Zhi.

Really, quite a lot.

Gentle, virtuous, lovely, with a rich family.
He didn't like any of them.

The euphemistic saying is that you must devote yourself to the imperial examination without any distraction.

As for the marriage, let’s wait.

They will naturally get married when he is famous on the list and his ancestors are honored.

I was speechless.

A girl who is in bloom cannot wait for you for so long!
But there was nothing I could say.

If he is a scholar, he will most likely become an official in the future, and there will be no shortage of wives at any time.

Yuan Zha is really talented.

In just a few years, he passed the imperial examination, became a Jinshi, and became a Beijing official.

Although he was only a seventh-rank petty official, he was in the capital, and for the people of Tianjia Village, he was already out of reach.

After Yuan Zhi became an official, he took over Zhou and his nephew.

Children cannot hide their words.The situation of their family is quite special. In order to prevent the family secrets from being discovered, Song Dabao was sent to the village school soon after his incident with the Zhou family. At first, he had to come back every day. Later, he became a Juren and directly I found a school for my nephew in the county. He went home every once in a month and stayed at the school every day for food and lodging.

It's the same now in Beijing.

Just one thing.

It's time for him to get married.

Yes, get married.

In the Dayue Dynasty, there were almost no men over twenty who were not yet married.

He didn't want to be too unconventional either.

After careful consideration, he gave up the daughter of an official and finally chose a girl from a wealthy businessman. The two got married in the golden autumn.

There is finally a mistress in the house.

This is not a good thing.

You know, the Song family already has a mistress.

In addition, the eldest sister-in-law is like a mother.

Mrs. Zhou couldn't understand that the wife that the original scum Ming Media was marrying was normal.

She pretended to be a mother-in-law, and was picky and strict with the original wife Qian. At first, Qian respected her husband, the eldest sister-in-law, and tolerated her a lot, but the other party did go too far.

Qian is a native of Beijing.

The family business is quite big.

She is a concubine, and it is precisely because of this status that she knows many tricks.

How could Zhou, a country woman, outplay her?

The two fought fiercely.

This lasted until Qian became pregnant.

Zhou used her physical discomfort as an excuse to hold on to the power of the family.

Ten months later, Qian died in childbirth.

Leave one son behind.

He was handed over to the Zhou family for his upbringing.

His original wife died young and he had a legitimate son. Frustrated, he announced that he would never marry again.

Of course Zhou is happy to see success.

It’s better not to tie.

There is no need for another woman in this house.

She and her brother-in-law have their own child, what could be more fulfilling than this.

Everything in Song Dynasty from now on belongs to her son.

It won’t be cheaper for anyone outside!
Zhou's idea was very good, and Yuan Zha had already accepted his fate. From the moment he and Zhou got involved, his fate was doomed.

So be it.

Anyway, he has a son.

However, who would have thought that on the day when the mighty general returned to court, he would actually see a familiar face next to the tall horse.

Song Yuan!

Song Yuan is not dead!

Seeing this, Song Shi had a look of understanding on his face.

Eldest brother and younger brother, ex-husband and current husband, two fathers of two children.
Crematorium, crematorium.

Even though Song Shi was thinking about it, he felt extremely embarrassed.

Song Yuan was a bigger official than Yuan Zha.

It's no wonder that Ms. Zhou abandoned him in the end and went to her ex-husband. It should have been her rightful husband.

A packet of poison sent away the original residue.

no way.

Their relationship is like a time bomb. The original bomb is the bomb.
No one knows about their relationship.

Only themselves.

Only the dead are the safest.

The original scum is dead.

His son also failed to survive a bout of typhoid fever and went to see the Lord of Hell.

After Mr. Zhou solved all the major worries, he turned around in the romantic circle and returned to the arms of his first wife.

She's pretty good.

When the husband was away, his brother-in-law took care of him, and his son was also taken care of. He grew up and became a man, and the man who died long ago came back.

Nothing was delayed.

Sit back and reap the rewards.

The wife is virtuous and the son is filial.

How good.

It's a pity that a promising young man turned into a tool.

They were squeezed until nothing was left.

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