From Song Shi's point of view, Yuan Zha had actually lived a very confused life. He couldn't deny his talent in reading, but in other aspects, he was really stupid.

In this case, there is no need to ask for his opinion.

Means nothing.

What's the point of talking about a fool who has a good hand of cards and can't help but die?

It's cold.

He went to the ground to pick up the bamboo pillow he had just thrown out, patted it, and felt a little regretful. Tsk, why is it not a jade pillow? It is made of bamboo. It hurts to be hit. At least it must be replaced with a wooden pillow.

Put pillows on the bed.

Keep sleeping.

It will be several years before Yuanzhao dies, and there is no need to rush now.

let it go.

Maybe one day it will turn around.


Tianjiacun woke up from a deep sleep, and smoke began to rise from each house one after another.

Aunt Tian came from the backyard with a chicken pot and glanced into the kitchen. Seeing the eldest daughter-in-law busy making breakfast, she frowned and said, "Be careful with the firewood. Don't waste it. It's hard to chop firewood in winter." , after hearing the other party's response, she walked to the yard with a curse.

As soon as I picked up the broom, I saw through the low wall that the door of the Song family next door opened, and Mrs. Zhou wearing a light blue dress with messy hair came out of the east wing.

Her eyes suddenly lit up.

What the hell is this?

It really hit her!

She just said that the Zhou family was a young widow, and the man had been dead for more than a year. No, it couldn't be calculated that way. Then Song Yuan hadn't come back for a few years, how could she hold on?
No, just let her catch her!
Just when Aunt Tian was about to see which shameless person had hooked up with Xian Jiantu, she saw Mrs. Zhou rushing towards the west wing.

West Wing?

Song Xiucai’s house?

Aunt Tian's eyes widened, no, right?
The next second, Mrs. Zhou was heard crying, "Uncle, Dabao is so hot! He is sick! What should I do! What should I do!" He shouted and knocked on the door.

Aunt Tian who is waiting to eat melon here:.
Suddenly lost interest.

whispering sound!
But she didn't leave either, and continued to stand in her yard and watch the fun.

Zhou's eyes were red from crying.

She hadn't gotten up yet this morning, so she touched the side and felt a hot hand.

It was so hot that she sat up instantly.

Look aside.

His face turned pale with fright.

I saw that my son's little face was burning red, his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.

He was only wearing a thin layer of clothes, and there was no quilt covering him. It was so cold in the winter, so he spent the whole night in the cold.

It would be strange not to have a fever.

Zhou bit her lip when she thought of a quilt wrapped tightly around her body when she woke up this morning, feeling guilty and scared.


I was choked with sobs and couldn't speak.

she shouted, she was about to collapse!
The door opens soon.

Song Shi had already put on his cotton-padded clothes and frowned, "What's going on?"

I asked as I walked towards the east wing.

Mrs. Zhou wiped away her tears, "I, I don't know. As soon as I woke up, I felt that his whole body was frighteningly hot."

Don't let anything slip!

While talking, the two of them arrived in the east chamber.

The door was wide open.

The cold early morning air poured into the house, making it feel chilly inside.

The child on the bed was lying in thin clothes, with the quilt thrown aside.

Song Shi turned around and glared at Mr. Zhou fiercely.

Zhou was startled.

He took two steps back, his eyes filled with tears, "I, I forgot"

Song Shi had no intention of listening to her sophistry.

He stepped forward, wrapped the child up with the quilt, and ran outside.

Zhou's heart skipped a beat.

Hurry up and follow.Sister-in-law Tian curled her lips as she watched the two of them hurried out one after the other. Who would believe that a man and a woman living together under the same roof had nothing to do.

Even if it doesn’t happen now, who can say for sure in the future?

Song Er is a scholar. With such a big piece of fat in front of you, whoever doesn't scoop it into his own bowl would be a fool!
“Mom, it’s time to eat”

Aunt Tian looked back and glared, "Hurry, hurry! Come right now!"

It’s not like dragon liver and phoenix tail, so there’s nothing to look forward to.

the other side.

Song Shi took his cheap nephew and went directly to the village to borrow an ox cart and went to the town.

Of course there is a doctor in the village.

But the doctor's medical skills could only cure a few minor illnesses, and he was worried about risking his life to cause trouble to him.

Adults are bad.

What could a child do wrong?

In the cane world, cane babies are forgiven no matter what they do.

Mrs. Zhou wanted to explain something, but when she saw her uncle's dark expression, she didn't dare to say anything.

If the child sleeps with her and the child gets sick, then she, the mother, is solely responsible, not to mention, it is her responsibility in the first place.

Thinking of this, Ms. Zhou bit her lip. Last night, she was still impulsive.

But you can't blame her.

Who called——

She looked at her brother-in-law with a look of resentment and tears, blaming this man for not knowing how to be charming!
Song Shi didn't know she had so much inner drama.

The bullock cart drove for more than half an hour before reaching the hospital. He jumped out of the car with the child in his arms and rushed inside.

The doctor was sitting at the desk reading medical books. He was startled by the movement. He was about to scold him when he looked up and saw a young man coming in with a young child in his arms.

His face was anxious.

The man was seventeen or eighteen years old, with handsome appearance, gentle and elegant, and his frown showed a bit of majesty.

"This Song Xiucai, what's going on?"

The doctor obviously knew Yuan Zhi.

Of course, as one of the few talented people in the town and young, no one in the ten villages did not know him.

Scholars are always curious.

Song Shi's face was expressionless, "My nephew is sick, please ask Dr. Wang to take a look at him."

Doctor Wang rushed forward upon hearing this.

Song Dabao was already unconscious.

He looked at his face and then opened his eyelids to observe.

Finally, he placed a hand on his wrist to check his pulse with a serious look.

Song Shi watched the doctor's face turn pale and dark, until finally he sighed and shook his head, "The child is suffering from cold."

Song Shi: "."

Damn it. I didn’t know it was wind-cold?

So you worked hard for a long time and came up with such an obvious result?

Is it a trap?

"Please ask the doctor to save my nephew's life."

Doctor Wang still shook his head, "The wind and cold have entered the body, and it's winter again. It's hard to treat!"

"Doctor, please think of a way! My son is still so young, he is only five years old! My husband is gone, and he only has this one root left. If...if that happens, I won't be able to live anymore! How can I have the face to see him? Him! Even if I die, I won't be able to see the ancestors of the Song family!" Mrs. Zhou cried so hard that she could hardly stand still.

Doctor Wang was in a dilemma.

With hesitation on his face.

Song Shi bowed to him very sincerely, "Please doctor, please save my nephew's life. Just prescribe good medicine and don't let him become a fool."

The eldest grandson of the old Song family is a big fool who makes people laugh whenever he tells it.

Zhou's eyes widened, "Silly idiot?"

Song Shi glanced at her and said, "Sister-in-law, even adults can't bear the cold. How can Dabao, a [-]-year-old child, bear it? It's a blessing among misfortunes to be able to save his life. It's better to become a fool than to die of illness."

Zhou was dumbfounded now.

She... She just felt unhappy and wanted revenge. She really didn't want to hurt her son.

She gave birth to Dabao, her biological child, and turned into a fool. What hope does she have for the rest of her life?
Doctor Wang frowned, "The wind and cold are coming fiercely this time, and I can't guarantee that he can be cured. To be on the safe side, Song Xiucai should send the child to the county hospital."

Whether it's to save your life or not be stupid, it's the better choice.

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